If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2

This is not true though, a single guy carrying 7 players will usually be able to grab all the items before any of the leechers can get to them.

And if some players are up close and personal, I would assume they are contributing something, so they should be able to grab some items.

Iā€™m not saying they would, Iā€™m just giving you an example of how new content isnā€™t changing the ā€˜coreā€™ game as much as changing a mechanic that made D2 work the way it does.

I think with Charm Inventory people donā€™t realize how much it can change the game. I can keep prebuffs in my inventory at all times, 9x light charms to prebuff energy shield, 9x warcry charms to prebuff bo, or tons of sorb gear and rejuv pots to making bming in pvp games much worse.

This is only an issue in pubbie duels, but I guess I only pvp with GM people soā€¦ yeah if you pub duel it could be an issue.

I was just alluding to the person who said they host chaos runs and asks for first dibs on loot. Very similar to tanks in WoW who would say they wanted a specific item in a dungeon. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that as long as itā€™s mutually agreed on, and personal loot would deincentivize that. Iā€™ve never been rushed in D2, but if someone can save me hours and hours of leveling, they can have any damn thing they want.

OTOH, maybe with personal loot a rusher can ask for something in return, like Pgems or Runes, but then itā€™s an honor system kind of thing, yeah that might not workā€¦

Yup exactly, and this type of practice is very common on Diablo 2. Itā€™s usually a fair trade off for everyone.

Those areas in my recommendation were optional and its simply visually appealing or a new challenge. Personal loot even if as a toggle changes the game and splits up the entire realm and changes the entire economy.

At this point im for a in game poll after release if personal loot is the majority they can add it, I have a feeling those who want it are not the long term player base but if they are I can accept it. I also suspect a similar future in game poll if people want more end game content to farm that would pass as they realize baal and chaos runs are not enough. To each their own. Let time weed out all the none real d2 fans and I think we will get the best result.

Oh I agree that most people will want more end game content/items/etc. I only want to advocate that the playerbase that wants the game mostly as-is should have that opportunity as well.

As a classic and expansion player, I probably wouldnā€™t have bought the game if classic wasnā€™t included, and Iā€™m sure lots of people want LoD left mostly as-is.