I don't care for the ancient legendary

I’m a completionist but not the perfectionist.
I’m not a fan of do it “again and again”.
I’m my own boss. I don’t have to let the game decide how I have to play.


True, but when the game is built around doing just that, one might wonder if you’re not playing the wrong game.


How does one “complete” Diablo 3? Genuinely curious what your definition of that word might be in this context. What goals do you set for yourself with this game?

You’re playing the wrong genre, never mind wrong game.

I don’t think this really matters. Big-picture wise, “free will vs predetermined” is largely irrelevant. Maybe I’m typing this reply because I’ve exerted my will over my fingers on the keyboard. Or, maybe some flying spaghetti monster is exerting its will through me. Or, maybe this is just a kick to get you to wake up from the dream. (Inception reference)

Regardless, at the end of the day, my post is still here. Does it actually make a difference if it was the top turtle, versus the one all the way down, that caused the effect? I don’t think so.

This isn’t some “Stanley Parable” avante garde type of experience. This is very clearly a traditional ARPG game with very clear-cut rules and regulations. By inserting the coin you ARE agreeing to play the way IT wants you to. That’s kind of how it works by definition.

That being said, “you are your own boss” so does it REALLY matter?


Think the goal is just trolling the forums.

OP has 238 career paragon and has been posting weird threads like this for a couple of years. Similar strategy every time. Come up with some completely unorthodox way to play the game and try to get people to argue “WTF are you doing?”.

I strongly feel this is yet another sock puppet of the forum’s most frequent troll.


I think the game is trying to mess with your completion.
Like the immortal king has no shoulder in the set.

By feeling satisfied with one’s progress and coming to the official forums to announce it. Duh! :smirk: :rofl:

(just joking about the ‘duh’ part of course)


Which one?

Regardless, people still take the bait. I don’t know what’s so hard about just not replying to them.

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In the context of this thread, I’m not entirely convinced the TC here is a troll. They could just be eccentric. At any rate, I don’t see anything inflammatory, provocative, or even controversial about their posts in this thread. If it is a troll, it’s a fairly benign one. What are they trying to do, get us to start arguing over whether they are, or are not, a troll?

More broadly speaking, it’s not always as cut and dry as “just ignore them and the problem is solved.” This is especially true on message boards / forums / other areas of public discourse. If they ARE acting in bad faith, and nobody who knows better stops and puts them in check, then they’ll just keep getting bites from folk who aren’t in the loop. If they’re spreading lies or misinformation to boot, that could potentially become believed by others and cause cascading harm. And their falsehoods gain traction because “well nobody said it WASN’T true / the REST of the community didn’t contradict it / etc.”

I do agree with you that I’m not certain he’s a troll. Some here are too swift to assume others are. It’s 2024 and people still believe if you don’t agree with them, you’re a troll. They missed the memo from 2005.

Correct, ignoring them does not solve the problem as they’re still here but if you feel someone is and you continuously feed them, giving them exactly what they want, either you really don’t think they are or you too have problems. Ignoring them just distances you from the problem.


Fair point there.

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So, do you think all sets should have 9 or more pieces to be “complete”?
And what does the body of your posts have to do with the title?

They should have at least 12 items for extra 8, 10 & 12pc bonuses. Build diversity is overrated and a illusion anyway :smirk: :rofl:


Actually 14 pieces. You are forgetting offhand and follower token. I want my Templar pimped out. :slight_smile:


We’d need to invent an offhand that’ll work with 2H weapon barb builds (cloth bag? :rofl:) but I like the follower token idea… would only work in solo play so the 14pc bonus can be used to balance solo and group play :wink:

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Serious note, I always wanted them to make a follower’s exclusive legendary gem. The followers gem would allow them to do actual damage above expert level. the gem levels would scale with the actual player damage, so they would be useful on higher GR’s, but not so much where they were carrying the player.

Making the followers into walking, talking buffs is one of the many fails in D3 development.

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I don’t care about ancient either. Primal or GTFO.

There is nothing serious about this thread.
OP makes random statements.
It’s nice that they like playing at low levels. More power to them.
Or, maybe less power, since that is what they seem to like.


I love reading these forums. I hope everyone’s had a good morning wipe today! creepy wave

I’m gonna stop at torment 7.
Let’s see how can they torment me.
If I don’t torment myself.

That is right no matter what Video Game you play. You play it your way and not Fanboys way. The problem it is your business to play it your way. But when you come here they think it is their business.

No matter what your topic is here. Some of them think first is your are the troll. But really they are the trolls coming here to slam you or call you names and what ever.

But welcome to the Diablo Forums where you are wrong, not playing the game right or the wrong game!!! If you are enjoying the game and have fun go for it. :grin: