If Diablo 4 does not have player trading, I won't be buying it - Long time gamer and fan

Good to know.

See it’s like me and chips. If they contain gluten, and one could legitimately ask why the heck there is gluten in chips? Well, I wont buy them!
Just like that!

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I’m still with the idea of trading and a detailed crafting system, both co-existing. You may like your amplified loot simulator but highly restricted trade model also makes it hard to introduce new players into the game, nor keep them for long. When trading exists, it will feed PvP scene in a mutual way.

While it will give a larger shadow for the bot, scam and third party influence, it will give you something to look up on about. When you’re in a clan, the bond will be tighter and you can introduce your friends to the game with ease without telling them to sit down while you power level them first…
Profits from loot selling is just a good benefit for sure but when you can make up for lack of it with account bound crafted items, what’s the matter? Your gaming experience won’t be much different even if you refuse to partake in such action.

Didn’t even like the idea? Alright. Then I’m ready to be settle down with a well detailed crafting system. As long as I’m not playing a “6 random affix lol!” slot machine and it can give some diversity by offering fixated average stat range rolls, I’m down for it.

please blizzard make diablo 4 COLORFUL like power rangers. and with gigantic Shoulder pads

A proper trade system, such as what D2 has, will not affect drop rates. The problem is out of game money used in trading, this completely destroys the in game trade economy which requires items of equal value to be traded. To make a trade both parties will have had to do the rng grind to get items to trade. But add money like we see with D2 LoD and the next thing you know hacks and bots and all manner of exploitation occurs which lowers the game experience to trash.

I like the idea of an anonymous trade board that only allows swapping an item for another item, or an anonymous trade board that uses an in game currency, or both. Items are completely bound to an account except when trading on the trade board. Use the gold drops as the currency and be payed gold along with experience gain.

Let players set their own prices, but only allow them to have 6 - 12 items at a time for trade. Make it so we have our own stores that are accessed only anonymously via the trade board. But also make it so the game is completely playable with self found gear.

To do both of these in the same game requires a vast amount of character builds, which will require a D2 character development style. There should be a minimum of 30 different barbarian builds and same goes with every other character class.

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I think trading would be a mistake. People citing PoE’s success as if their absolutely god awful, constantly complained about trading system had anything to do with it is hilarious to me.

Between the RMT farmers, scammers, gold seller spam and the obvious implications for drop tables in a game with trading it just leads to an overall worse game experience and that’s coming from someone who makes mirrors (plural) most leagues I’ve played.

Could Blizzard come up with a trade system that’s not exploitable and doesn’t lead to endless gold seller spam and scams and all the other downsides? Could anyone? Look at all other titles on the market. All signs, across all games, point to no.

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the game reacts on legal or illegal trading by adjusting droprates.
-that, combined with the fact i play solo makes me vote against human trading

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When the drop rates are much lower it takes a lot of brainpower to figure out you have to either be a no lifer or a botter to at least find the gear that you want without trading. Because this game’s itemization doesn’t allow for any alternates to BiS gear. There is BiS gear and the rest is junk.

A better itemization system is needed in order for trading to be supported. Then back that up with a better character progression and no infinite progression we will be fine with less than BiS when it is not needed to handle the content.

No, the opposition is that they want to be able to either find those pieces or other decent gear. They would even be fine if they could use crafted gear to get the same results.

Then you and those that love trading can haggle over the prices to your heart’s content. They just want a system where you are not forced to trade in order to make progress. I don’t think that is asking for much.

Then those that do trade can be happy to get the best gear from either botters or no lifers. That is unless they get extremely lucky and find it all on their own.

If you think that D2 could get away with having it rain uniques out of the sky like candy and still be able to trade without it affecting the economy you are crazy to think that way. Your most expensive items would be vendor bait in just seconds after increasing the drop rates sky high.

Introducing complete free trade in D3 would do more than just give third party sites more things to sell like items, but also gold as well. Gold spammers and spam friends requests would be back with a vengeance.

It would also mean that while at the very beginning you would have some really high priced items that would be worth tons of gold or even real money. But that would vanish in almost a blink of an eye and be vendor bait within days of being introduced. The drop rates are important in a game and they have to be balanced around the fact that trading would exist or it would die within days because everyone would already have everything. Why even the coveted primals that would be well rolled would be on almost every character if not at the very least on all characters on the leader boards.

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I don’t have clue as to what you are saying… raining uniques in D2? Or maybe you don’t understand what I’m saying. Maybe we play the games differently and so have a different understanding as to how trading works as it pertains to the developer’s intentions. You know, the way the game was designed to be played, and not the way botters and jsp have fashioned their illegal economies around the game.

Drop rate is affected by what the developers set it at and this should be insanely low. How often an individual experiences those drop rates is completely dependant on the effort put into playing the game, and absolutely should be that way. If you need high end drops raining from the sky, you need to find a different game to play, because you literally suck at Diablo.

If I find an insanely high valued item for a caster, but only play melee, then I am easily able to trade this item for a high valued melee item. It’s really that simple. And when I say high valued item I do not mean economic value, I mean the value it brings to a build. When you add out of game monetary value to items the game turns to crap and when that happens junk games are developed as a follow up.

See the rest of my post you left out of what you quoted for a possible trade system that could work with D2, D3 and any future game in this franchise.

But why would you not use trading if it is available to you? Only if you are SSF type of a player of course.

I’ve seen your post that if we have trading in a non SSF mode then the drops sure should be much lower to compensate and if there is an SSF where trading is unavailable then drops should be higher. Yes it would be fair.

I’m fine with this idea. But my point still stands. Trading is not mandatory in D2, just do as you please. This was the main argument.

I would rather hunt for loots than to spend time playing the economy. It is boring. If you are rich like in PoE and have orbs, you can instantly get all the BiS with trading. Not my kind of fun.


I’ve played PoE for over 2 years and in this time I found ONLY 2 exalted orbs, so if you want these kind of drop rates in D3 RoS or any other Diablo games, than I’ll pass…

Most players in PoE can just buy exalts or chaos orbs for $ or € and have the best items in no time… Sure you can beat the game with average items, but if you want to be good enough to clear end game bosses, you need the best items and skill gems possible…

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If D4’s itemization & drop rates are anything like D3’s current iteration, then trading is obsolete because you can just gear yourself…like it’s supposed to be in a loot-hunting game.


Not sure I would want the same drops in D4 as it is now in D3 but I agree, if the drop rates are like that trading is not really needed.

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In 4 years I’ve found 18 exas. I have awesome gear and i’ve never bought currency for real money. I do a lot of trading though

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I guess you were lucky than. I did some trades too, but due to lack of exalts my gear was never so good and after getting only 2 exalts in 2 years I got sick and tired of the game…

If D4 has drop rates like D3 did with AH and RMAH than I won’t buy it.

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Gotta have them stash tabs that let you integrate your stash with online trading! Makes huge difference


I’ve found 2 Mjölner that sold for 1 exa each. Also many yellow can be sold for 10+ exas. For example, look for rings with 40%+ resistance to fire, cold and lightning. The secret is that you can sell stuff you find to get rich fast and easily.

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Also gotta keep an eye on great base items with high ilvl. Good loot filters help with that. Google “filterblade”

I found an elder item with great basetype; crap stats – but someone paid an ex because they wanted it for crafting.


You can buy a crappy 6-link armor for 60 chaos, clean it, and apply an alch… uuh! those sell for 6 exas minimum.

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Oh god definitely not, the last thing I wanna do is be hitting another stupid wall because my weapon’s DPS isn’t high enough.

But drop rates and itemization accessibility can definitely stay. AS LONG AS they get rid of that annoying “legs gated behind toon level” crap. Sick to death of being stuck with “Adventuring Sash of Crap” until lvl30+.