The function to add personal loot already exists - put a password on your game
You can toggle putting a password on if you want.
Changes shouldn’t be made to the game for the kind of people who want be hanging around post first season.
The function to add personal loot already exists - put a password on your game
You can toggle putting a password on if you want.
Changes shouldn’t be made to the game for the kind of people who want be hanging around post first season.
They have already said that personal loot is something they aren’t bringing to the game, however Rod Fergusson did say on Twitter it is something they are “discussing”.
I tried linking the twitter posts, but I can’t find them now for some reason. Did he remove the posts due to too much drama generation? I did see he has a relatively recent post about him blocking people for the “lazy” insult.
Edit: I found them. I hate Twitter.
So your solution on how players can get a fair opportunity to get loot against cheaters in public multiplayer games is to play alone if they don’t have any friends in the game. Ok.
Okay but what if I want timed random-assigned loot, and to play in a public game?
Um, well it’s not something in D2:R… So I guess uhhmmm…
You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime you find, you get what you need.
Oh. Well that’s why people are talking about adding it to the game. The fact that it is not a feature right now is not an argument against adding it.
I want timed random assigned loot in my private game too so I can’t pick all the good items and leave game before I have a chance to see what dropped.
So setting the allotted time to i.e. 10 seconds would be too long for you to pick up items before you quit the game?
Once again your advocating for an anti cheat.
At the end of the day if you don’t get gear its ok.
Just because they are faster, it doesn’t make them a cheater.
It is not your loot just because you are in a game when it drops.
90% of the online servers are bots (stated recently by the D2 streamer Ginger Gaming Mentor ) in the current state of D2.
Maybe, just maybe, we should wait until the actual game comes out? Because you know, different and all that stuff and after that your Ginger gamer can reassess the situation.
Rhykker is right and I also think a time allocated personal loot option would be a great feature to help fix this issue in D2R. Additionally, World of Warcraft retail and especially classic currently have the biggest botting issue in an MMO and they are paid subscription based and on the same Battle dot net as D2R, so how will bots in D2R be greatly diminished?
You should want Blizzard to fight botting rather than asking for private loot. Also, even if bots exist, it is very clear to see they are bots. Why dont you create a public non bot game and play with others?
Explain why both can’t be done at the same time.
This is effectively a non answer.
We’re talking about public games and drops.
And in D2 Resurrected 3.8% of players will consider thinking of botting. Stated by Asmongold
What do you think (based on Blizzard’s history) is a more realistic approach to preventing the stealing of loot from legitimate players in public multiplayer games?:
LoL allocate loot with a timer so we all sit around for 10 seconds on a hack and slash game.
Sounds stupid.
Not sure it works that way. It’s like saying, if you don’t want changes, that game already exist. Go play the original D2.