Yes if someone slurped all the gear I would consider them greedy, as I always have since I got this game in 2001. I would not add them to my list of friends or play with them in the future. If it was one of my brothers or a friend I would give them a hard time for slurping all the gear. If you like ninja looting all the drops from randoms or collecting the refuse the bots don’t want more power to you but don’t pretend slurping all the boss drops isn’t greedy. It is now and it was in 2001.
he is working under the assumption that everyone “proper share” is 1/8th of what drops.
as opposed to right now where it has an highest chance to go the the person doing the most damage…
which is delusional because a “Fair” distribution means people get something based on how much they contribute.
what he is suggesting as “fair” is " no matter what you do you all get the same"
which incentives people to NOT contribute.
granted the current system doesn’t account for “everything”
if “personal loot” was somehow balanced around " how much damage you did" and that gives you a higher chance at priority for the loot for 2-5 second it might be more reasonable… but even that is very easily abusable.
Right now the winner is the one who stops dps to stand in melee range regardless of build and spam alt click on the ground. Or the one who uses pickit to swipe drops before legit players even see them.
are you seriously complaining about BOSS drops??
boss drops are completely random who grabs it there is no “one player” grabbing them all becuase there are 8 players stacked on top of each other.
yeah the current system isnt the “best” for boss drops… it could certainly be improved upon, but boss drops is what thats like barely even a factor… if they wanted to do “personal loot” for ONLY bosses… that wouldn’t be something i wouldn’t be 100% against.
but you cant just Destroy the game in 98% of senarios for that… if u want BOSS DROPS KILL THE BOSS YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN GAME, its like INSANELY more efficient.
If they had a proximity requirement for walking maps, that would essentially cover the other 90% of gameplay wouldn’t it? Basically to be considered for loot you’d have to be near the monsters when they die.
Absolutely true, I just want to mention, that monster’s HP don’t scale 8x aswell, so the killspeed tends to be higher, so your effective loot is higher, than what you wrote. But that actually does not change the fact, that you still get more loot, if you farm on your own. That’s always true, especially because you are guaranteed to get the GG drops, while (especially with Ploot) you might never get it, even if it drops.
how would that stop people from following me around attacking contributing and getting free loot?
then what? you decide that “the person doing to most damage” get the loot?
that would pose a similar greifing problem but the other way.
right now for all NON-BOSS drops everyone has a chance at the loot, but the person going to work has the highest chance, by a LARGE margin, like +80% of grabbing the loot from what they kill… this is much better than a scenario where they get a 12% chance from personal loot.
on bosses yes the current system is basially 100% random becuase every player is close together attacking the SAME monster.
this just means you should EXPECT to get ZERO drops
if you get ANY drops you should be happy.
if u are expecting drops from a “boss” in a game doing a baal rune or a chaos run, well sorry, but you have a BS expectation.
would it be nice to get drops, ok sure… but if your expecting it… then you really arn’t familiar with d2 at all.
noi one will EVER run “bosses” with other people and expect “drops”. thats just not how diablo 2 works… if u want boss drops you farm them yourself.
to get back to your question… ok so u make a proximity requirement… how does that fix anything??? whats the proximity??? proximity doesn’t fix anything the problem already is people following you around taking loot they didnt earn. and personal loot incentivizes this… how close are you supposed to make the “promimity”? again this solves nothing… the system we already have works better than this… and like ytou said… on bosses everyone is stacked… thats the only time were the current system breaks, when EVERYONE is in EXTREMELY close proximity all targeting the same thing…
Proximity is already considered in the current D2 drop system when determining multiplayer loot. This has already been worked out. You are trying to make an argument about a supposed problem where the solution has been in game for more than a decade.
D2 has ninja looter, pickit user and other cheats currently. They get loot they didn’t earn. Also, FFA has loot scavenging where players can chill in town and wait for a map to be cleared.
Moreover, let’s say it is a game where two players contribute equally to killing things and there are 6 leechers. Why should you be able to click on all the loot (or the best loot) when you were responsible for only half?
i have said this like 100x by now… the people contributing ARE getting around 80% of the loot from thier own kills, , yeah maybe 20% of the time in an 8 player game somone manages to grab it out from under you.
thats still a HELL of a lot better chance than guaranteeing i only get 12% of my own loot.
becuase 80% of loot from monster i kill is a LOT more than “12%” of total loot for players that contribute
you kpeeing bring up BS about “ninja looting” as if thats actaully a problem that is “worse” than your solution. the only time i am worried about people taking drops out from under me is if they specially agreed to not do it by joining a chaos run i am running to level them.
YOU need to leave to SHARE… you are EXPECTED to get MOST of the loot from your own kills… thats how it works… you ARN’T expected to get ALL of the loot form your own kills.
you ask as if “ninja looters” are a problem. thier not… they are flat out NOT a problem.
becuase again the best case senario FOR THEM is they can teleport on top of the item and pick it up before you can… when you are looking directly at that spot… i dont hav a problem with people “taking my loot” because IM CONTRIBUTING THEREFOR I’M CLOSEST TO IT.
you are trying to fix a “problem” that doesn’t exist
your “solution” would actaully MAKE this problem you are “trying to fix” by giving loot to players who are doing nothing aka an “unfair” distribution.
people doing the work are ALREADY getting the loot.
an no im not worried about “pickit” or “bots” because they’re going to be banned.
if ANYTHING the “biggest” thing “personal loot” accomplishes is fixes the problem they creatures by only having 1 worldwide server… and as someone who understands networks… i have no idea how they are going to implement that. there is a reason why it was split up into different realms.
i think you should be locked in your own realm… yeah maybe u can trade with other realms for a global economy and move your characters between them. but… your “ladder” should be in YOUR realm base on where u live and your games list should restrict that… else you are going to run into ping issues.
you THINK that “personal loot” with “make item distribution more fair” it WON’T it will make it LESS fair.
becuase right now the people contributing ALREADY get most of the loot.
the only people “not getting much loot” in the current system… are the people who are NOT contributing and that’s how it SHOULD be.
if u dont do the work u dont get paid… or at leats not paid AS MUCH
what u want is to “equal distribute” all the loot regardless of if a player does anything
and yeah the “boss” senario is garbage in the current system but you should EXPECT to get “nothing” for a boss if its not a solo game. could that be improved upon?? sure, but that’s an “act boss” specific problem not a “loot” problem.
you feel “entitled” to loot you dont deserve"
thats why u want “personal” loot…
your “problem” with “ninja looters” is NOT a problem
if we had an issue with the people doing the work NOT BEING ABLE TO PICK STUFF UP… then YES there WOULD be a problem
but we DON’T. therefore your idea would take loot away from the people doing ther world and give it to the people NOT doing the work… which is EXACTLY what we DON’T want… that IS problem
Then play FFA games. Problem solved. Lolol. Stop acting as if people are asking for personal loot to replace shared loot entirely with no option.
People play in parties to get carried.
Or to even out your weaknesses.
Or they enjoy the multiplayer aspect. Otherwise, we would be playing single player.
You have definitely said something repeatedly as I have.
Clicks preferences, add, done.
I love how you assume a personal loot system design before it even exists. People dont do service runs for drops, they party for exp…better loot doesnt remove the hypothetical 1/8 chance you have of being the one who picks it up. If im doing baal runs for exp, personal loot is just icing on the cake, if a good item drops its mine…and i prefer that to the sinking feeling of losing an item to a leecher or pickit mod.
im not talking abut “baal” runs… those are ALWAYS only been for “exp”
im talking about you know the ENTIRE rest of the game.
idk wtf you consider a “service” run…
a “baal run” is not a “Service”
a person lvling your grushed lvl 30 character in hell chaos is a “service”.
and yes we 100% only do them for drops… they are US FARMING in the most efficient way possible and helping you guys out in exchange for first dibs on the 1/1000 chance we might find something we want
if you are in a party trying to get EXP then by DEFINITION your NOT “farming for drops”.
the payment for a series is drops… if u want to instead want to pay HR to run choas with you 50 times and let you have all the drops… i’ll do that.
if u wan’t pay me forge to rush you, i can do that.
me making a game because i want “exp” isn’t a “service” and it astounds me that u can consider it such… if i am clearing chaos alone… in an 8 player game with a bunch of lvl 5’s and 15’s and 30’s, im not doing it for the exp. if i wanted exp i would be playing with people my own level.. or do i need to explain how the *EXP formula* works AS WELL???
edit: correction i am mistaken, this part is incorrect. apparently i needed to re-read it myself
My Baal runs were for drops.
My Chaos runs were for Exp.
Back in the day, people would rush to hell chaos and level up quickly.
If people weren’t able to find someone to lvl them altruistically in personal loot games, they would find themselves in your FFA game if they wanted to level faster anyways.
This topic is done to death, and your point is moot.
yes ofc
but the drops go to the runner generally unless every player is actually at a lvl they can contribute. in which case they are all getting about 80% of thier own drops anyways
Excuse me… WHAT???
baal runs arnt for drops… no matter what way u look at it.
the only way you could run a baal run for drops is if you were running pickit and stealing the loot from everyone…
act bosses are like the ONLY thing in the game that “personal loot” COULD function on. because its completely random who gets literally anything.
Baal runs were addictive.
And I never used pickit.