How quickly things are forgotten - Solo Greater Rift Summary Per Class

And I talked about your post here, which is wrong as well.

I talked about you saying “this post was fine until people rattled it up”, if you don’t like people disagreeing, don’t make a post.

And people disagree cause you are in the wrong. By taking up old seasons. By what you talk about with a lot of things.
To quote someone else : you play the forum game, cause you appear in A LOT of posts and often, well… You end up talking about things you don’t really understand. Read up on Ulma’s answers to you, this is why you are wrong and why people are arguing against your post.

Okay, but by that definition you should not be allowed to talk about past seasons, but as it so happens, even free did it to explain that they haven’t received any substantial buffs in the last patches. It goes both ways mate.


No, by that definition, people should not make posts about past seasons, just to write “the reason that I went back in time, is that some are saying that a specific class is currently the worst and has been that way for years. This post hopefully will dispel that misconception”.

This is just wrong.
A class is not only bad by the amount of greater rift levels you can climb, but also the fun factor and what updates you recieve.

Don’t try to argue against me and take multiple examples into a defensive mechanism.
There is nothing wrong with talking in the past, when you need to compare why people advocate for a buff.
There is, however, something wrong, when you use it in a wrong manner. In which it was.

You make enemy where it does not exist. That is your problem Barbs.

Micro had to write like 5-6 times the he thinks Barb need buffs so you stop attacking him. WTF??? How many times one has to repeat?

I hate to quote myself. I never said Barbs don’t need buffs. NEVER!

I will REPEAT again that I think Barbs should get more damage options. If they do so it can’t hurt DH or other classes at all.

I don’t know how DH is hurting you right now… cause it does not. On the other hand DH is out of meta for ages, and it is hurting because of that big time, even for solo play.

Don’t you think that DH is deserving meta spot that he lost after season 2?

What I wanted to say is: Barb is not in good spot but in my opinion DH sucks even more.



I will ask a simple question: You have criticized me for this thread and in other threads. Can you provide any case where I said that barbs currently do not need a buff? In this thread alone, I have said it over and over again.

At some point, Blizzard will say that I am spamming this, because of how many times I have said that “barbs need a buff”.


Mate I honestly think you should quit. They don’t deserve your effort.

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So you haven’t done a 148 or you have? Make up your mind.

Are you against Barbarian buffs or not? Make up your mind. If you’re not against them then why are you arguing against us for pointing at other classes who are capable of several GR levels of more damage?

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Yeah, but that’s a surefire metric we have, sadly, it doesn’t calculate fun level. But what does?, only people’s own comments, but by that definition any build that someone finds fun should be buffed.

Micro wanted to prove his claim that the class was behind but not as bad as others made it out to be.

And we’re not gonna go into to fun factor, broken mechanics or anything like that, cause trust me, other classes has enough of that. So it’s not a single class problem.

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If you think Barbarians need a buff why do you keep posting arguments against buffing them?

Pick a side of the argument and stop spamming the forums for your forum ranking.

MicroRNA : Have I ever talked criticized you for wanting to buff Barbarians?

I do, however, for the lack of knowledge you have. For the lack of reading, when you were suppose to, the original posts about Barbarians.
I do, for you making a bull post, when you don’t understand the basic of it.

At this point, I don’t see it as a joke anymore. That you are, in fact, playing the forum gameplay.
Cause you refuse to listen. You keep making posts that are untrue.
You keep indirectly bash on others for saying Barbarians is the weakest class.

So yes, I do go against you for these things. Cause simply put it, you are wrong.

Do you even understand difference between number 148 and number 150? Stop trolling kid.


Still, RGKing as a DH on 148 (or 150 which we know they can do) is — damage wise — a Barb’s dream. Barb can maybe RGK 150 in 2 hours? :joy:

If you know DH can RGK that high then you also know they have great single target damage potential. So DH atleast has a way to play meta and do damage.

ZDH or Trash :wastebasket: Killer DH should also be a viable possibilty.

ZWD or DPS WD should also be viable.

The problem right now with ZDPS is that Harpoon and IP are so dominant for making density and protecting the group.

The problem right now with DPS is that LON Wizard is so out of line and Thorns RGK Nec is too.

Thorns RGK Nec 0:45 - 2:00 min (or faster) kills on Blighter / Bloodmaw / Perdition. Wtf?

LON DPS Wizard 1 shot kill 1-3+ elites on 150. Wtf?

So if you want to talk about the meta, Blizzard has a long way to go to improve the game and class representation.

But if we’re talking about strictly damage for each solo class, the current Patch has all the data you need.

No one has stated “this is a Barbarian issue alone.”

No one has stated other classes don’t need fixing as well.

But to write up something from the past don’t matter in this subject at all.
Cause no one is going backwards , unless Blizzard makes it so.

It is wrong to state “this class is not as bad as someone has said so”. Oh yeah?
Raekor HoTa. The strongest build for Barbarians.
Has the largest ram up time before dealing damage. Has to use a buggy wall charge, just like Tornado Wizard did with corners.
WW set is underperforming and the MOST demanding set that requires the perfect gear and is still underperforming other builds.

Those, including me, that advocate for Barbarians are not going against anyone else for wishing or wanting buffs for their classes.
No one is saying “don’t buff others ,make it a 4 man barbarian meta only”.
Heck, I’ve seen Crusader and monk threads that made sense.
Hell, even myself have defended = make EVERY skill that deals damage viable for a build for that class…
Cause I remember back in 2012, “Millions of possibilites for dealing damage to the enemies”. And now? You can still go on with some, but most damage abilities are left out.
So I defend for that. I defend people that know what they talk about. And I go against those whom make posts that are just untrue.
There is enough of misinfo going on , even on this new forum. I saw several streamers saying “Oh Morticks Brace that is soooo cool”, without even thinking for a bit about it.

Lets call a truce. You, Roidraged, Free, Rage and I share the same mindset that barbs need a buff. You may disagree with my solution to universal class parity (that is proposed in another thread for you to criticize if you desire there). You may not like my arguments or how I build my case or that the data I’m using is imperfect, but I have tried to keep a broad perspective and to my knowledge have not said anything that is “untrue”.


At this point I would love to see Barb out of 4 man meta. It is about time. By your logic in this thread guys it would not affect you at all.

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That’s like saying you want to see ZMonk or Wizard out of 4man meta instead of arguing for variety and choice.

As Free told you, the smart solution is to argue for diversity across all roles, not less options.

The game would be better off if many classes can kill trash, play zdps, and kill RGs. Not fewer.

Choice is king, and it’s also fun.


When you type things like you did in this post, that is untrue and based upon seasons behind us, behind the game, that is irrelevant, I will air out my opinions.

Same with the others. If I see fit, that something is not true, I will make a comment. I call a truce, when people don’t make posts like yours here. Or at least make it relevant.

Absolutely agree with the smart solution and Free. We need more options. Several classes need to be buffed DPS wise. Several classes need zDPS buffs. I have made separate thread asking for simple to execute suggestions for both issues.


You told me to go make other char and farm paragons.

If you are that impressed with DH why not play one all the time?

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There are many people who don’t play season and stick to non season only… If you are out of meta for 10 patches in a row…effect can be felt in the present time.

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