What if …
You stop trying to change the game with nonsenses ?
Nerf teleport ? rofl
The sh*t storm if it happend. Bigger than a hurricane
What if …
You stop trying to change the game with nonsenses ?
Nerf teleport ? rofl
The sh*t storm if it happend. Bigger than a hurricane
Thousands of posts in support of ploot. All trying to force something into the game that isn’t there, and may never be there.
Who is the aggrieved party here?
It would have been a lot less post if not for the constant ignorance and excuses against ploot by the purists.
Man what a baby. XD
Ploot is great it removes cheaters, leechers, and improves the community all at the same time. The real question is why should FFA loot even be an option in the game?
Go play d3 or wait for d4
D2 is ffa, thanks.
And stop flooding forum with nonsenses like “nerf teleport, remove enigma”
As much as you want to pretend like it’s a dead issue, it isn’t. I don’t think it will actually happen, but it’s not off the table.
The fact you are so in fear of it being a discussion leads me to think people who are so die hard against it as an option are the same guys running pick-it.
Furthermore, this post is spam as there are already tons of posts on the same exact topic.
Coming from someone claiming to speak on behalf of the majority of plooters - the only ignorant person here is you. Yikes at your delusions of grandeur.
Find one post of me saying anything regarding nerfing Enigma or teleport.
Then, be less ignorant.
I never claimed to speak on behalf of anyone. I’m just trying to help you be less ignorant.
My bad, wrong topic
But even, stop asking Ploot. Because we all know, you’ll ask for increase loot, or even worst, loot allocation because you litterally will have 0-1 item/run in a 8 players game.
It will kill the game.
Resorting to lying now, too?
Don’t backpedal - you can’t escape your own posts.
Stop telling other people they shouldn’t ask for options that won’t effect you. You’re going to end up looking like Arist making 100 posts because he didn’t like how a word was used when you have no valid
arguments left.
Dude, there is tons of arguments against Ploot.
Ffa is part of the charm of Diablo2, when everybody see the same drops, and everybody running/teleport and try to get the items. It’s the charm.
And what about Ploot ? you see 1/8 of the items, so almost nothing. Nothing to talk about, no good pressure when a good item drop on the floor, the pleasure you have to get it.
Worst : timed allocation, so everybody wait 5seconds before moving their screen.
And the worst of the worst thing : Account bound items will be next.
No more trade, no more fun with ffa, everybody found their 10 hr’s / run and D2r become a D3like where you are full stuff in about 3 days.
Diablo 2 is FFA, diablo2 is hard, no mercy.
Do not change the core of the game.
Then lay them out. Give a good argument against the ploot that’s been suggest here rather than say there are tons of arguments. Most of the arguments I’ve seen are based on assumptions and bad math.
Which is why it’s being suggested it be placed on a toggle. If this is part of what endeared you to the game, you should be able to play it that way.
You see all drops. They are just allocated to a player to pick up in a given time before becoming FAA.
Ploot isn’t account bound loot. Nothing will change trading.
It’s a video game, not a gang fight. There’s nothing “hard” or “tough” about it.
Indeed, which looks like this:
lol this a necro’d thread
TL DR : “game too hard, please help me, i want items to be stronk too, too hard to press Alt”
No point to argue against plootadvocates.
Toggle mode will only make everygame “Ploot”, why? because everybody will choose the easy way.
Diablo2 is ffa, diablo2 is hard, and have no mercy.
There is no real ‘argument’. They are trying to ‘force’ an option into the game by making grandiose claims about how many players they speak for (lol), and that it’s just ‘options’.
A very transparent tactic - one that is easy to put in its proper place.
What did Rhykker say about it?
If you didnt notice, you are in D2R forums, not in legacy d2 forums so how, just because they is so many bots on d2 servers doesnt mean they will be on d2r servers.
If you dont join bot games, chance that cheater will pick up items with cheat in your game is pretty low.
Don’t worry that guy’s job is basically to troll people on this forum.