Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

We are discussing timed loot with a 2 second timer.

I’m replying to Ishotgg there… who has a different take on how PLoot should be implemented (increased drop rate)

The matter of balancing. If you create such groups with strangers you will get afk in every other game, a guy who just decided to go to the bathroom or had to answer the call. The list goes on. You can balance so only some more professional players could utilize that very effectively.

The whole point of the timer is that you do not need to cluster. A player has 2 seconds to collect their assigned loot.

For clarity, during those 2 second, do you think the loot is visible to all or not in a timed system?

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A timer creates a massive incentive for everyone else to cluster, hoping the first individual misses the timer.

Obviously the loot would be visible to all, otherwise we have a new problem: valuable items not getting picked up because the person who won the item didn’t want it (but others would have picked it up).

Ah, OK. NVM… :no_mouth:

And what would be the reason for that?

  1. people would still be playing it
  2. it is unlikely that it will be less than for other game modes that are also not removed
  3. there is no cost in keeping up a game mode with literally no system to maintain
  4. maybe some of the devs even prefer to play in that mode. Just as some of them likely play hc, pvp or classic
  5. it would push people away from the game for literally no benefit for the devs
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Wouldn’t happen if the loot wasn’t visible for those two seconds. It would then become visible after 2 seconds.


Have you seen a Baal run lately…? :wink:

Or a Carbot Animation? :wink:

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Leading inevitably to problem #2: valuable items potentially not getting picked up because the winner didn’t want it. This also creates incentives for people to hang back rather than go forward and clear because they want to see what will become visible.

That wouldnt be a good idea, because then items would just pop up out of nowhere. Also you wouldnt see what others are getting and be incentivised to talk and trade about those items.

So why is that a bad thing? That is literally how your favorite ffa system works. So you are now telling us that it is flawed?

There are two types of implentations for timed loot. One is that the drops are visible to all players and have two “colors”/ransparencies. The advantage of this is that everyone can “see” the drops like in the current FFA system. In an implementation like that, there could be clustering in cases of rare high value drops. For most drops, this would not be relevant.

The other implementation is that for those 2 seconds the drops are only visible to the assigned player. Afterwards, everyone can see them. In this case there would be no additional clustering and be similar to FFA currently.

LOL of course this happens during Baal himself every run… but why would we want more of that?

Valuable items would be picked up since they would become visible to the party after 2 seconds. For those 2 seconds it’s currently personal, once those 2 seconds are gone it becomes visible FFA.

This 2 second allocation time system would actually help players that hang back like range classes/specs that aren’t close to loot like melee specs when loot drops. Not only does it solve the range class/spec issue, but it also solves the bots/pickit players from stealing your loot.

It’s a bad thing because the 2 second delay per valuable item leads to the multiplayer run being slowed, as opposed to FFA where the first individual picks the item up almost instantly.

Not really. If everyone is clustering around a valuable item, when it becomes FFA the bot or pickit script likely has an even bigger advantage.

It’s literally 2 seconds, range classes/spec need more time to move. The only thing it hinders is players that play sorcerer solo in public multiplayer games by teleporting all over the map skipping mobs and that are not team players.

Either valuable items will not get picked up or people will hang back so they can see what is visible.

As long as it was not assigned to the bot/pickit user in the first place, the legitimate player has 2 seconds where s/he and no one else can pick it up. In that case, the legitimate player has a huge advantage.

Lets not exaggerate the speed issue, in most cases allocated item would be picked up before timer runs out, and if not its like a blink of an eye before it becomes FFA.