How much fun is D3 season 29?

Just wanted to check if people who have tried Season 29 feel it was worth their time? I’m coming off a Diablo 4 uninstall and pretty disappointed with D4 overall. I do believe D4 heavily pulled from D3 so that makes me hesitant to try S29 without decent feedback? So anyone who played it I would appreciate if you are straight up if it is a yay or nay.


It’s fun to play. The new Visions of Enmity give a new activity to aquire gear, the seasonal paragon system makes builds easier (since you can reach CDR and AS breakpoints much easier), only the paragon cap is ridiculously low.

It’s a fun season but depending on your usual seasonal goals it might be a short lived one


As ThanatosVI said, it depends on your goals.

What I like the most in the game is pushing to rank as high as I can on my spare time, especially on the EU Sader leaderboard. Thanks to the low parangon cap, I have never ranked so high with so few hours played (I made rank #10 on Sunday after 42 hours into the season, vs rank #208 in S25 - my previous record - after… 268 hours). So as a semi-casual, I enjoy the current season very much!

One can also take advantage of the seasonal theme to farm GR keys and bounty mats for NS, as VoE are quite rich on that. That is if one has goals in NS, because apart from that, the VoE feel fun at the beginning, but quite repetitive after several of them (they kind of feel like EN to me - a chore, but not as a boring one as bounties, hence the fact that I hope that they will remain in the game).

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Its not open heart surgery make a decision, try it out if you do not like it go play something else. Check out the season blog if you need information, most people have the season journey finished in a few days.

Fissures is nice. But ceiling is :poop: Negative effect from second is slightly significant than positive one from first. Overall season theme is bad for me. Play only low GR’s little above 75.

It is the worst D3 season in recent years.

They took too many cues from the D:4 playbook and it’s bad. I hope you enjoying salvaging a ton of junk and meandering with content in a dead game - because they D4-ified Diablo 3.

I uninstalled D4 nearly two months ago. If they keep this D3 season going for too long, I’m uninstalling this too. Most of my friends have already stopped playing the season. I just straight up closed the game a couple days ago with an inventory full of junk to salvage (sound familiar?).


The season gimmick makes leveling up more fun if you don’t get powerleveled but doesn’t really add any depth beyond that.

Yeah the season is fun because it is D3 but it isn’t more fun than usual because of the season gimmick.

For me it is about the same as every other season. I play until I have enough and then stop.

At least it is better than D4.

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Nope it’s second place only. The worst is S23 (Followers)

Echoing nightmares was fairly underwhelming as a theme as well.


My two cents = it’s fun and worth the time. The fissures make getting crafting materials a lot easier than running bounties, at least for solo players like me.

I’m frustrated by the conquests though. I’m not that good of a player and what takes good players 3 days to complete takes me a month or more.

Currently I’m stuck at one conquest, I’ve completed 2 and have 1 to go. Just can’t seem to get the last one done, most of them are beyond my reach. I’m trying to get the Super Human conquest done in hardcore, where you do a GR 45 with no set pieces.

Master 8 set dungeons, are you kidding? What sadist thought that up? I’ll never be able to do that. GR 55 with 6 sets, forget it, never be able to do that. Campaign in 1 hour? Forget it, I can never get a toon to run that fast and still be able to survive and do any kind of damage.

Thought about doing the 50 million gold streak in HC, but in SC I die a lot, so haven’t tried it in HC. You have to have the ability to run fast while doing damage and not dying and I’ve never been able to construct a toon to be able to do that. It’s either do damage and run slow and be able to take hits and survive, or do less damage and run fast,etc.

I’ve also noticed that in HC the drops aren’t near as numerous as in SC. It could just be my imagination, but I’ve only gotten a few set pieces for the DH that I play and a few for barbarian which are worthless for the DH. It seems like drops in SC are more numerous, but again it could just be me.

Anyway, yes playing season 29 is worth the time imo.

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Seasonal nightmares had full experience now it’s only 1/6 from them

Use the LoD gem for the 45GR without Sets.
Keep in mind, to not equip a single set item.
The gem works as long as there is no set bonus, but for the achievement you mustn’t equip set items.


Sure, but getting one scream an hour or less as a solo player wasn’t really rewarding.

Yeah but even then 5% droprate.
Even at 2 minute speed GRs that’s 1 Echoing Nightmare per hour.

Given how rare they are, the nerf was absolutely unnecessary. They should just have tweaked it, so that all group members need a petrified scream to enter.

It’s not that bad. You have both a seasonal DH and Monk. When you play with UE DH you get lots of the other sets, the same with monk.
Then go to or icy veins and see how to set up and play the different sets. You don’t even need all the stuff and perfect gear for each of the sets to do a 55.
I did five sets with wizard and then one with DH. It just takes a little time but it’s worth it.


I ran the same build for 5 sets and the no set on my necro this season, just switched out/removed the set pieces as needed.

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That is your opinion. Others have found this season enjoyable, especially the paragon point allocation cap.


Some play the game. Some play the forum. (Some play both). :smiley:


If you enjoy D3, it’s fun.


The 800 paragon ceiling is unnecessary and feels not good to play. Many have already left the season because of this. Limitations are not always good.
I hope they will NEVER do this “experiment” again!