Individual item drop.. Separate Cha-Am Inventory... It is no longer Diablo 2

yeah i mostly sit here and laugh at them, sometime taking their answers and flip the words to show how small of an argument it is.

With personal loot that is gonna happen. Leechers like you come to games and just following the 1 or 2 players who knows something from the game and having free loot. And maybe you are nobody here to tell me to stay out of here.


leechers like me? funny you know how i play, but you dont have to worry about that :slight_smile:

the funny part is, like my brother who has never played d2 but pre ordered this have the same voting power as you guys.

i dont know who you are, maybe you get carried around all the time, who knows

Who told you that Blizz gonna ask anybody from personal loot? I havent seen anything where Blizz told they consider personal loot implantation. Only in your wild dreams.

Well still you want personal loot not hard to imagine why.

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who said i meant only personal loot? there is a ton of changes id like to see and they have asked for feedback.

shared loot is the ultimate leech system, you have not put anything of value on here

i also never said you meant only personal loot.

FFA: boss killed, loot drops on the ground and everybody can get what want.
Personal loot: boss killed and then rng decide who is getting loot. And the leecher who just waited for tp in town or just hiding at pillars gets the samechance for loot. This is the ultimate leech system.

In FFA i have chance to grab loot before leecher. In personal loot the rng can still side with leechers.


in FFA a leecher can get 100% of the drop, in personal he cant.

may i ask you, how would an option before creating a game to have personal or ffa loot hurt you? if you dont like personal loot, fine you can play like “normal”.
for us who dont, great we can play with people alike, and if it really is a problem with more leechers, then that would only hurt us who play personal, right?

Leechers are always slow and dumb. Never had big problem with that.

Its need then seperate realm. Most of the purist dont want to be part of the personal loot economy.

Yes on a seperate realm you can do thesame thing then.

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the purists is not a big problem in regards to this since they are few compared to the rest, if by purist we talk about the ones who would haver a problem with this option.

But to be real, no it would not. since you would not be bothered with a personal loot game if you dont want to. there would not be more loot in a personal then shared. so you would not have to split these two, if they “dont want to be bothered” with those people, the best thing that could happen is an option, otherwise they are stuck together all the time?

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Your allegation is based on a community on reddit that was established purely for the exchange of excessive mutual praise. The rest of your post(s) are laced with disinformation and attempts to induce assertions in place of the development team. Their announcement at BlizzConline and their Deep Dive videos are what they’ve used to advertise the game with so far, and it was immediately thereafter that they made the game available for purchase. False advertisement is prohibited by law, and yet you’re implying that they can and will make D2R into another game post sale without having to face legal repercussion.

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For me its rly interesting why you want personal loott but also why you want to play together with far better players who can get anything on they own. But i think i know the answer xDDDDD

no my “allegations” is based on real life experience, where i have a tons of people around me who likes diablo, who plays diablo and who used to play diablo.
it also comes from reddit where a ton of people who likes diablo hang around.
it also comes from these forums where obv a ton of people who likes diablo around.

What information do you have that counter my views on this game and what others like?

“xDDDDD” are you stuck in pre school?
personally i play around in solo and with friends for the most part, should not take this bait but you have not contributed with anything of value here yet, just some jibberish my final thoughts are you have nothing real to argue with. good luck with the refund :slight_smile:

The discussion about leechers is more complex.

In D3, there is the powerleveling community where a generous player will invite the junior into their T6 game. The generous player will get less drops and xp by doing this but he is being helpful to that player who wants to be powerleveled.

Consider D2. What is the advantage the senior player gets from having leechers. It could be that they are generous.

However, the motivation can be far more self-serving. If that senior player can carry the content whether it a 1 player game versus 8 player game (where monster hp goes up 450%), the senior player get 450% of the xp in comparison to a solo game. The extra players also mean that the “no drop” chance is decreased, resulting in far more total drops than a solo player gam. The number that I have seen is 6X.

So the carrying player is essentially benefiting from having other players to get 450% more xp and 6X total drops. For an equivalent solo game with 100 total drops, the 8 person multiplayer game gets 600 drops. 500 of these drops would not have occurred otherwise without the extra players.

Cus i’m laughing hard? OK.

Aha but you still want personal loot if you play solo or with your friends? You dont trust them? This alone proves you want the purists to be around to do the work for you noobs and enjoy personal loot. But you can also play togher with MicroRNA who is also a big expert of the game. Who also “mostly plays solo”.

Still nobody told that personal loot is ever coming. Keep dreaming.


There is nothing wrong with balancing some aspects, I personally would also like if they made all the merc viable and not just act2 mercs. But personal loot and a bigger inventory/stash/charm inventory objectively turns D2 into another game entirely.

Balancing some long standing issues heck even bugs is not a problem for many of us, but tinkering with core mechanics and intended limitations in the form of inventory management and loot distribution when in MP surely is.

I have better things to do than “fight the good fight” and trying to preserve as much as possible of what made D2 so unique and brilliant. Balance patches like the one I mentioned with the mercs I can get behind, but count me and (I presume) a lot of others out if you simply start turning this into Project D2 with better visuals.


…you are trying to shove two topics together that are completely different.

personal loot, is a horrible idea and would drastically change the game, fundamentally changing how loot drops function, how leveling runs with be done, and completely altering how players interact with one another and how the game is played in a party

actually being able to pick up items with a 4x10 space filled with charms…
that’s a QOL change much smaller than shared stash. and astronomically smaller than “autogold pickup” and has no affect on balance at all, just qol.

the fact you are trying to shove these together… yeah…

i have a hard time believing you know what you are talking about and u just want upvotes for w/e reason

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Wrong. Shared stash is a practical fix for muling. Not having the ability to have full inventory of charms AND still pick up items is an intended trade off between power and convenience.


What’s complete about your game ??? More people play mods then v 1.14 ???

Do you really care if ppl just follow and pick up items they do this anyway lol!! I mean how many people just stand so nothing for hours getting free exp boo hooooo???

Class balance is not a thing at all I mean rofl how many threads opening week are going to expose how awful class balance truly is???

Can’t be a complete game if you know class balance is a major major issue

You don’t know how loot works because of bots and dupes so how can you give a legit or honest opinion on something that can be explained due to massive cheating IE bots and dupes and shorter ladder seasons???

More people will play d2R with personal loot so if you leave who cares you have your old broken game it’ll be there for you or you’ll play project Diablo or some other mod that is superior to 1.14

With out an end game how long will people stick around a week maybe two??? How many people will return the game for the following reasons personal loot , class balance , lack of end game ohh and my favorite I did my 200-1000 meph , Diablo , chaos etc runs and found nothing this game is out dated and broken I can’t even farm with friends or public games super super toxic!!!

D2R and d3 will be the most returned games in history then you’ll have your broken dead game wiry new graphics and you’ll be the laughing stock and internet boomer meme lol

Solution we banish you guys to your own prison your own private forum and ladder you get your classic perfect 1.14 game and the millions of us will get a QOL your hAppy were happy and we don’t ever have to one another so let’s shake on it and move on

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I think you’ll live lol. When you think about it, you get the same RNG of drops. the only difference is you won’t have people taking items before you like some archaic competition. With the loot system changed in this way, every single item you failed to get otherwise in the past due to bots farming in parties or that lucky person taking it over you will now be yours without having the nerves getting to you before the drop occurs. This really is just RNG talk at this point and most new players wouldn’t even be doing what y’all are suggesting. Can’t please everyone though.

The way I’m sure the majority of the community sees it, y’all are just looking for something to cry about.