I don't get why people are against ploot

I don’t know man… I’m seeing a lot of platitudes, but no real explanation as to how ploot would negatively affect the game. I mean, if you could draw connection to a changed D2 due to ploot, I’m listening. But just generalities about “not the same game” or “some people just don’t want it” – it’s not enough to be a valid point.

I wondered whether it should be in D2 too, and decided it absolutely should. It eliminates pickit scripts and also brings people out of private games to do casual mfing in public games. None of this affects other players in any way that anyone can illustrate. I just want it illustrated, and no one can.

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For somebody who criticized somebody for “copy/paste” arguments you sure repeat the same thing a lot.

Again, I have no desire to satisfy your obsessive question that can’t be satisfied.

Also “feelings” are a valid reason. Again, no explanation needed. If 99% of people “felt” personal-loot shouldn’t be in the game, then it probably wouldn’t make it. Likewise, if 99% of people “felt” it should be in the game, then it would be in the game, more than likely.

Absolutely not. Feelings can be based on being misled. Valid reasons have substantive reasoning. That way you get rid of potential pitfalls for or against that don’t actually exist.

Now no need to create another fallacy, I didn’t criticize them for copying and pasting, I even asked you to copy and paste your post “sound arguments” that you stated you had but never ended up doing. So disingenious.

Personal experience is often used to support somebody’s claims. They can include your own experiences, which is called anecdotal evidence. Or, the experience can be somebody else’s. This is called hearsay evidence. Both anecdotal and hearsay evidence are sometimes unreliable. For instance, with anecdotal evidence, how you experienced something might be very different from somebody else’s experience. Also, things like your emotions or attitudes often ‘colour’ your experience. Hearsay evidence is possibly even worse. There is still no sound argument against the system, but there is sound arguments for it.

It’s not part of the original game. Why do you need ploot for, anyway?

Yes, that’s why it’s being discussed as to add it.

Don’t need it. It would be a great option for many people tho. And wouldn’t affect anyone uninterested in it at all.

Sorry, but I am not going to repeat myself for the 30th time in this thread. Learn 2 scroll up a little bit before posting the same redundant thing.

Feelings can be based in truth as well. People don’t always have to explain themselves. If their feelings are based in misinformation then that’s unfortunate, but that will always happen. If Blizzard polled right now and based their decision on the results, people would literally be choosing “yes”/“no” based on how they…feel.


Again, why do you need it for? This is a remastered version of the game, not a complete remake. If you want modern MMO elements in a game, you can always try Diablo 3. :slight_smile:

Are you new to these forums?

Absolutely. And it take critical analysis to determine if that is the case, or if they are based on illusions. That’s why it’s important to support positions with logic. If someone feels one way or the other, there must be a reason. Getting to what that reason is is important.

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I think you have anger management issues. To summarize, there is no need for any of that stuff. Have a nice evening! :slight_smile:

D2R ceased to be a remaster a long time ago with the sheer volume of changes.
28 Changes In D2: Resurrected [+More Post-Launch] - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)
28 changes in D2R: Im famous - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)


What exactly is disingenuous?

So you are just trolling then? You literally asked me why I want personal loot in this game when I already have had a 12.3k view post for over the last month on the reasons why plus hundreds of replies on other threads for it as well as a discussion with the creator of the game Rod Fergusson about it. So are you new here or not? It was a pretty valid question. Asking you to scroll up so I don’t have to regurgitate the same information that I have done several times in this thread alone seems pretty valid for me. I am sorry that I hurt your feelings though.

My statement was clear and simple. You just took it to the next level by attacking me for no reason. For that reason, enjoy the forums and have fun! :slight_smile:

Not agreeing on your perspective isn’t trolling.

Let’s just get that out of the way.

Micro, I haven’t seen you in a while. Hope you’re ok! That’s why I said it’s not a complete remake. Anyway, thank you for the info. It’s always nice knowing people are kind and helpful. :slight_smile:

Ideally, yes, but a lot of people don’t want personal-loot for pretty simple reasons, even if you disagree or think it’s unfair. “I will only play FFA so no reason to have personal-loot”. If that’s their opinion on the matter then that is their opinion and it’s final.

No but asking me the question on why I want personal loot when I have been giving the reasons why for the last 3 hours in this thread seems pretty trollish to me.

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