If Personal Loot is to be done

If Personal Loot is to be done…

let it be done in different game that was designed accordingly.


There is different psychology dependent on the individual. Would a player prefer to see 3 good drops and get nothing or have no good drops due to RNG?

The hacks/cheats team is separate then the game development teams. You can sear MissCheetah’s posts.

The FFA loot system is not de to the fact that Blizzard North thought it was superior or was catering to a hardcore gaming community. The fact is that instanced loot had not been invented yet. Brevik has stated repeatedly (I gave the video above but there are example videos/his twitter account) that says he regrets that D2 was not instanced loot instead of FFA loot.

I have been advocating for a separate realms (Strict remaster with FFA only loot and a modern realm with more optional changes). This is a win-win. Hate instanced loot play the strict remaster realm.

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Hence, product of the hardcore gaming era. It was all that was considered and as a result - directly - FFA loot was the norm.


In shared loot, you don’t just sit there and watch good loot going to others, but you can aquire it… That’s no motivation for you?

Also in D2R, people can link items in chat. If someone finds a shako from Dia again and posts it in the party chat, I wanna see your face, when you haven’t found a single one because of ploot lol

When someone says “considered”, it typically means between two or more options. The fact is there was only one option at that time FFA/global loot. Instanced loot was not yet invented.

It would be like saying that Nicolas Cugnot in 1769 considered both steam and gas engines for his first self-propelled car. The fact is gas engines had not been invented.

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Sort of a strawman argument, RNA… Who is to say they didn’t have another type of loot solution? All that matters is Instanced Loot was not an option on anyone’s mind at the time because the method for implementation didn’t exist or some other extenuating circumstances.

I’m all for a good debate and discussion on whatever topics but this Personal Loot thing is quickly becoming something I care less and less to defend against… There’s already plenty of threads (see: way too many) on the matter.

I’m going to bow out now.


cant use hack ur game files will be scanned every time you login to d2r any changes to game files will result in ban i think at least i hope so

David Brevik, the president of Blizzard North at that time and lead designer/director of D2/D2:LoD

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It is simple. Ilvl doesn’t mean anything. What matters are the stats that the items have.

You are using a tank. The stats you need to look for on your armor are Haste and Versatility.
At that moment you are wearing pants with 200 versatility and 120 haste. ilvl 200.

And you win some 250 ilvl pants but with 300 mastery and 170 critical chance.

They have 50 more points of ilvl. But they are not good, they are the worst you can win.

Blizzard decides that those pants are better because they have more ilvl. As they have more ilvl you cannot trade them.
The ONLY way to be able to trade an item is when they have the same or lower ilvl.
So … you have a horrible item and your guild mates have no chance to trade.

DKP, EPGP, etc, it doesn’t matter. They were good systems. The more organization and control you have, the better the experience.
Better that, a numerical or meritocratic system, over the usual dramas.
XYZ won the item for being a friend or girlfriend of the master looter or raid leader.

We don’t care If David Brevik the game maker of Diablo II wanted to add Personal Loot / Instanced Loot for Diablo II. Many of us wouldn’t mind at that time. He could have done It when he worked at Blizzard. . .
It is a little bit late to regret? 18 years ago David Brevik resigned from Blizzard North.

Diablo II is now a classic game, and D2:R is a remaster of the classic Diablo II with improved graphics and a minor QoL.
With no drastic changes, like changing the core of how the mechanics work.

You guys can fight all you want but this remain how we remember it. Same with the loot system. Sorry to dissapoint you, but there is another games out there that have Instanced Loot / Personal Loot.

There is no need to talk about changing the loot system in Diablo II:Resurrected.

I have heard that question since the announcement of D2:R. Very anoying!
Be glad we get a remaster once and for all


When did David Brevik and the Schaefer brothers leave Blizzard North, leading to a mass exodus of ~30 employees?

I don’t understand this comment. Could you break it down for me?


Oh, hi, lol. Legit was just waiting for everyone that is known to be against personal loot to jump in on this riveting debate about Personal Loot.


I’ve argued in favour of a personal loot option on numerous occasions on this forum for two reasons.

1 - Pickit.
2 - I work with children with disabilities, and I do think they deserve a fair shot at loot, even if it needs to be a separate game mode. I also have family members with debilitating wrist issues, who also are gamers.

I also understand if they do not want to make this an option in this remastered game.

In games going forth though, it is clear personal loot is the superior design option.

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Yeeeeeep… I just remembered as I responded to you that you were Pro Personal Loot. Whoops. Oh well, lol.


No bigs. Easy to confuse, as I am very clearly against most changes, lol.

I’m pretty happy with personal loot not being an option, being a remastered game.
It is kind of a bummer for people who have hand issues, and I honestly don’t know how it’s going to go for console…but I guess we’ll see.


That’s ofc a very nice motivation for changing games in a way, such that more people can compete in them. But at the same time I think, that you shouldn’t change a game for these people. I mean, as long as they can play the game, they can have fun with it, no matter if they can grap loot fast or not. If I have a bad internet connection, if I have bad reflexes or if I just have no aim to hit the items on the ground, I will also not be able to grap the loot fast enough.

Still, I can have fun, right?

Quite generally, there are games, which I can compete in and others (also games I really enjoy), which I am just not good at. Do you think a disability is so much different from a lack of talent in games?

So far so good

Not good.

Accessibility is important.

Do you think that the game should be accessible for the 7-10% of men with red-green color-blindness?

Do you think it is important for players in a loot-hunt based game to see the loot on the ground?

Do you think being able to adjust the font size of item names on the ground is important in loot based game as there are many who play video games with less than perfect vision?

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Yes, totally! But accessibility is not the same as changing game mechanics imo. Otherwise you should also make games easier, because some people don’t beat them, shouldn’t you?

That’s completely different, because the displayed colors don’t change the gameplay for others at all. I am ofc all in for accessibility. But changing gameplay mechanics is beyond that.

I personally think, that “disabilities” are no reason to change gameplay or rules, neither in games, nor in sports.

As someone with a leg disability, you can’t run against professional runners. But so what, I can’t neither and I also can’t train enough to be able to.

People with a handicap on their hands might never be able to aim as well as shroud, but so what, I can’t neither and I will never have the chance to do so.

Being able to compete in games or sports is a lot about talent and what you body lets you do. Having an official disability seems like a very arbitrary place to draw the line, like “ok for these people we change games now”.

I want to emphasize, this is not about display options, controller options, fully cosumizable key bindings and so on. These are things, which imo should definitely be in a game to let more people even be able to play the game at all and have fun with it.


Again, I have advocated for a separate realm. If you want to play the strict remaster realm with all accessibility features turned off that is fine. Having a separate realm with more accessibility features is a good thing.

Separate realm.

I strongly disagree.

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