I'm soooo bored, when does the season start again?

Not a good thing when it comes to the forum :clown_face:

Whoa who whoaaaa just talk about wanting to play and being excited for season to start and the bullies come to bully you. Literally real life Tunnel Snakes ensuring the forums arent for everybody unless you join them.

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Go do it. What could it hurt?

Certainly it’s better than posting pointless drivel here?

If you were a real member of Mensa I doubt you would be ‘bored’ with less than a week downtime of Diablo 3, which you quit long ago.


No mensa member would have ‘literally nothing to do’.

Why not tell the truth and let all of us know you were lying?

But if he does we can’t dunk on him and he won’t get banned anymore.

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Yes, possibly. It depends on how the backend databse is configured and how quickly it can sync globally for things like a leaderboard.

And, maybe, last moment changes that are unannounced.

Why haven’t you done that yet? Game’s free. Just shut up and play it.

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You’d figure a “MENSA” member sucharita as himself would have mastered PoE by now.

That and not everyone who plays follows the news daily so they may be giving time for everyone to be prepared.

Best comment today, for you :point_right: :beer:

i think the rest of the real d3 community can clearly see the people trolling in this thread who play every season for 5 days and then quit and spend the rest of their time trolling the rest of us real players. these trolls obviously dont care if the season starts or not.

Let me correct your post:

I think the rest of the real d3 community can clearly see the people trolling in this thread who quit every season and spend the rest of their time trolling the forums.”


gosh, you’re such a troll. is it really hard to read? i at least new a week ago the season starts the 15th. btw, you will never get green text. your reputation, or lack thereof, follows you.

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Well, if you didn’t quit S25 like 11 weeks ago, you wouldn’t have so much down time.



blame blizzard for not keeping the season fair

So why the hell did you buy the game?

D2 has been bot infested since the start.
WOW has been bot infested since the start.
D3V was bot infested since the start.

Why would ROS change that when LB’s were added? and knowing all this, why the hell did you buy 35 copies of the game?

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Joke’s on you, I play nonseason on console.

The only troll in the thread is the forum :clown_face: .

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That’s not likely.

Yeah, my reaction too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Relax, it won’t happen.



I remember when I had been recommended a long time ago for MVP. I laughed then. I was like… No…

Thing is now, the program no longer is adding any or functioning. The only reason there are a few remaining like MissCheetah, is because those few are actually still helpful and contribute.

WyomingMist for example does a lot of tech stuff for various games, and MissCheetah is primarily a WoW forum poster with a few ties here and gives a lot of good info.

I think between those two and a few others, that’s it. I never wanted it, because I knew what kind of crap they all had to put up with.

Too many players think they are part of the Blizzard team all the time when in reality they aren’t.

I have ran forums before, used to oversee a 60k+ member forum back in 2005. The website is now gone, as the fad had ended, but at the time it was quite popular. Especially with the backing of WB during the TWT we were hosting then. It was a lot of fun for the members though. But times change fast.

Those who know what it is, will remember it or find history of it. And yes, I was the director of the site for about a year and a half.

Anyway. After that shoe, I don’t need to be green or otherwise. lol

Game on people.

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WyomingMist is in the Tech/CS MVP program and came into it primarily from Overwatch.

I started as Tech/CS MVP as well, primary as D3. TS/CS folks tend to cross game help. I became a Community D3 MVP and eventually a WoW Community MVP…and now a WoW Community Council person.

Diablo is my first love. I am the only one left of the MVPs for Diablo and the program is closed. There is currently not one so you are right, there won’t be new members under the current structure. I have no idea if they will try to do an MVP program for D4 or not. They do not for any modern Blizz game. Only WoW still has an active Community MVP program and the last invites were 2018. SC and Diablo are dormant. The rest never had one.

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