If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2

What you said is inaccurate to start with. Most players do NOT want FFA-only. It is only 39%.

True statements from this data:

  1. More respondent selected personal loot options (personal loot 36% + personal loot with caveats 13% = 49% total) over FFA-only (39%).
  2. The minority selected FFA only.
  3. The minority selected personal loot option.
  4. The plurality selected personal loot options.
  5. 61% favored personal loot options or are not sure about the question.

False statements:

  1. Most players selected FFA only. Most means >50% which is also the definition of majority. Only 39% selected FFA only.

Not 8x the loot and depends on the mf. If the loot is split 8 ways just mathmatically it makes more sense to do it yourself unless its a party of people stacking a ton of mf and can clear baal and chaos faster. But all this just
incourages following people and taking all the items all over the cleared level that you didnt need to partispate in.

If I want to host chaos runs, and in exchange for leveling people up I’m expecting more drops, there will be others hosting chaos runs with personal loot as well.

Leechers will end up only joining personal loot games, forcing me to either run solo or do a personal loot game.

This will result in me getting less items then running a shared loot game where I get first dibs at all item drops after killing the boss.

Sure you can add some new system for making drops based on damage, but you’re really messing with the core game heavily at that point even more.

Keep the game the same, shared loot is one of those things that made D2 a very special game.

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Never said 8x the loot, and lol we already discussed repeatedly how it can be done to require participation. Keep beating that strawman.

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There will literally be 1-2 more items dropping MAX with 8 players, that is no where near enough to split the loot evenly, everyone will be getting scraps and the game will become much more boring playing with others.

It’s no different than the amount of loot people leave with now. Especially if it takes participation into account.

Honestly I don’t care either way, but if it does come, here’s how I feel about it:

Make it a togglable option on game creation.
Personal loot would benefit group play. (Quest games!) Keep the mechanics to those that are in the same general area. (No drops for someone sitting in town) If someone isn’t cooperating, kick 'em out of the party. They can still play, but they’ll get the same drop rates as solo play and with much harder monsters.
The idea is to incentivize people to work together as a group instead of playing the “IMMA GET THE ITEM FIRST MUAHAHALOLZ” strategy. You’ll get roughly the same amount of drops you’d see playing solo, but since you’re in a group, monsters should be dying much faster than if you were playing solo.

Global loot for magic find runs OR questing! (Default option, run as a group like it is now, split up as a group with everyone hitting up different areas, doing solo ninja runs in other peoples CS/Baal games, etc.)

Another thing they should to do is a personal loot drop on The Forge quest, only for those that need the quest of course. This would be active all of the time, and all gems and the rune that currently drops would be there for only you to pick up. This way a group can all do the quest and everyone can get the drops from the quest without having to leave the game and running it solo.

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It’s much different.

When I run a chaos run with a light sorc or hammerdin, I always end up getting most of the loot since I have to take down Diablo, most of the other players are leechers who will stand back or die from him.

With personal loot I will have no reason to do public games for MFing since all these drops will be split among more players, when right now I have the ability to grab all these items since I’m up close and within reach of grabbing drops before most other players.

I don’t want to host chaos/baal games and end with 0-1 item from killing the boss every game.

I want the option to get 4-5 items per boss kill, with the chance sometimes others may pick up the item. But then I will have the option to NOT play with that person anymore, simple as that.

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So you would like to see that 2 or 3 not doing anything just leeching and they also gets loot cus rng said so? Dude this is rly weak.

You played 20 years, you dont struggle but you want personal loot. Sry somewhere is a lie. So again. If you can get anything what you want that means you dont need personal loot. LIke myself i never had problem to get what i wanted in the game. So why i would demand personal loot. But if somebody cant get loot then the best way is to demand personal loot. It is a very simple logic.

If you dont struggle why would you need personal loot. Still makes no sense.
In public games i can also get loot. Would make sense from my side to demand personal loot? NO. So again can you get loot on your own or dont?

No as I repeatedly said they can factor in participation. Strawman.

Not really. I don’t have a problem getting what I want. I think it would be cool to play more pub games than to run solo. I am not “demanding” anything.

Lol not if it factors participation, eg you get more share of the loot if you did most of the work.

Ok I get your point now, because there is other options you dont consider it the majority even though it has the most votes. Theres a problem with this though.

  1. Not having personal drops has the most votes
  2. It didnt have personal drops in the first place.
  3. For example to change laws in many places you need 60% of the vote. How does this favor my argument? Well you are saying a change should pass with less then half the vote. Even if you dont follow the 60% rule, and you go by the majority rule, then personal loot still loses, just because theres ‘3rd party’ options that get votes, doesnt mean the change happens because of that.

You are arguing things in reservse to get to your conclusion. Your saying if its close the change should pass, no by default the burden for the change should be HIGHER not less.
A caveat could mean a million things. Such as timed drops, who knows what people selected it for.

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You can play public games, and you have to run publics if you want to level up or hit 99.

You can also host public games and tell people running with you to not pick up loot, if you played Diablo 2 for 20 years you would know this.

Hosting a public game and getting all the loot to yourself is WAY more loot then hosting a personal loot game.

Again you’re going in and changing CORE game mechanics that deal with loot now too, so now only hammerdins will get loot when killing bosses in public games since they do exponentially more damage than any other character in PVM?

You are confounding single player versus multiplayer loot rewards versus loot system. The loot system (personal versus global) does not alter the total drops in solo or multiplayer games. In multiplayer games, the loot system affects the distribution of drops. In multiplayer FFA, let’s assume X drops and Y players, For a personal loot game each player on average with binomial variance would be expected to get X/Y.

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its confirmed no personal loot. JS


Most people are either MFing or leveling. It’s way less common to see people doing it that way because it’s annoying to manage and people will inevitably take the loot any way, even if you keep them out going forward.

Or we could just allow an option to have personal loot if a group of like minded people want to play that way, and it won’t harm you in any way.

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I’ve never in recent memory been part of a baal game or chaos game where the runner doesn’t get first dibs on the items.

That’s funny because the runner is almost always a bot

For personal loot implementing is very small chance. But something that also facators in like dps… Pfff…That is never going to happen. I cant even remember that anywhere i have seen such system where the program gives loot after damage done.

Sry but “i think it would be cool” is not reason. It is a personal feeling. I have said facts. Your only reason was your feeling

By bad then. You ask.