Individual item drop.. Separate Cha-Am Inventory... It is no longer Diablo 2

How exactly? The moment they start fiddling with ideas like increased inventory and charm inventory is the moment this no longer is D2, and may as well be a fanmade mod project like Project Diablo 2. The QoL change VV have implemented thus far are night perfect, in fact I would have been happy with the visual upgrade alone.


it will be d2 no matter what they do, everything can not be like you want man.
is it the same d2 with the new graphics? is it the same d2 with auto gold pick up ? yes it is, would it be the same d2 experience by having personal loot as an option? yes it would. will it be d2 with balances to skills? yes it will.

There is NOTHING saying a game is too old for patches, when did respecc happen in d2? i believe it got patched in around 2009/10 right? did diablo 2 stop being diablo 2 at that point?

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Some people feel that way. You are entitled to that opinion. I would wager that the vast majority wanted more. For example, the idea of a shared stash was likely favored by almost all who wanted D2R. Audio upgrades the same. Auto-gold pickup may be a little less such as the vast majority (instead of almost all). Needless to say, the developers already realize that the vast majority of D2 players want change but they were clever in that most of these changes (not all) can be toggled on/off.

This is not true. D2 is not immutable. What is the real D2? Is it patch 1.09 or patch 1.14? Both are D2 but the game is quite different.

See: the Ship of Theseus Philosophical question.

Strawman, the token of absolution does not change game balancing or how you play the game. It simply gives the player the choice to respec after acquiring certain items from bosses that are not a guaranteed drop.

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Having a respec option did change how I played the game.


Stash space was an issue, hence muling. Which is why it is a welcome change in D2R.

You probably lose that wager.

No it didn’t you still had to commit to a build until you could efficiently farm bosses for essences.

lol you are just grasping for stuffs to defend yourself.

If they patched diablo 2 right now to have bigger inventory or balance changes, would it still not be diablo?

There was a reddit poll with nearly 1,000 respondents (971 to be exact). Although this poll has significant sampling bias, the poll asked:

“Would you like to see new patches with rebalancing and new content in D2 Ressurected ?” Yes or no.

~84% voted yes for rebalancing and new content.

New Patches in Diablo 2 Ressurected. : Diablo (

Another poll with 25 questions and more than 4,000 respondent will be released in the coming week. This will also inform.

It did change how I played the game. That is an undeniable fact. I despised the fact that respecs were not allowed initially.

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Irony can be bittersweet.

and no i dont think he would, speaking to people IRL, not a single one would be against personal loot and bigger inventory.

Reading forums here and reddit i see a VAST majority that wants these changes.

Speaking to people in-game almost everyone ive stumbled on so far would be for changes aswell.

where are all those who dont? the same 10 people who spam everywhere to not change?

Biased poll means absolutely nothing. Reddit is and will always be an echo-chamber for those who inhabit it. I am die hard Diablo fan, never went to Reddit, and I am certain I am not the only one.

Correction, it is the vocal minority.

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I mentioned it was biased. The question is which way? I suspect it is biased with an overrepresentation of the “no change” voices in comparison to an unbiased sample. Therefore, it would be far more than 84% in favor.

but you are on this forum? it does not matter what forum people use, just look at the likes and post over here. your part is in the minority based on that. i dont think you are much more of a fan then anyone around here, or people off forums that play.

correction again, you are in the loud vocal minority, just take a look around.
and what do you think about all those players who got sick and tired of the “old playstyle” diablo 2 has and now will return to d2r? they will most likely to a 99% chance be for a lot of new changes that modern game has.

i really hope you will be able to refund when you realise D2R will not be exactly like D2. (in a good way)

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Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

Keep telling yourself. On the worst scene there gonna be a realm for purists and another for noobs.

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so are you a noob purist or a normal person?

Well you want easier loot so the noob here is you. You can keep out your liberal agenda out of forums.


why is it easier loot? aint it easier to just follow some dude and being able to get 100% of the goodies? maybe you should stay out of here.

Let’s keep the conversation civil. Don’t take the bait.