The timer could be set to a couple of seconds. That seems like it would be enough.
That doesnt make it personal loot.
But it would be a decent compromise to have Timed Allocation Loot as a toggle only in private games.
It seems like a fair amount of anti-Plooters would be okay with that.
Alternatively, only in non-ladder. Also some who would be more happy with that.
I still would’ve loved for D2 to encourage multiplayer a little more by having a way where you wouldn’t have those that wouldn’t contribute to the party’s effort. Those ones using click bots to pick up the gear faster than what a human being can do. Then those getting ganked by those that are much higher level and way better geared.
Having private games or games only with others you know well that won’t do that sort of stuff is a solution. But not the one that says open multiplayer is for everyone. No, it is only for everyone that doesn’t mind those things.
Queremos uma forma de chance de saque justo no modo multiplayer, não estamos sugerindo jogo privado, não estamos sugerindo jogar Diablo 3 ou muito menos esperar Diablo 4.
Pedimos ploot em D2R para jogos em grupo.
I wonder if there are enough people like you around will the pace of progress slow down to allow you to join us in the present… before we move into the future
What if BIS gear was all bind on pickup?
Where are all the typical purists raking this guy over the coals for yet another ploot thread? It seems they only care if it’s pro-ploot.
Typical ignorant reply. No real argument, no real points… just the standard purist vitriol.
Why not put your efforts towards making sure changes are put on a toggle to allow you to continue to play how you like rather than try to shut down changes all together?
No. Just no. Stop it. That’s worse than ploot.
Coming from the person who can’t distinguish between “forcing change” and “resisting change”, that’s rich.
Coming from someone that can’t seem to grasp why the word “forcing” was used even though it’s been explained several times, that’s rich.
Coming from someone more focused on demagoguery and victimhood in each and every post, that’s rich.
It probably would look like that to someone who jumped in mid conversation in and made an ignorance based assumption.
What an apt description of your thread, and its premise.
Feel free to explain why? Give us all a good example on why you think it a bad idea to give people the option of auto allocated loot and FFA loot.
Show us all that you have more to offer than your willful ignorant opinion on how the word “forced” was used.
I mean, if you’re incapable of understanding basic phrases like “forcing X” or “forcing X to Y”, I’m not confident that you’d understand my explanation on this subject.
Better to start teaching you with these basic principles - though they are beginning to feel like an exercise in futility.
That’s what I thought. You have nothing other than juvenile troll replies. All tantrum, no substance.
I’m not confident you’re capable of much “thought”, since you resort to grandiose claims like “most of” or “forcing” or other forms of hyperbole or demagoguery to try to make your “points”.
Says the guy with nothing to offer except throwing a tantrum because someone used a word in a manner than he doesn’t like.
Says the guy with an entire thread dedicated to crying about the current status quo of D2R.
Says the guy who replied over and over because “forced” hurt his feelings.