Hungering Arrow (16.05)

Hey all!

So… i had a bit of time and nostalgia build memories that came up.

I have done some testings for Hungering Arrow, some basic stuff.
Keep it as “okay, good to know”. It is nothing very surprisingly or gamebreaking.
Maybe it has been done allready^^

Used items.

Buriza-Do Kyanon

The Ninth Cirri Satchel

Both items were primals, i didn’t have any thorn rolls on my items, that could have messed up my number proccs.

Here are some results and facts.

  • WIth Buriza you are MOST LIKELY guaranteed to see 3 pierces, like it should (only bad aiming into objects AND MOVING OBJECTS can stop pierce-chain)

  • Each individual hit uses it’s own pierce chance

  • Each individual hit can procc Area Damage

  • Each individual hit can procc HA’s last rune “Spray of Teeth”

  • Each individual hit uses it’s own critchance

  • Each individual hit uses IT’S OWN weapon damage value (when using DA, the following hit don’t have to exactly deal 70% more damage)

  • Only one life per hit procc can occur

  • Regardless of enemy size and body, each enemy can suffer from the maximum possible pierce amount of 5 (which kills the mysterious Internal Cooldown rumor)

  • Each individual hit can procc MFD’s rune effects, including the healing effect.

  • Each individual hit can procc cc-effects (freeze, stun, slow…)

  • When using Calamity, MFD jumps from target to target… xD (that’s a classic)

  • Each individual hit can procc gem effects

  • The lightning rune “Shatter Shot” is buggy and doesn’t split on each 1st-hit, IF it proccs, then always on the first hit.
    Buriza pierces do not work properly with this rune, only natural pierces can proc the Shatter effect. The additional pierces from Buriza do not work and you can’t get your 5 possible hits)

  • Each individual hit can proc “Helltrapper effects” (Sentry, Spike Trap, Caltrops)

  • I didn’t test, if “Spray of Teeth” can procc Area Damage, but i guess not, because it should be treated as a procc occured from a critical hit and proccs shouldn’t procc proccs. xD


(critchance retested and Buriza no impact on maxmimum pierces)

New findings:

Buriza has no impact on the maximum number of pierces (not intended???), so does the quiver (intended).

A naturally shot Hungering Arrow can pierce 4 times itself, which is the maximum.
So, with the inital hit a max piercing Hungering Arrow will deal damage for five times.

Hungering Arrow has it’s own behaviour making it hard to predict. Sometimes it feels range-capped, so that every arrow has a maximum range of travel distance until he simply stops/not pierce anymore.
On the other hand, sometimes even the long distance pierces will make the arrow find the target and pierces up to 4 times.


I guess, overall this skill is still amazing. Too bad, that there is no damage multiplier on the Quiver ;(

I just made a few runs to test, 91 and 101 with about 19,5k mainstat, Generator Gem, Trapped and Zeis.
I had the full set equipped plus Hunters Wraith and Dawn. I cubed Buriza, Depth Diggers and CoE.

At that moment, i rememberd, how damn squishy the DH is without Captain Set.

The 91 felt pretty okayish for the fact, Hungering Arrow doesn’t have any real items. The dmg peaks on the cold rotation ran up to 2.9 trillion i guess?
But only on cold, with max range and on the 5th hit.

The boss died pretty fast. Without stricken and overall unoptimized gear, the bossfight took me about 40 seconds?!

I wanted to try a 101 but knew the toughness would be a problem. So, i switched from COE to ELUSIVE and oh lord… what a mess.
Now, without the high peaks the damage is a joke.
The very first pack was a 4-man blue ghost pack, with illusionist… xD

3-4 minutes i guess. xD

To get the damage somewhere to an okayish spot, the Quiver would need at least a 700%-800% damage multiplier.

But the biggest problem… without any real toughness, Generator builds really succ. At least for the DH.
By equipping the important “Hunters Wraith”, you lose the ability to get Depht Diggers, Aquila or the Captain Set, or even Aughilds.

You HAVE TO use Depht Diggers and Hunter’s Wraith to deal damage. You could switch bracer, but then you lose the bonus from Simplicity bracers.

Oh lord…what a mess.

I would love to at least very deal high damage as a high risk trade off. With exceptional augmented items, good rolls, high gems, you could get the toughness to an okayish value, but this skill really needs a high damage multiplier.
If i gets 800%, i think it would be in a fair spot, because the peaks with Devouring Arrow are really fantastic, espacially with COE.

To deal with Area Damage the Quiver could get another change aswell.
Something like:

“Hungering Arrow” gains the effect of “Puncturing Arrow” rune, shoots 2 arrows at the same time and deals 800% increased damage.

“Puncturing Arrow” is an increase to 50%, which is the same as a 25% roll we could get now so we can get rid of that value.
If we would shoot an additional arrow, that has an own behaviour and all that damage would get increased by XXX% this skill would be so damn amazing to play.

This skill is barely good for level 75 uber bosses.

Maybe you feel the same. If it gets a decent amount of attention now and before the PTR, if a PTR will come at all, we might be able to play a generator again.



Those blasted Depth Diggers are so essential to generator builds. I found the same thing trying to make a Toads Arachyr build work many patches ago… so little DR and so little damage for T13 even. I had to use RORG in the cube so I could wear Aquila and cube DDs.

I had theorycrafted similar concepts with multiple arrows fired at once to increase the number of enemies being hit but after a while, it just ends up looking like Multishot. I think there’s an inherent problem in that if hungering arrow and elemental arrow have multiple projectiles added to each shot then they start feeling like MS.

They could go in the opposite direction and have extremely powerful single hits… but then it’ll feel like Impale.

I think a more innovative way of using Hungering Arrow is to do what Barbs got for Bash… turn it into a spend that does big damage… say grant it all runes, 100% pierce chance, that arrows can pierce up to 10 times, and the damage buff. It could exhaust all Hatred requiring one to use another generator to quickly build up more hatred.

I wouldn’t change Ninth Ciri Satchel as that quiver does what it’s suppose to at level 34. Maybe put this on Archfiend Arrows.


thanks for this. Looks like your prayers were listened and they released GoD with 2x ur suggestion.

I started the DH last week and was trying to optimize my skills for 95s speeds. Was wondering if there is a max pierces and looks like there is! Thanks for the info and the work put into this.

On my test the Shatter rune looked way better on cleaning trash, the screen emptied in 1 second but “struggled” a bit on elites, with cold arrow they just didnt last long, specially the ones that came in 5. Times in average were 2:45 for both runes buth I guess the cold one is more consistent.

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