If the answer is yes, that’s a you problem and not society.
Whatever happened to you, like I said, is a shame but you’re simply wrong headed. Now, apparently you’re too damaged to continue this discussion. I don’t like speaking to brick walls.
I’ll just end with this…Thank frickin’ god you have no real power to enact your absurdly bad ideas.
See, you’re assuming that I’m an insignificant example. So tell me, where are these “statistics” you keep mentioning. Can you show me exactly how many good people like my wife there are and how many of these “bad” people there are?
Prove to me that my wife is the exception and not the norm.
My point is, maybe you should get out more. I used to have the same beliefs you have or at least similar. My wife pulled me into a better environment where it’s not just her, but everyone around her that good. From her family, to her friends, to even her co-workers.
Anyway, this whole “frag the world and let god sort 'em out” is just nonsense.
Being informed gave me these ideas lol. I’m a rich kid who got an expensive education. My parens took me to travel the whole world before people like the kids I teach even learn to swim. I lived 12 years in China before I came over to this side of the world. And after seeing everything I’ve seen, my conclusion is that only pain can make people behave.
Then, to answer your question:
Firstly, it is illegal to not send your children to some kind of school. Therefore, public schools contain the vast majority of the next generation. That, then, is pretty much gonna be the world 20 years from now.
Second, as a teacher, I get to see profiles on all the kids lol. That’s basic stuff, because I’m tweaking lessons to help kids who are maybe ADHD, or only speak Spanish. In that process, I also see their disciplinary history, including absences due to incarceration.
Third, as a teacher, I talk to other teacher. I ask around about the students they have. I ask them to give me names and show me the profiles they have. They confirm that my students are average and representative of our entire school.
Fourth, I’m a part of an organization that sends teachers into different schools all across the country. I compare notes with my fellow Corps members too, to ask about their students. Again, I learn. I see. It’s what I do, because I want to believe in trends and data rather than personal anecdotes. And ultimately, the results I get are that about half the students in all these different schools have serious run-ins with the law at the age of 12 or 13, and more engage in illegal actions and simply aren’t caught.
See this is where you make your mistake. Kids aren’t society at large. Kids are kids and kids do stupid things. Observing kids will tell you next to nothing about what they’re like when they grow up.
Being a jaded teacher does not make your ideas any more valid. Tell me, do you moniter these kids for the rest of their lives?
No of course not, because apparently doing stupid things when you’re a kid is indicative of the horrible lives they’ll lead as adults. News Flash! Kids grow up…Film at eleven.
Imagine thinking this applies to serious crimes lol. I suppose you missed what I already told you previously, before I had to edit it to adhere to the rules of this forum.
I don’t buy that your school is so dangerous that all the kids are criminals. Sounds like fantasy to me. I mean, I can’t imagine this imaginary world you see.
Like I said, I grew up in a school just like you are trying and failing to describe. The kids I grew up with, some yes went to prison later on, but most opened businesses like the guy that runs a barbeque stand, or the girl who’s now mayor of the city I grew up, or one that wound up eventually going to MIT and is an engineer at some company I can’t remember the name of, or any number of other examples.
The point is most kids have no clue as to their own mortality and so they think they might live forever or whatever other stupid ideas kids have.
And if what you’re describing as far as the teachers you describe, says more about our school system than you realize. I’m beginning to think it’s not the kids that are the issue but the idiots like yourself teaching them.
Yeah, you didn’t see what I typed earlier lol. Not all criminals are in your face and dangerous. If it were just preteens getting into fights in the heat of the moment, nobody would give a crap. Teenagers recording each other doing things of adult nature, and then spreading a video to make fun of the recorded party, that’s the sort of thing we’re dealing with nowadays.
Also don’t see how this matters lol. I don’t think I described any other teachers at all. I told you that I ASKED them for information because I wanted a baseline to see if my own experience is the norm or an outlier. It’s not every single lunchroom conversation lol, even though we don’t even have those.
As an adult, I also don’t bare my soul to literal children lol, I just teach them how to write an essay, give them some snacks when their parents send them to school hungry, and get them out the door by the end of the year. You…to be unoffensive, seem to be a very simple person.
Edit: Oh, also forgot to mention organized group looting and vandalism. It’s always the premeditated stuff that really tells you what kind of person you’re dealing with, after all.
And you my friend, are too jaded to continue being a teacher. Kids were screwing when I was a kid too. At least two girls I went to school with were pregnant in high school. Having a camera on you at all times in the form of a phone is obviously going to result in videos being taken. I’m not arguing that making videos of that nature is right but it’s an obvious consequence of a being brought up in the internet age. And again, it boils down to kids being kids. Should they pay for a price for breaking the law, absolutely. Still doesn’t mean they actually realize the consequences of what they’re doing.
KIds do stupid things. Sometimes those stupid things are criminal. Doesn’t mean it’s entirely on the kids and they’ll continue doing that stuff when they grow up.
I don’t think you comprehended, which is part of why I say you are simple.
The girl wasn’t popular at school. The children were not “screwing” recreationally. The recorder did it to have the video, with the intent to spread it. The police investigation has already concluded, that’s where this comes from. And this isn’t stupid. This is malicious and thought-out.
Oh my god, you mean kids can be cruel, say it isn’t so…
Still doesn’t say the kid actually comprehended the harm he was doing. Again, not saying the act wasn’t wrong and that there shouldn’t be a price paid but to argue that because this kid did something incredibly wrong that every kid in the school is doomed is just stupid.
And if we’re going back to your original argument, “Pain” breeds goodness, I wonder how that girl feels about the pain this video caused. Did she learn “pain” breeds goodness?
Edit #2:
What you’re arguing is state sanctioned cruelty is different than plain old cruelty, when it just isn’t. I feel for the girl, I really do. I hope the boy does goes to jail. I hope the girl can heal, I truly do. She didn’t deserve that, obviously, but the point remains her experience doesn’t mean humanity is doomed.
The whole point of “sticks and stones can break my bones etc…” is that there is no need for me to be rattled if someone calls me a stupid bastard (in words or in writing).
It’s not meant to be a free pass for me to call someone else a stupid bastard.
But if you said, “This book tells me these certain people are vermin and should be put to death and I believe it.”
That would definitely be dangerous to more than an individual and as such words can be more dangerous than just one guy punching another guy.
Or how 'bout this one…
A group of kids tells another kid that he’s not to be accepted because of what his mother is and he’ll likely wind up just like her. No punches are thrown no physical violence of any kind, but because these kids are his peers he decides what they say about him is true.
And so this confused kid decides to unalive himself.
Tell me, where those words harmful? Did they cause more pain than just being beaten up would have?
I have to give you props. You’re destroying all the attempts at gaslighting here.
I’m pretty confident that some of the “words aren’t dangerous” folks are disingenuous and just trying to wind people up. The others were probably never raised with manners or a sense of compassion, or common sense.
A person taking action on something like this would be a psychotic murderer. Holocaust didn’t happen because of words. It happened because of a whole system of violence and oppression.