I dont want outdated mechanics!

They’re playing it too safe because of the WC3R fiasco.

  • The game needs a rebalance of immunities on Hell and certain class skills so they’re viable again, like in 1.09.
  • Merc should be optional not manditory. (See re-balance)
  • Gem / rune stacking.
  • More shared tabs than just 1… anywhere from 3 to 10 extra would be nice.
  • Rune word access on all modes of play. (Even non-ladder)
  • Some graphical re-works. (The obvious stuff like Assassin / Zon faces, some spells / skills)

Other than that everything else is fine.

The game will keep players busy for a while to come if they make the aforementioned changes, otherwise yeah it’s going to get old and annoying fast. I would rather not spend 30 minutes of my night juggling items between characters because purists decided that limited stash space = a game mechanic… yeah a bad game mechanic. :confused:

The game doesn’t need immunities to change.

Merc isn’t mandatory, but it helps.

Rune word access on nonladder would kill ladder, and be a bad idea.

Everything else you said is accurate.

no. learn how to deal with it.

why ? optional like the bob-mercs in d3 ? these useless sXXX ?

no. why ? works good without it. no one needs 50 EL runes… you can upgrade the low level Runes.

if you make more chars you have more tabs. at least after relogging and dragging the stuff into the specific char stash.

i would like to see the ladder runewords in Singleplayer. this one would be nice.

im fine with that. but i like the bodys as theyr are now too. anyway.

then dont do it :slight_smile: i like the mechanik. if you dont. its your problem.

Meh maybe you like seeing your name in lights, I could care less…

Again, it’s a waste of time to try to struggle to make runewords only to have your character transfered to non-ladder after the season, and seeing as the season is shortened, not a good idea.

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No that’s my point, I don’t run ladder anymore. I don’t plan on hitting 99 ever again. If they remove the ladder only restriction, very few people will start new characters, they’ll just keep farming forever in NL.

That stated one Point: Diablo 2 dont have any Endgame. You must “create” your own enggame, like Muyu says.

And yeah, PvP normally has nothing to do with a good endgame.

Dont get me wrong, Diablo 2 is for me the best ARPG ever (besides with Grim Dawn).

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The “endgame” to any Arpg is farming. The only difference between them is ‘how’

I think the ‘how’ is better in d2 than any other game ever made.

So yeah, d2 has endgame and I can’t wait to smash face.

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Not happening no matter what attitude you give.

Really? I mean Grim Dawn for example: Endgame is to kill the super bosses and run the shattered realm. That has nothing to do with farming. You need to farm before you can start/finish the endgame, like in any ARPG´s, but not diablo 2 :wink:

And most (any?) of the good ARP´s has PvP but that is not endgame in those games because you have a real endgame.

Grim dawn’s endgame is still farming. There is still character progression based on items. I really don’t get this argument unless there’s some semantic element I’m not seeing.

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Thats not completely accurate. People Farm the Nemesis Bosses for good loot all the time. Its still grinding. Same with the Shattered Realm.

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Besides ubers nothing of these are endgame, They are just optional/basic arpgs features.

But that’s the game.

Here a small summary of the late game goals of D2LOD:

  1. Make MF runs til your fingers fell off -> get the best possible gear.
    1.1 Wait for a hot ID for Anni.
    1.2 Buy stuff to compete to bot users
    1.3 Create a Smiter in order to clear every possible encounter in D2 LOD.(ubertrist/Diablo Clone)
    1.4 Crafting -.-
  2. Be a part of the Trade community…see 1.
  3. Make PVP, if you’re serious on this one, see 1. and 2.
  4. Waste days of your life to get through the game mechanics.(poison damage calculation, crushing blow, bleeding, killing blow, FHR, FCR, max block calc…)
    4.1 Be aware of all bugs/hacks out there, far cast, WSB…
  5. play a character til lvl 99
  6. play hardcore
  7. create some fun builds with the “non OP Kickass items” you got.

This is Diablo 2 in a nutshell!
For me, it will might be the same as every ladder reset.
Rush through normal, make baal runs til lvl 45. -> Rush through NM, make Baalruns til Lvl 70.
Farm solo in NM Mephisto, Pindle, Shenk, Eldritch, Travincal until you got something nice to move forward to Hell. Then rush through Hell and make DiaBaal runs, til lvl 85.

And the MF madness begin.
After 2-3 weeks, my mule chars are overflowing with crap uniques/items -> I go to public games and throw that crap on the ground and make some newbie happy.
after another 2 weeks of mf runs, i don’t wanna do any more mf runs, because killing pindle 10k times kinda freaks me out. So i make a new character and play it without rushing and have enough items to go smoothly through the difficulties.

After another 3 weeks, i have nice equipped characters, make some PVP -> getting wreckt by buguser in open PVP games or godly equipted skillers…so i stop playing the game, just log in from time to time, to prevent my account from being deleted. And its gone… xD

After 1-2 seasons, the circle of playing diablo 2 will continue.

Thats Diablo 2 LoD in a nutshell for me.

The endgame of Diablo 2 is just nostalgic catchy monotony, thats my summary of playing Diablo 2 since July 2000.
Some like it, some hate it, some live it that way.
For my part, its a ballsy move from blizzard to follow in this huge footprints, that Diablo 2 leaving behind. Its a double edged sword for them, whatever they do, someone will be offended by their doing.
For my part: In future patches i would appreciate some new content.


Yes and no. No because that is not the goal of the endgame, yes because you must farm. Why you farm? To kill the super bosses and run shattered realm like hell… Endgame is NOT farming. You farm because you have some goal.

So why you farm in D2? For PvP? well…

So what you’re telling me is that your character is completely done and no one keeps playing them after killing the last boss for the first time?

Seems like a weird Arpg.

Maybe. For what i should play with that character anymore? maybe to get max level, maybe to get the best of the best gear. but that isnt endgame, that is “my choice”.

It’s still endgame.

It’s literally what that word means.

At the end of the game.

I don’t understand your argument other than semantically.

You dont understand me and i dont understand you. Well, normally, endgame means some content after the “normal” game. like super bosses in Grim Dawn, dark aeons in Final Fantasy X, Anise in Trials of Mana and stuff like that. A challenge AFTER the normal Story/Story-Bosses.

Because of that, farming isnt endgame. you can do it even with lvl 1. Really, i dont know even a single person in my ARPG groups which would tell me farming is endgame…

Opening the cow portal is endgame I guess then. Probably better endgame than most Arpgs honestly.