If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2

I already said I don’t think it will happen due to complexity, repeatedly.

People wanting it is definitely a reason, something blizzard specifically asked for.

OG days people wanted first drops I dont think you should bring bots up like they should be accounted for in D2R

He was talking specifically about recent time in the game, which is dominated by bots.

Ok but its kinda a strawman since the argument goes if you are running people you get better drops (such as a rush or just runs) I remember people rushing hell for drops even in 2019. Forge gonna be personal drops too? This just isn’t diablo 2 at all. But anyway his point is you cant get as good drops with personal drops in this scenario.

Sure if it’s a bot run game, but when it’s a human run game it still works the same way.

It’s not a strawman if I am responding to the point he was making.

You didn’t respond to the fact that this incentivizes PvM publics with only hammerdins/light sorcs even more. No point running fun builds end game in publics if you don’t get any loot.

Participation does not have to exclusively mean damage done

So how is participation evaluated ?

In this case, the caveat was some sort of penalty.

I do not think it should be majority rule. There are times where the majority is wrong. Blizzard will need to decide if making a personal loot option is worthwhile. Does ignoring 49% (or 36%) of your playerbase a good idea, especially when 39% are not obligated to accept that option?

I’m going to throw a monkey in the works and ask this; what are the odds some of the poll respondents mistook “personal loot” as “bind on account”?

Or, if you like, how many mistook “shared loot” for “tradeable”?

This honestly would cause too many problems. A random roll is a far better option, the others would always have a choice to create a shared loot game if they so chose. No reason to make it complicated just for fun.

I suspect some did. Many on the forums confuse personal loot and account bound loot. Given that, I think the real number in favor for personal loot is even higher than what was observed for the poll respondents.

Votes will switch around depending what the penalty is, id say open loot people are firm but personal loot votes will probably change their vote if you inform them theres going be a penalty for doing so. Even the penalty people probably don’t agree what it is. Over 50% dont want it changed or are unsure, to pass this it should be at least 60% and agree on the method of the change not have split variations of it. I view it worse to upset people who enjoyed diablo 2 how it is, more then people who want a change. D2 foruma worked fine if it aint broke dont fix it


Anything that’s super controversial should NOT be changed. I hope the developers will understand that things like Personal Loot and Charm Inventory are too community splitting, so the conservative and safe thing to do is to abide by their promises to keep the core game the same,

On the other hand there are less controversial changes they can still make such as:
Buffing unused skills,
Adding a little extra end game content (ilvl85 areas, events, etc)
Updating unused runewords
Guild/Clan options


See, and I find adding extra areas and events to be far more game changing than adding a personal loot option.

Everyone has opinions on what changes gameplay more than others.

I think the best option is minimal changes at release, and then a forked patch which implements tons of these changes, but no matter what people won’t like everything.

I’m not saying these need to be added, I’m just saying from what I can see they are far less controversial of changes.

I don’t see members getting enraged by the idea of more content / buffing unused skills.

Adding an extra uber boss that drops nothing of value would not be changing the core game, but adding something like personal loot does change how the game works.

I agree with you though, no changes for release. If changes are highly demanded after release then fork the game.

My worry is that blizzard is scared they’ll turn off too many modern / young ARPG players from the Diablo franchise if they stick to the the original too much, so maybe a fork would be good to have right off the bat.

To me, you are viewing this more as a law than an option.

Back to the old BK analogy
39% of Burger King customers do not want them to sell the Impossible Burger.
36% (or 49%) of Burger King customers want to have the option to buy a Whopper or the Impossible Burger.

Should Burger King sell the Impossible burger in addition to the Whopper?

Yeah I’m really concerned about what the penalty might be. I would rather leave loot exactly like it is than decrease drop rates overall, the last thing the SP community needs is gear that’s even harder to find.

No matter what they do, they should leave it a love the first 3 months to see how it goes. I never imagined that players would host XP runs and command the loot as payment, but I’ve seen reserve lists in WoW before they added personal loot, so I guess it’s a thing. And loot in Diablo is way harder to get. I tip my hat to a guy who carries 7 people in a Chaos run and comes away with a Thul rune, 2 Super Healing potions and an Isenhart’s Case.

And those are the kind of things that give me pause re personal loot. I’m a single player, and yes, I’ve said I don’t play public games because I think shared loot is unfair. But, I know what to expect in SP, and how to get the most out of it. It is very satisfying. And I don’t want my personal whims to decide what’s best for everyone.

Waiting a ladder season allows the devs time to analyze data: how many mp games were created vs. solo? How many mp games had a large variance in player level? How many online players were out there relative to units sold? This is information that can inform whether or not change is needed in a real way, and not reactionary based on a small subset of the player base.

I don’t think they’d add an Uber boss unless there were a reward worth the time.

Having a charm inventory and personal loot option wouldn’t bother me, and it would bother others. I find both changes pretty small compared to adding new areas to the game.

I want a 3 month ladder season, some want 4 or 6. To some, the ladder season is a huge change in gameplay.