I dont want outdated mechanics!

Companies are just cashing in on nostalgia, from old Disney remakes to WoW and WC3 remakes.
Don’t expect anything from this other than a quick money cash grab.
Blizzard will never make a ARPG good as D2 and D4 will just be D3 2.0. So we excited for at least one last run down of this game.

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Those are just some examples.

Leveling up a new character, of a class you already have makes sense in D2, which is something I also really enjoy.

Using time on crafting/creating items in D2 for some really crazy rolls.

I would not call leveling in D2 a time sink - this is also part of the end game, to get your character to max level.

Maybe not just end game content then, but a lot more stuff to do.

This is in D3 too. There are now craftable items that are end game worthy. In addition, you can use Kanai’s cube n D3 to reforge a pre-existing item to get “crazy” good rolls/item quality (such as ancient legendary and primal ancient legendary).

Both game have similarities.

I also enjoy leveling new characters; however, at some point if you have dome it alot having the ability to respec a new character due to a gameplay change is nice or simply you have already levelled your favorite class ten times in ladder/season and it has gotten old.

I would even go so far as to say that many of the changes in D3 (free respecs, shared stash, areas do not have different ilevels in an act, all monsters have the same loot table, instanced loot) are due to a significant portion of D2 players not liking those elements in D2 and wanted D3 to be different.

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Endless Rifts are not time sinks? Aren’t all games time sinks? Hell isn’t life a time sink?

Pointless argument. Please tell me what is there to do in D3 since that is the comparison here besides endless rifts? You have knowledge here that I definitely am lacking in and legitimately want to know since you just pointed out at least one thing in your list that could be added to the game to increase replay ability.

No reason this couldn’t be implemented in D2 without changing a single aspect of the game play the way it stands now. I also would be for this for multitudes of reasons but, mainly I have always liked these things in all games. It started with Halo for me and finding the hidden stuff. At the same time with the limited time frame and everything else to be done. If it can be done without having a huge impact on time frame of release I would love to see this added.

So there is another thing D3 doesn’t have. We are now tied cause trading.

Rifts are doing the same thing over and over again without an end. So there is no feeling of having completed or conquered it to completion.

Companies all over are cashing in on nostalgia because it is safe and cheap and currently every country in the world if facing huge financial hardships. Also the financial system in the US if not the world because of the position of the US Currency operates on a 10 year economic cycle and we were coming up on a an economic speed bump or down turn. Also nostalgia works well during periods of unrest which arguably we have been seeing more and more of in the US if not around the world because it reminds you of better times.

For clarity, are you only referring to regular rifts?

Greater rifts are about pushing your character to the limits where each greater rift level has more monster hp and incoming damage and has to be completed in 15 minutes or less. This does offer a sense of completion (was I able to clear this GR in 15 minutes or less). Is that a new high GR clear for me? Can I push even higher?

To date, there are only a hundred or so players who have cleared GR 150 solo in the the current non-season era.

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I honestly do not know if it was rifts or greater rifts. I just remember doing the same thing over and over again till I couldn’t. Not getting impressive or even quality drops out of it. The items were mediocarlly best at most and if all used would bump my damage slightly and get me to the next right but, also forced me into their box and what they wanted. Would make my entire build not viable. Which to me is a very bad game mechanic. I had maxed everything else worth while in the game to me at that point so there was nothing left.

The game now has timed greater rifts. They do get monotnous, but because of their scaling, unless you are the 0.0001%, they provide a sense of completion and challenge, since as you clear one level successfully, you can try to push the next level.

The advantage is that is almost impossible to out paragon and outgear solo GRs.

It also forces you down to 1 or 2 builds to grind out the most damage that can be changed by changing the items. It is not enjoyable to me an lots of other people. It is forcing you into a box. If you know anything about casinos and gambling you know why.

In the last D3 patch, Blizzard now has a new overall GR leaderboards (plus you clan and friends list leaderboards) where each set and even “no sets” are listed separately.

If you prefer no set builds, then you can greater rift push with that even if it is inferior powerwise to a class-specific set. In that regard, it has gotten better.

We digress. I think it is fair to say that they both have end game and it is not that one necessarily has way more than the other.

It took them years to get to this point. Years and it was an obvious issue. Do you now understand why large sweeping changes to a functional game by the same devs who could not properly balance a game they made. Yet you want to take a game with a lot more moving parts and pieces that all have to interact and still produce viable outcomes for PVP, Ubers, Dclone, Mfing, Leveling, Trading, Rushing, Grushing, etc. They have one main thing rifts and they can’t even balance out the spells in that game so there is multiple multiple builds that work. It is also not like they would just be working on D2R, you have Diablo Immortal and D4 going on at the same time. You also have a time frame of end of the year.

I would not reach that conclusion from what I said. Nothing has changed gameplay wise. If you wanted to push your limits without sets, you always could. Blizzard introducing the class set-specific and no set leaderboards simply provides an opportunity to directly compare your progress versus others.

There are also multiple D2 builds that do not “work” (or better said just weak in comparison to the main meta builds that are not some non-synergistic goofiness). This is not unique to D2 or D3.

There are separate teams working on each project, so this point is minor.

This is more relevant. I am not proposing an entire overhaul. In Blizzard’s survey where they asked for player’s interest for specific changes at D2R launch, I assume and could be incorrect, these are things that they either have done already, it is ongoing, or they estimate it can be done by launch.

D3 has way more endgame than that.

D3 has:

  • Leveling to high enough in Paragon that it matters (99 equivalent)
  • Holy Grail (there are achievements for finding every set item, etc.)
  • Hunting uniques and such (achievements for killing every unique, etc.)
  • Speed-running achievements
  • Various season goals and objectives, as well as other misc achievements
  • The greater rift grind
  • Uber farming (yes those are in)
  • PvP (but no one does it lol)
  • Farming items/builds for other characters
  • Cosmetic farming (yep that’s a thing… whimsyshire for instance)
  • Farming crafting materials to perfectly enchant or cube your gear
  • Helping your friends gear up or catch up

Etc. There is so much to do in D3 if you actually like the game.

Saying D2 has more is kind of incredibly uninformed.

(I’m not saying D3 endgame is better necessarily, but if quantity is what matters, D3 has way more activities you can partake in overall.)

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Leveling to level 99.

This exists in D2 you just don’t have built in game mechanics to track it for you.

I did this when I first played once again though there is not a built in game mechanic to monitor it for you. It is actually what inspired me to build my hybrid sorc build cause Lord De Seis was very evil way back in the day.

Exist in D2 once again you have to record it outside the game.

Be on top of ladder the longest, be first to run baal runs in hell, first to ubers, etc. They all exist in D2 once again just not recorded in game. Normally recorded on JSP.

Don’t have this in D2.

Used to exist for xp was nerfed by blizzard. Exists for torch farming though.

Alive and well in D2 and drives a lot of the higher end economy.

Exists in D2 and vitally important for beginning ladder.

Done but, barely exists. Normally just vets looking for particular armor types of superior quality to make runewords out of for their main characters. Normally only exists in the very beginning of ladder season. So definitely not the same we also lack armor dies.

Crafting, rerolling grand charms, jewels, rares, etc. Exists in D2 as well.

Exists in D2 as well.

D2 also has Dclone hunting.

So we have to monitor our stuff externally which gives a perfect list of things that would be nice to see in D2R. I also would not mind dyes in D2R either. I would not want to see a lot of special skins though past maybe tyreal wings or capes because PvP you need to look at what they are wearing to know what they have normally. Unless they implemented it where you could see the other persons items even then that is annoying and often disabled if they are waiting out of town. the capes or wings could be releated to pre existing collector’s editions and D2R collectors edition which I really hope they do make and have it be a hard box like D3 was. I also think it would be cool to get a little sword pet to follow you around which is one of the ethereal blades that is rarely seen or the ghost in mephs area. Neither of which can attack or do damage.

Same reason why many WoW player prefer Classic over modern WoW.

Modern WoW/Diablo has more content, but the content doesn´t matter.

OG Diablo/WoW has less content, but the one existing is actually meaningful.


the existing one? wich one?

i play diablo 2 alot, but sorry the content is close to none next to grinding for the gear you want doing the same thing over and over. thats fine, but you cant justify the content, especially end game content in d2 by that its matter (meaningful).

You cant compare that to wow lol, just no.

grinding the same boss over and over is not a content that matter, its braindead and it just okey because its old.

its funny that people think they are right just because they state something.


Arpgs are all brain dead.

You think endgame d3 or PoE are better than d2?

D2 has the best endgame in any Arpg.


Think it simply comes down to this.

D2 seperated xp, pvp, mfing, rushing. Yet they all have one thing in common items. This makes actually MFing useful.

D3 combined xp and mfing. This to me is a bad mechanic they should be separate. PvP was also not done very well in D3. Rushing goes way way way to fast in D3.

WoW did it best by diversifying all of it but, it is costly on Blizzards side of things. IE basically requires paying monthly or at the very least the way Path of Exile does it.

Lol. In FACTS (when you´re objetive, not a blind fanboy) Diablo 2 has some of the weakest endgame compared to APRG´s today o_0. But that doenst change the fact that Diablo 2 is 100 times better then Diablo 3.

Well, I mean Diablo 2 doesn’t have end-game, period. It’s open-ended; you make your end-game per se, which is why Diablo 2 is so much better than its successor and arguably better than most of the new titles we’re offered. End-game ruins a game in my humble opinion because it forces you into content and removes the need for the rest of the game - it’s the MMO stigma. It’s not healthy for an ARPG.

You want to use the entire world. Path of Exile remedies this… kind of, by way of Atlas maps that send you to all sorts of zones reminiscent of the zones you traveled through while leveling… except then you end up battling big bad super unique bosses that are where the meat and potatoes are at and it just falls flat on its face. PoE’s good for an explosion-fest every now and again, but it gets stale very quick…

but you see the concept to try and keep the game fresh by visiting more than one place when you play, which Diablo 2 encourages. - To which I agree, Diablo 2 is fantastically better than Diablo 3.

You obviously don’t PvP, which many of us find to be the natural endgame of the game.

Grind like hell for PvP gear = endgame = Best PvP in any Arpg. Yes, D2 has the best endgame, no fanboying needed.

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