If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

i would always get a legendary within 10 minutes of the 2 hour mark. never failed.

You could wait to see if it’s got the features you want in it and decide whether to buy it or not based on that. Buying it just to uninstall it seems daft.


He was being sarcastic, sweetheart…

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… Is that really your criterion, that people were able to kill Baal on Hell without making use of trading?

I mean, if you have that big a disconnect here, then we don’t have much to talk about.

Done it, thanks. As a Sorceress, no less.

It’s fine if people want SSF.

I’m just saying “Go play SSF” is not a solution to the “Don’t like open trading” problem because one gigantic reason I don’t like open trading is how it affects drop rates and gear progression, and that still happens if you play SSF.

I’d play SSF if there was a drop rate boost to compensate for the lack of trading. If that happens in D4, we’re fine. But PoE’s SSF doesn’t do that.


I dont care for trading. I absoltuely won’t buy the game if its online only but if trading is fundamental to the game I will not be playing either.

What people is that, the same 10-20 people who spam SSF threads every month?

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This is why I personally like trading. I don’t even trade that much, in Diablo or PoE. But acquiring wealth, finding that godly item you can trade to other players. It’s so satisfying.


100% false, I’m currently leveling a single player hardcore barbarian to 99 using only blue/magic gear. No muling onto the character either, only using the blues I craft and find.

I also have 5 other hc single player barbarians that easily completed hell with self found gear.

And further, I am the top legit hardcore barbarian every ladder and I rarely ever trade. I can’t compete with the bots that run 24/7 but I get into the high 90s with junk gear and I get to 93 within the first 2 weeks with just self found gear. I do all my own killing too–I don’t make support barbarians.

All that being said, I do love trading when I’m inclined to.


I think Blizzard have shown they can be devious enough to advertise a feature and skip/remove it completely afterwards. Pvp arena comes to mind.

But that would require using your brain, not being lazy, and not being entitled to specific items.

I think your methods might be incompatible with the abilities and integrity of most in this crowd.

There is a specific HC SSF only league that is ran, started with 300-400 players from a very sheltered community overall compared to the overall population.

If it has that much popularity from a small group of people, it would be huge.

Even streamers like Bluddshed are starting to do their own SSF HC challenges for fun.

It is another game mode that helps mix things up and give a segment of players what they want.

I could care less if you do not want it, because I along with hundreds if not thousands of other people do!

Nop, I have no disconnects :slight_smile: D2 is possible without trading it will only be harder and take much longer to achieve whatever it is you are trying to achieve.

Anyways, if you see D2 this way good for you (or bad) idk, but frankly I don’t care :slight_smile: It’s your opinion, great. Peace.

This ^^^

This is for you Orrion. :smiley:

D2 can even be completed and played with blue equipment, and thats true. I even remember when people were fishing town npc’s for 4socket blue armors with life and socketed rainbow facets, had crafted rings, amus, gloves and so on themselves.

Can you complete diablo 3 and farm with blue items? Well, you won’t get far in torments I guess. Well, that’s just a sidenote, I know those are 2 different games.

So once again your statement that D2’s trading is mandatory is false.


One thing I hate about Path of exile is that it is more of a currency collection game than a loot monster killing game.

It’s more important to have builds that are good at farming currency than killing tough monsters .

How much exalt orbs you have is a bigger bragging rights than how good your build is.

Back to Santuary. I think trading is okay but must be limited, by what you can trade, and how often you can trade.

Materials shouldn’t be tradeable as it’s something you can farm without difficulty and it’s better to have a system ala in D3 where you can convert one from to another.

Have rare mats tried to content like bounty, so there is a means to get them, with effort.

Gems shouldn’t be farmable especially leg gems. Otherwise people will just buy and sell high level gems that defeat one cole purpose of playing higher greater rift.

Have a min level of currency ( or whatever the metric for trading) so people do not put trash for sale.

Then obviously a good way to see what is offered. It should be done inside of game unlike Path of exile, where you need to alt tab or have 2nd screen of trade website open.

Trading should be smooth without need to be “face to face”. Basically don’t follow Path of exile, which has an abomination of trading.

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Ok. Good for you but honestly no one cares about you or your opinion. Get a stream with some viewers and Blizzard will fold to your wishes

I pray to God that Diablo 4 gets rid of the smart loot system. IF they do that, trading could happen BUT they need to do so in a way that players can’t flip items or abuse 3rd party sales. They could make an in-game auction house again but do it like in WOW, only using gold to buy/sell. Make only unidentified items tradable and once bought, they are account bound.

Again, it would only work if smart loot is gone


You want things like class specific items with wrong main stat etc. back? Why?


I personally miss the chase…I miss that feeling of accomplishment when the unique item you were hunting finally dropped. Also that feeling of defeat for the one that looked very similar but wasn’t the right item. We definitely don’t get that anymore, and it needs to come back.


Hopefully itemization would not need main stat, all resist and vitality/life on everything that drops. Maybe just a rare prefix / suffix which might make it to a piece of gear but not all and is not mandatory.