Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

Just relax =) No reason for that, that is not happening. This is a virtual situation and assesment of number of players who will still play that FFA loot game in case of ploot implementation.

People are not going to hang back and wait for invisible drops, no one is going to be leaving valuable drops behind if they were valuable.

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It happens in every “carry” situation, and beyond. The good thing about 2 second delay, is that anyone not entitled to the drop won’t see it at all if the deserving party grabs first. They won’t even be tempted to ninja. May actually lower the incidence of that pouncing.

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One of these statements must be false. If no one hangs back and waits for invisible drops, then valuable items will be left behind. The key is that not everyone agrees on what is valuable.

Count to two seconds out loud.

Or how far “back” is in hanging back. :wink:

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Not sure how far you can walk/run in two seconds lol.

With the right aura (Vigor maybe?), or if we are talking about someone who can teleport? I think it’s much farther than you think.

Also, aoe clear speed can be insane, so 2 seconds can sometimes feel like an eternity in some MP runs.

I stated walk/run, not every class can teleport. You are making a huge deal about 2 seconds. Most people spend way longer than that stopping to manage their inventory space. Your argument for 2 seconds is a huge stretch.

Vigor aura increases walk/run speed by up to 40%, so yes a lot of ground can be covered in 2 seconds. I experienced first hand during the beta just how much ground could be covered in an astonishingly short period of time.

Your argument is for a skill from 2 different classes (i.e. a stretch). What about the rest of the classes/builds, what about range classes like a pet necromancer/druid, a bow amazon, or other range specs. It takes longer than 2 seconds to catch up to the rest of the melee party.

There’s a separate problem here: the potential for valuable items not to be picked up and people hanging back to see what got left behind.

It just so happens that paladins and sorcs are two of the most common classes played in D2… what are the odds that you get a couple in your 8 player game?

Like I already stated twice, your argument against 2 seconds is a huge stretch, just like how you used odds to reinforce my point.

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If this is a problem, in the greater scheme of things, it’s a miniscule one. Leeches gotta decide - hang back and ninja, or stay close to carry to get max XP - think Chaos runs.

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You could argue that 2-5 seconds will add up over many runs, but I’m wondering where is the fun in that mad rushing everything and counting every second? This supposed to be fun, stressing about every second is not fun.


I am just not sure how someone could be against better team work by having to wait for the range classes to catch up for literally 2 seconds lol.

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But the argument always goes back to how that affects the economy, and the players that depend on it.

I think we’ll agree to disagree here.

Man all that is not important, you run these +40% in a solo game as well. Only group MF increase, exp increase, mob hp increase and player level of cooperation matter. Just tune the numbers based on average group level speed and this is it. Or even make it worse than single player, just not that much worse as it is right now. Nobody realy needs that groups were better and people were forced into 8ppl games.