a baal run generates WAY less loot than a choas run does, and on average choas only take slightly longer unless u have a bot with maphack.
i mean if your running through the keep i can see that working, but i haven’t seen a baal run through keep without a sorc tele , (outside of norm or the first week or two of ladder), since… geeze idk even know how long… 15 years? give or take 5 years XD
and running through keep killing everything would just slow the baal run so much to make a chaos run faster anyways… soo chaos is still better for drops
Part of the fun WAS not getting any loot.
Even though you WANTED the items.
Everyone rushed through to Baal using the waypoint. The first person to reach the throne room would throw down a town portal. When a sorceress wasn’t in the game, people still made the way to the throne room. We would then all spam our attacks on the summons and enter the portal to kill him.
always into the east… ( legit how u find baal on the map)
Let me get this right, we shouldnt modify our loot system so we can further encourage one niche form of rushing. Why are we even remaking the classic d2 if we are worried about preserving the ability to bypass playing the game. Wouldnt it be a much better game if people couldnt level 10 characters to 80 in 2 days.
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No. We shouldn’t changed the loot system, because that would change the entire mindset on the choices the player made to obtain loot. We all fought tooth and nail to get our stuff, even against other players. We all joined games or made games based on those choices. That’s a BIG core mechanic.
All these choices would still be the same. It would still be more efficient to run solo. The only thing this changes is it helps people avoid cheaters.
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Don’t confuse similar, to the same.
Apples and oranges may both be fruit, but they’re still different.
And what Diablo 2 has with FFA is awesome already.
I can only speak for me, but I don’t think having a personal option would change my farming methods at all.
The solo farming wouldn’t really change.
But multiplayer farming wouldn’t be as hilarious.
I don’t find pickit software to be hilarious.
It’s the reason gaming companies don’t program FFA loot anymore.
If blizzard fails to implement a personal loot system and pickit programs run rampant, it will be a massive failure on their part, and a completely avoidable and foreseeable one.
Obviously, they need to increase security against third party programs. But don’t change the already hilarious gameplay of loot diving, because of the few bad apples that happen to exist. I never used pickit and you don’t see me complaining about it, even though I went through similar experiences.
They won’t be able to get rid of client side issues like pickit.
It’s an inevitability, and they’re taking a big gamble if they don’t use all the tools they have to prevent pickit from damaging the game terribly.
Personal loot is the best of those tools.
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Personally loot takes away disparity. It’s a horror game.
Just to throw some fire on this!
A personal loot system is not what you guys are advocating for. You want an assigned loot system that leaves the underlying drops for solo alone. It just assigns drops in multi games. This allows you to claim loot in multi games while keeping your drops high in a solo game. This is how Guild Wars functioned and why everyone found ways to solo different areas so they wouldn’t have to share drops/gold. The key on that one is the game was designed so you could not solo it and thus when you found a spot that could be solo’ed you got a very specific ‘farm’. There were known builds and locations you could solo but 99% of the game could not be. D2 does not have that limitation and all area’s can be solo’ed.
This is different from a personal loot. A personal loot system would change all drops in solo and multi. You would be guaranteed 1-2 drops in multiplayer games and in solo games, thus nerfing your solo MF runs at the cost of guaranteed drops in multi games. This is how all the pLoot games I have played in the last 10 years have functioned. I got the same loot solo or in a group, so did everyone else.
IMO they should not implement an assigned loot system. That system creates all sorts of trickle down issues when layered on D2. They also should not go pLoot as they redesigns the loot system from the ground up.
and if everything else fails maybe we’ll consider it.
but you don’t “start” with “amputation” you start with hydrogen peroxide and a band-aid
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This is a productive start to a conversation, let’s evaluate it and move on.
Please tell me what the trickle down effects of offering an optional loot distribution system.
As of yet I have seen none. FFA players continue to play their way, and personal loot players can opt in at game creation to agree to terms of distribution.
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Sometimes you need to start with amputation, or you have cancer in the bone marrow.
We played Diablo 2 and have fond memories.
Guess we never got the cancer from the game.
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These are just quickly put out there and there are no easy quick answers to them. If you think there are quick and easy answers then you haven’t considered the question properly. The Programmers have an amazing ability to break it if you don’t micromanage their decision tree.
Do we set a timer before drops become ‘public’? How long? Will that just encourage PK’in for good drops as someone guards the Rune that just dropped?
When you are in a speed run game, i.e. Baal01, Baal 02, etc what if the assigned person doesn’t pick it up because it’s not of interest to them? Do you now have to wait to pick it up or do we have it public when they leave the game allowing for more FFA fun.
How do we incentivize people to pick up those semi-valuable items that they would normally overlook and let someone else grab? This can point at needing an auction house and extra dedicated storage that is separate from charms (aka charm inventory)
Is it really fair to ‘nerf’ (yes assigned is lower individual potential drops, thus nerf is appropriate) the drops in multi while keeping them ‘higher’ (and yes they would be higher in solo games because you will get all without sharing just like now) in solo games? Does this exacerbate the solo MF runs ‘issue’? Don’t think of this from the players side think as a Dev.
Back to work I need to bill people. More later when I’m off. If you even played Guild Wars consider the drop system for that game and how you would put it on top of D2. Bear in mind that GW was intended as a multiplayer game with the henches taking a portion of the loot even if you didn’t have other real players.
The drops aren’t higher in solo play with personal loot than FFA, this is incorrect.
I agree timed loot or forever personal loot is a nerf to personal loot, and as such have zero problem with players opting into this system, as FFA would be the superior choice as far as total drops available, or even in the case of the prior, provided no pking.
If it’s opt in, and you gain no advantage as far as a game-for-game comparison goes, there is no issue.
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