Individual item drop.. Separate Cha-Am Inventory... It is no longer Diablo 2

They also said don’t you have phones and that’s was a disaster.

Dig deeper. D4 is for new audience, D2R is to recover reputation losses. They will make it for oldskool hardcore gamers mainly, 100%.

Any changes like charm inventory, built-in maphack, 4 buttons for casting, personal loot, will not bring really big new audience in D2R, no way this happens. Even with all this changes for most gamers who were born after 2000 - this will be old, complex and boring isometric game without world bosses, simple quests, open world, mounts, raid-dungeons and other stuff that is popular now. Even with new graphics.

So there is no point doing this changes, some people asking for. They will drop hardcore oldskhool gamers once again, and will not gather big new audience with it, just some people who play mods now, maybe part of gamers who play original d2 and ok with changes. It will be just wasting money for them, just accept it. D2 will never be as popular as it was 20 years before.

Thats why only viable strategy from my point of view (I dont think anybody can really know why they do it, their intentions and plans. They are too complex for us, we see it from players perspective. Thats why I mension that this is MY point of view) is to make game for old people and recover reputation, increasing chances of them bying D4. What is D4 as they told us? More D2 then D3. And maybe some of us, old gamers with fat wallets, will go to D4 after D2R.

Im myself already thinking about buying D4 after they announced D2R, but before this announce it was really big NO for me.

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I don’t get the “connection” here.

Anyways: Diablo Immortal was never meant for the PC gamer audience.
It is 100% tailored around the Asian (mainly Chinese) mobile game market.

They don’t care if it tops or flops in the western countries, because they will make up a very small % of the target audience anyways.

I consider myself an oldschool Diablo hardcore gamer and I would love to see a lot of QoL changes and maybe even balance changes.

D2 is so good, that you can easily see over a lot of unnecessary inconveniences and flaws. But that doesn’t mean at all, that they should not be fixed for the upcoming remaster.


They care. Because of investments and stock prices. After Blizzcon 2018, where DI was announced, their stock prices went down dramatically, x2 times. It took nearly 2 years to recover.

And I would like them to keep game as it is. We both will buy game if they will let it be as it is (and d4 also, big chance). If they change it - only you will buy it.

And I think this is just preparations for D4 release. D2R budget is sooo tiny compared to D4, that this is legit strategy for them - boost their reputation amongst old gamers, let them have this little treat, and say after some time that if you want more QoL - just buy D4 too!

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lol personal loot is not why d3 failed and has it really failed?
but on to this, Personal loot was one of the best features d3 and other ARPG games have done. that is one of the things i and MANY MANY more have always wanted for this game.

you have people on shared loot just running after the pack and looting without doing a thing, and this person can get 100% of the loot, instead of 1/8 like on personal.
there is a situation where someone who has played 500 hours and still trying to get that high rune because someone always loot it faster. that is not right, you should not fight a click simulating game with others for drops.

Most d2 classic users, including me, will be playing more with personal loot.
im wery sure you are in a minority based on feedback.

false again, Project diablo 2 have got twice the inventory of og d2 and its better then ever. charms only works in half of it so you wont have twice the active charms, and now you can actually pick a item and have a few spare potions in your inventory without going TP every 3 minute. without d2´s items and its farm for them it would be dead long before any other features in this game.
the inventory has always been to small especially with charms, this i think, based on feedback and real life experience with others is with a vast majority of people.

Diablo 2 is a complete game indeed, you can play that for another 20 years if you like. most of us cheered on diablo 2 resurrected because now we finaly have a chance to get more changes and improvements to the great game it already is.
there is a reason why so many more plays with mods.
The fans who still play want changes, the new fans will want changes, and the old returning fans will want changes aswell.
You are not the only fan who have been waiting for 20 years, get off your high horse mate.

thats how diablo2R succeds for a wery limited part of the community, if they truly want it to be a succes they will need to do more.


i think you ara the random kid here, the devs clearly stated they are WERY open to do changes and they already have a bunch of ideas they just want the feedback on it. by their own words.

and based on feedback around here and other places, the voices for change is HUGE compared to your part.

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I think they measure success for D2R in something else then nuber of copies sold. I think thats reputation improvement and ald fans returned to blizzard games. I left all their games after 2018, that DI announce was a personal insult for me. Now Im back and ready to buy their new products (if they will make D2R as it supposed to be).

Uh you realise PD2, POD and plugy, all those players wants changes right? NO one of those thousands would play a mod if they would not like changes.

you just comfirmed yourself there is a huge amount of players wanting a change? im playing project diablo 2 right now, and i would love if blizzard made personal loot and bigger stash.


if you left blizzard because they announced another diablo project, maybe you should accept that your not a fan and leave.
i think they measure success by how popular it will be, and by having no changes the game will die off pretty quick to the same playerbase that has stuck around on full time, instead of expanding to the ones who left and new comers.

ive been playing on and off for 20 years, recently more active with Project diablo 2 and Resurrected will be a big hit if they really do the changes people want, not keep the trash that some few has been stuck on.

I hate to break it to you, but Blizzard stock prices did not go down because of D:I.
They went down because of the lower expected revenue.

Investors don’t care if the BlizzCon audience liked D:I or not.
They know that those people aren’t the target audience.

And you just ignored the largest part of the target audience:
People who haven’t played D2 at all.

The people who won’t buy D2:R if it gets a toggleable charm inventory are probably a much smaller number than you expect.

For the overall success of D2:R it would be much worse if the newly added target audience is drawn away by a lack of modernization and QoL improvements.

It would actually hurt D4 if D2:R gets bad ratings by new players due to a simple lack of convenience updates.

It makes absolutely no sense trying to put D2:R under “monument protection”.
If it’s that what you want, then you already got it with the current D2.


I am very careful in discussing sampling bias in relation to internet polls; however, it will be interesting to see what thousands of potential players want in D2R.

Also, I realize that the software allows you to quote another and then edit the quote. You acknowledged that you edited it. Personally, I do not do edit someone else’s post.

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the people who dont want any changes beside graphics are for sure not in the majority, that is wery clear and you should accept it. its not wrong to love your 20 old game, but it has some big flaws and will be a great hit if those are fixed. there is a reason all those mods are so big, the players who are on OG d2 and want not a single change is such a small % of the playerbase


People crying out for changes like these have no credibility.

  • Why don’t we remove inventory limit? Now we can be even more efficient!
  • Why don’t we have a massive charm inventory? More efficiency!
  • Why can’t all skills be equal in power? More efficiency!

What people don’t understand is that efficiency only applies when you have a strict set of rules you abide by that limits on your potential power output, being efficient is being able to optimize within limitations to make the best of what you got, and not have an abundance of resources handed to you without having to make any decisions or sacrifices.

I am telling you, not everyone is carved out to be a game designer/developer and it truly shows in almost every forum you look at. For every good suggestion you will find a dozens of bad ones.


and i just found one of the bad right here

There are plenty of fun games, no one is forcing you to play D2.

who said anything about force? no one is forcing you to buy D2R, you can stick to the same old d2 for another 20 year?
im currently playing D2 as we speak, by will, shocking right? but im over at Project diablo 2 having a blast with some much needed changes. if im not wrong there is more people over here then on original game right?


ah yes, the original diablo 2 that had you running with empty 4x10 while at full potential power level, was a bad design by bad developers obviously. The guru has spoken. Show us the way.

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It is clear that D2R players have divergent ideas about what optional changes should be selectable in the game. The “no change” and let’s improve the game both can make arguments for and against.

The idea that players who are not D2 purists should not play D2R and just go play another game if they want changes is frankly a weak arguments as is the argument that D2 purists should simply stick to D2 and not play D2R.

Blizzard is trying to accommodate both player types. That is good game design in my opinion in relation to D2R and its playerbase broadly,


By all means continue enjoying PD2!

Indeed, and shockingly asking the player to make a sacrifice if even more power is to be gained from having charms occupy that inventory space of 4x10. The way was shown 20 years ago when LoD came out.

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by all means continue playing og d2!

You realise d2r is a like a mod right? it already got changes, and it will get more no matter what you say on here.

what changes are enough? if i cry here that the graphics is too much should they go back to 2d then?

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