If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2

Why do people keep creating threads about this same subject? Every time I read through one of them, I feel dumber… I keep clicking on them… My mouse must be broken.

bangs mouse on desk


Because you’re asking for changes that already exist in modern ARPG games, you can easily play the game you are looking to have, and if that’s not good enough you can play some modded version of D2 in the future.

Instead you’re consistently trying to troll people who want the game to stay true to it’s core, this is literally the ONE opportunity we’ve ever had to get the game we’ve wanted from Blizzard.

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This would have drastic implications on gameplay, RNG roll after loot to distribute would be far less game changing.

You are asking for things that already exist in D2. You are literally doing the exact thing you accuse me of.

That was my entire point of telling you to go play d2. You really are oblivious.

I’ve already said I don’t think it will happen due to the complexity, but I would like if it did and the discussion has merit, despite what the purists try to claim.

But I already said I want the same D2 but without dupes, without bots, with better graphics, and ability to run on modern systems.

What’s so difficult to understand about this?


Yes that is tree. But currently i have CHANCE to get the loot before the leecher. With personal loot i dont have. RNG going to say if i get the loot or leecher. At least currently the game gives me the chance to sp*t in the face of the leecher with grabing the loot. When rng gives it to the leechers then he just think:Hahaha i didnt do anything yet still becoming loot.

It’s evidence that how spoiled the gaming community is. They even have problems to click for loot. If its a bad system why works still today?

Only those have problems with FFA who dont know the basics of d2. These people are still struggle after 3 months of lader start to get enigma or set items or anything. Those players who knows the game can get loot so they dont demanding personal loot. It makes no sense to demand for them personal loot if they can get anything.

Its ver simple to understand but today are the people are soooooooo spoiled that they dont even have the balls to say:
“Look im bad at the game give me personal loot.”

No they start to arguing with nonsense thing just to justify one thing. That d2 is just too hard for them. What is not a shame i have to admit. What is rly shame when someone wants to make a game easier just because he dosent knows how its works.


Ironically this might be the dumbest post in this thread wtf are you even trying to say? Was that a joke? A insult? Trying to be a edge lord? Make a point or move along im enjoying my popcorn and this comment war.

I didn’t insult anyone. Stop being so defensive.

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They already said they want to keep Qbugging in the game, this would directly destroy Qbugging…I could care less about personal/shared loot, as personally I usually play with a semi-organized group…but this would completely destroy Qbug games. They have stated directly they do not want to do that.

Agreed, I’ve never seen a game where leechers are able to get the same level of loot as the people who are actually doing the work and killing the boss. These players doing the work end up being the closest to grab items when the boss dies.

That’s great you find that enjoyable, plenty of us do not.

I know the basics of d2. I’ve played it for 20 years. I don’t struggle. I just would like an option to run public games without the stupid looting method that causes people to avoid pub games other than for leveling.

But yeah, it’s just all the made up stuff you said because we are spoiled :roll_eyes:

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You said reading this thread is making you dumb… that tends to be a insult, to which side im not sure, but ok ill take your word on that.

Again there should be incentives for playing publicly AND also playing privately

The current system is working as intended. Please stop advocating for changing core gameplay mechanics.


You know that if its personal loot the drops need to be nerfed as its per player now right? Your better off doing the run yourself even more ironically so it doesnt need to be split 7 ways.

Lol no, I won’t stop advocating for it. Tons of people agree with me based on the various threads and polls about the topic. Plenty disagree also. But you acting like you have some authority here is laughable.

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Threads with this topic so far usually end up as a big argument that devolves into a trollercoaster ride. So yes, when I read through these types of threads, I do indeed feel dumb for reading them. I’m sorry if me feeling dumb offends you.

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You know that more loot drops in 8 player games right?

Well I’m just going along with what the developers said was their vision is for the game, there’s a reason why this has had so much hype and positive perception since Blizzconline compared to other Blizzard titles in recent memory.

Sure there is a chance you will get your way since at the end of the day this game is being funded by a large corporation.

Usually dumb points make people feel dumb its not a matter of me being offended, its just basic logic people use that as a insult often. Dont worry im not offended :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Hopefully just next time you say something less vauge and just state your opinion.