If Personal Loot is to be done

So then you think, there should be 5 different soccer leagues for people with different disabilities?

And when we go there, why don’t we also change the rules for people with a simple lack of talent? Where’s the difference between “my hand is physiologically not capable of performing fast and precise movements with a mouse” and “my coordinative and motoric skills don’t let me perform fast and precise movements with a mouse”?

You can join public games for the 8p loot advantage, just don’t do the content the people in that game are doing.

lol you sir are a piece of sht that is exactly why we need personal loot to make games easier and not to have bm players like u making game harder

I’ll simply say the ADA was the right choice and that we as a society need to be more accommodating in various facets of life.


Another awkward argument.

We didn’t have the Jaguar’s XJ220’s 3.5-litre twin-turbo V6 in 1948, we hadn’t thought of it. All we had was the Ford Flathead V8.

Clearly, in the restoration of this F-Series Ford truck from 1948 we should abandon the classic V8, and put in this 3.5-litre twin-turbo V6. Clearly.


Yes, I completely agree with you here.

Automobile restorations often have changes from the original.

My argument is D2R can let players choose the 1948 truck with the same engine or the 1948 truck whose exterior is identical with a difference under the hood. Also, many might want seat belts and modern sound system in their restoration if they plan to drive it around.

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Since you have to look at the loot to pick it up, provided you’re playing legitimately, I suggested TOBII Eye tracking, which is already available in many AAA titles, to allow those with disabilities to look at the loot and click the mouse, thereby picking it up.

Removing the mouse movement entirely. That way they can be competitive in FFA Loot games, instead of fundamentally changing the game.


That’s a really cool idea and I am sure, you can balance that, such that it is fair for everyone. This is exactly the stuff, games need way more!

But imo, the stuff, which games need way less these days is simple rules and shallow mechanics, that just aim for everyone to be good at the game. If I have bad reflexes, bad aim, a handicap or if my IQ is below average, I might be bad at some games, yes. But that’s ok and not a reason to design the game to be easier or less competitive.

Accessibility doesn’t have to be hard coded into the game design imo, but comes with exactly such features as the eye tracking, color schemes and font sizes.


This is insulting. If you don’t understand why it’s insulting, there are many avenues you can take to learn something today.


You do know that personal loot actually makes the game harder, assuming that total game drops are kept constant for FFA and instanced loot games.

People on here actually want the game to be more “disabled” friendly for their own personal-gain. Seems pretty insulting! That is just changing game mechanics, clearly. Disabled options are an entirely different thing I’m sure will be included.

Lol it is not insulting. When it comes to playing a game, it does not make a difference, wether your hand is handicapped or your motoric skills are bad.

I am not talking about everyday life outside of gaming, not about a general comparison and so on. I am simply just saying: when it comes to competing in games or sports, it doesn’t matter why you are bad, if you are bad.

Btw, it’s sad, that you don’t even try to make a single argument. I feel like this is a very important and interesting topic. But “you are insulting” certainly will not give any insights.

No, not harder, but worse, because statistical fluctuations of good and bad loot streaks will increase:

I think he was making a generic point that when it comes to having no legs, or running a 10 minute mile, neither will help you beat Usain Bolt, ever, in any competition. So in that competitive setting, it ultimately doesn’t matter.

It’s not supposed to necessarily denigrate those with disabilities, but to show the obvious striation of those with talent and ability in a particular activity versus the normal mediocre or average individual.

It absolutely is different.

I mean…in a word…Paralympics. Yes, it absolutely is different. They’re not going to have mediocre athletes come from around the world and compete in a “beer league olympics”…okay, maybe that exists, but that’s besides the point.

Obviously I’m making an argument. I don’t even understand what your sentence means.

Hold my beer, I need to check this out…

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Nice to see after having a rough weekend schedule that everything still proceeding as normal here on the good ole forums. D2R will have FFA loot unless they have decided to add an option for the personal, done in the way Micro advocates for. We won’t know for sure until Beta/Announcement. However, I am 99.9% sure it will be business as usual. Now for the future, if a bunch of cheaters get in with their bots and pickits, or the community is mainly turned off by the looting, especially from the console/controller crowd and it leads to players dissociating from the game, thus less user retention (ie a significant drop off after the first month or two) they may go ahead an implement it.

I think their goal is to keep it the same as current, but they have better things to do than constantly banwaving cheaters, and have no use if the cheating affects the community as a whole and turns them away from the game. Lets face it, this community as a whole (at least these forums), is pretty toxic. Not everyone, as many are good and honest folk that just enjoy the game. I personally think the game itself caters towards that attitude with the competitive loot that was never really meant to be competitive, but shared (in my opinion) and open player killing. I wouldn’t be surprised if they re-evaluated the looting if the game gets cheated as the old version, especially if they feel it would turn off potential buyers from Diablo 4 (Oh D4 is supposed to be like D2…D2, man what a toxic waste dump that community is, screw that). Just how if they implement too many changes that are not D2, it would turn off the hardcore D2 crowd from D4 (though, to be honest, most probably won’t play it anyways and will just play D2 on old Bnet depending on how hardcore down the rabbit hole they are).


I’m in line with the cut of your jib m8 but I have to say… No! Bad, where’s your paragraph spaces!? That was really hard to read lol. (slightly dyslexic and have atsigmatism) :<

This is not true. If everyone is “average” clicker, the actual loot acquisition rate will be the same in FFA and instanced loot.

Seeing loot =/= getting loot

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Well, to be fair, I was typing it on the other thread, but it seemed it was deleted pretty fast so copy/pasted and didn’t bother to format. It was two paragraphs, just a longer second paragraph as I was finishing my thought pattern. I’m also beat, ten hour closing last night then turn-around 12 open-close tonight.