Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

  1. Sure, make it toggle-able (for the game creator), or color-coded in the lobby list of games (for joiners). This isn’t difficult.

  2. Oh, c’mon. A 2 second delay will have negligible impact on anything. It simply gives ranged characters the change to get loot from their own kills. And forces leechers to put their neck on the line if they want to grab something they didn’t earn. This is a completely specious argument.


What I meaned was imaginary situation, sry for my english if you didn’t understand. I was talking about what if they decided to get rid of something unpopular. Of course it doesn’t have to happen.

LOL at this one. Everytime a valuable item drops, get ready for the “Baal is dying cluster up” syndrome.

HC, PVP and Classic are very unpopular in comparison to D2: LoD SC PvM.

Even if you compare ladder and non ladder, ladder would most likely get the shorter stick.

Do you really think that less people will end up playing FFA than they are currently playing in HC?

Yeah, I know that it is a bit better, but don’t know the exact details. I mean to equalize to 8x not do exactly 8x. Common, the idea of ploot is to make it possible to play for loot in a multiplayer games with strangers. Just balance it when implement, that’s it. Don’t need to talk into details, that’s not important.

Simple - any individual who thinks they are bad at clicking (getting less than the expected 1/8 chance) or players who seem to prefer the PLoot way and don’t like FFA. It might not be a majority, but it could be significant enough to slow down the economy.

I don’t know and I don’t care really =) Just imagine if they decided to remove whatever is unpopular. Then FFA loot would go, that’s what I think.

Worse yet, I haven’t even factored clear speed into that argument. An 8 player MF run clears areas much faster than a single player MF run - so your proposal would be disastrous from an inflation perspective.

I’m sorry, but the details do matter.

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So let’s say it is 20% will pick an optional timed loot game and those games are 5% slower.

Overall that would be a 1% difference in the number of items.

This difference is most likely dwarfed by the change in items in D2R caused by eliminating duping and reducing botting. If you want the old economy, than one would need to increase the drop rates to compensate for no duping and reduced botting.

Have you seen the Carbot Animations vids on youtube? Hysterical, BTW, and they often parody this behavior. This humor is based on IRL behavior!

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The point is: not everything should go to the script/pickit user in public games, but rather a more fair distribution of the drops…

If such a system were to be introduced, it should be something like a round robin, plain and simple.

You’ll get gear more often than all the items disappearing before they even hit the ground.

This says more about you than about the subject at hand.

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You could remove all those bonuses? These are details of implementation and balancing. Does not important on the discussion of idea.

Anyway good speed groups deserve that bonus. Doesn’t have to be balanced around them, just for the slitely less than average player.

But the problem is, that drastically affects the economy if good speed groups can go find way more items than before.

The D2R economy will be different from the old D2 economy. It’s impossible for it to remain the same. No argument here. But we’ll be able to separate out the impacts because they won’t happen at the same time.

However, it’s hard to say exactly what % will picked timed loot and just how much slower they would be. My personal suspicion is that they won’t be 5% slower, but more like 10-50% slower, depending on how many valuable items drop in that run.

If battle.net 2.0 works as advertised, we’ll all have to adjust to an economy that is not well-lubricated by botting. It will be a much stingier place, taking much longer to trade for the items you need.

Is it drastically? The whole point of balancing is to make it fine more or less.

And that economy is not official. That is holding it back by a lot as is. You don’t even know what is the real state of it if many people just won’t buy anything, because the don’t care, or don’t know where to buy, or don’t want to risk on these deals to just pay for nothing.

If you create a massive incentive to do so, soon everyone will be creating 8 player speed run groups (even those who hate PLoot) to find as many items as possible, utterly crashing the economy.

At end game, valuable drops are pretty rare. I suspect that this will not be much of an issue in terms of game pace.

For example, consider a Baal run. Any valuable item that drops in waves 1-5 will be picked up before the final throne room door opens so no delay at all. In fact it might be even faster, as the waves are being attacked consistently and there is no stopping to attack to get closer to potential drops (which might save 1-2 seconds). For Baal kill, add 3 seconds at the end and maybe remove a second to kill Baal (no having to stop attacking). In total, that run might be 0-1 second longer.

This is much less than my estimate of 5% difference and quite different fro your estimate of 10%-50% slower.

I must have missed the memo. How does pLoot (assuming no extra items drop in total) impact the speed of acquiring loot?

Under FFA? You bet! Under PLoot system the 2 second delay means there will be weird clustering while trying to clear the mobs at the same time.