Individual item drop.. Separate Cha-Am Inventory... It is no longer Diablo 2

oh sweet shared drops… all this means is the pub bot gets the gg loot. but to each their own… ohh wait you don’t want that… lol your silly. you want to fight over a ber or a jah dropping and the noob your running .who has no idea what to do with it. takes it and leaves game to hide this great item you deserve… naw d3 got the drops right. however the fact we can’t share them sucks…imo

Personal loot is just who the item drops for. It does not mean bound to account. Therefore, if you get a good personal drop, you can give it to a family member or friend or trade it a stranger.

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let us hope your words are correct.

Trading and personal loot are distinct. If you recall early D3, all items were tradeable/auction house-able. It had personal loot. Later, Blizzard decided to restrict trading for legendaries specifically to a 2 hour trade window where items were only tradeable to players in the party when the item dropped.

The issue with free trading is that it leads often to chat spamming, account hacking, and real money transactions. D2 had free trading and I can not imagine that changing.

Just agree with u 100%