Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

Have you tested out the system yourself and counted to two seconds yet?

These are in real-time. Game action doesn’t pause during those 2 seconds. Other party members are still in the fight. If anything, slowing down the action would mean this approach would be less-lucrative over time, and therefore inferior to FFA. If so, then why would FFA’ers complain about something that is impacting the economy less than their own design?

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No you don’t, because you need other auras to increase your kill speed. But if there are multiple paladins, why not?

A: because if items become more scarce, then it is harder for them to acquire the gear they need.

There is way to many unknown factors, cheaters, bots, number of active players and so on, you can’t really predict the outcome without running some test on living environment.

I could see how the bots & pickit script cheaters would be so adamant against a suggestion for a 2 second timer though. :thinking:

Resorting to insults because you have no argument? All your points are moot. You need to actually play D2. I cannot wrap my head around it because if you’ve played D2 you’d realise ploot isn’t going to do what you want it to lol Did you come from D3?

so your advocating for bots and dupes being left in the game? those have a much larger impact than the possible few seconds of delay per run that this would have.

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The only thing I could possibly get behind is a setting when creating a game that shows if its a PLOOT or FFA game so you know which to click/avoid. I think PLOOT changes a dynamic of the game that I really enjoy and would stay away from it. You lose a lot of hype/excitement seeing things drop and scrambling. The chaos always felt fun to me. BUT the biggest thing is that encouraged me to make friends I could run with and we all helped each other out and had fun. If PLOOT was in I’m sure 99% of my games would have been deaf/mutes acting more so like robots than anything and I would have had a much more lame experience because of it. Just my opinion though.

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Very interesting. :thinking:

We’ve been through this. The economy will change, it can’t remain exactly the same as it was. But players who do not want PLoot should not have to be subject to the economic impact of its introduction, if there is one.

And for the record, bots and dupes caused massive inflation which no one wants. Plus, no one wants to have stuff suddenly disappear on them because of the return of rust storms.

So you have paladin that increses your damage by 50% and mob with 100% more hp? Who wins? not enough +100% hp make it 200%. Just balance.

I would prefer to play solo game without that paladin, espesially when I’m sorc. It’s all matter of tuning numbers. Everything can be done just fine.

First of all your assumption is incorrect, because in most cases you have plenty of things to do in those 2 seconds (walk, fight, chat).
And second of all, it is not supposed to be fast. If it is too slow for you, then dont play it.

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If a valuable item drops on the ground, people are going to cluster around it before it becomes FFA. They’ll walk towards it while trying to fight at the same time.

Too bad this affects everyone through the economy. Players can’t opt out of that effect.

Good, so they all have the same chance to take it.
Provided of course the 8th player does not pick that “valuable item drop”.

Economy is not affected at all. Same drops for the same time invested and killspeed as in FFA. Maybe slightly less.

If there is no effect, then you dont need to opt-out of the economy.

Feel free to demonstrate the economic effect. Why would there be any?

So you believe that a 2 second timer that would prevent cheaters like bots and players using the pickit scripts from stealing loot would be more detrimental to a players experience in the game. Ok.

If people are clustering around valuable items hoping they become FFA instead of moving forward and trying to rapidly clear the next group of monsters, that slows down the run.

We might disagree here, but that is my thinking.

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hahahaha you accuse people of waving them off with this statement and you use it yourself to defend your point of view :rofl:

Any kind of ploot is moronic and destructive. It changes the whole playstyle negatively, accept it!

the amount of economic impact a system like this could introduce is minimal at worst, the majority of items in the economy come from solo mf runs.

The impact from adding console versions of the game would have a stronger impact on people who don’t want to play console but i don’t think that is a reason blizzard should deny a sizeable audience the opportunity to play the game the way they want as long as it doesn’t break tos.

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Except it doesn’t always do that. In some cases the timer actually helps them steal loot lol (when the first player doesn’t pick up the item in time). It’s not so cut and dried on that front.