Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

Nah, it will be the best version of the game with D3 style loot and unicorns among other mounts. It will be so damn good.

Ah you beat me with your arguments. Please introduce ploot so I can stop being so ignorant. :laughing:

Really? It’s like 33% of your post base.

Yes that’s true, and I’d personally love it. The economy of a single player game. Perfect!


Me, too. I just hope everyone else realizes this and isn’t hoping to pop into a trade game with an Ist looking for a Shako. They may take a lot longer to find either!

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soo? wher did i change my mind that it in the tweet 4 is not ploot? because thats what you saying,

Okay then it would be the same if you were at your workplace and your boss said he promises you will get $50 more money is identical to getting fined $50 in court. Mind telling me how not getting money you never had is the same as money you already had is taken away from you. There is a big difference between the two.

That is why I said that solo mf runs and trading is faster than multiplayer and trading in getting gear. But plooters are wanting solo players to feel forced to play multiplayer to get the loot they want. Where solo mf runs would be kicked to the curb. That is unless they are saying they want loot for themselves and only themselves. Where a group of 8 with you in it would have your account flagged where you are the sole one that gets any loot ever that would be truly personal loot. But it wouldn’t be fair, but then again you might not be that type of person that cares about fairness.

I am saying what would happen in time unless VV/Blizz implements ploot where everyone gets the same amount of drops from monsters. Boss drops five items everyone in the party gets five items. That is both fair and probably the easiest way to implement personal loot.

Add the ploot system that is probably the easiest and the most fair, even though you are not wanting it to a well coordinated group. Now you have 8 players that have 8xs the loot drops of solo players. If they agree to share their drops then forget about it. Solo players will be kicked to the curb as far as being the most efficient way to get the loot you want.

if you are competitive and want to reach level 99 the fastest then you will no doubt need seven other players on your team to help you get there. Similar to how the strength in numbers buff gives a boost to paragon farming.

It is not about being capable, it is what is the most logical and fair version of ploot. I say it is the version where boss drops five items everyone in the group gets five items. Sure they would be different items but it is both fair and easy to do.

No one is asking for this. It’s a misdirection to even bring it up. Most of the pLoot posts I’ve seen they state they specifically do NOT want this. If you’re going to challenge them, do it with what they’re saying, and don’t resort to distortion or even lies to do so. It doesn’t help your argument.


Where did players beg the devs of D3 to put the runes into the skills. Or ask them to auto assign attribute point, unlock skills and runes, etc… Where did players ask for brawling in D3, paragon 1.0 or 2.0, etc… Can’t you see what I am saying. Just because it is a game company that is different than Blizz doesn’t guarantee they will give ploot the exact way you want it.

You can dream all you like or want. But at the end of the day it is the version that the devs choose to use which will likely be the one that I mentioned even though either no one wants it or a very few do.

Yet another misdirection. Who cares a whit about D3.

It’s still Blizz. VV is now a part of Blizz, but Blizz still is in charge of VV and still pays the bills. D2R is a Blizz title.

Of course, it’s up to Blizz to decide the evolution of the game. But, the game as long-since moved on from the “pig with lots of lipstick” phase. Lots of changes already, and the devs are discussing even more coming in the near future. None of us know where it’s going in that near or even far future.

What I do know is the devs seem to have no fear of sacrificing sacred cows. I expect they’ll slay even more in the future, because they make the best hamburger…

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This is a garbage take. I avoid pub games other than to get past content quicker or level up, because I know the loot is going to melee and pickit. If there was a ploot option I would happily play with people who I knew were getting the same chances at loot.

If some people abuse it, I would just find another game.


It doesn’t matter what a few posters here are specifically asking for. What will probably get filtered up the chain is “players want personal loot.”

If console players aren’t capable of figuring out how lobbies work (in the mind of Blizzard), how will they react to timed allocation loot? Much easier to just give them what they’re used to.

My position is based on what I believe will actually happen - not a theoretical best case scenario cooked up in a forum Blizz doesn’t even respond to.

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If that happens, it will be a disaster. The vast majority of PLoot advocates don’t want a lazy implementation that increases drop rate or makes loot instanced and not timed…

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I really don’t understand the console issues, as I’ve never played them. But, I can see how this might pull the dev team in directions that aren’t clear to PC’ers like me. I do appreciate you pointing me in to learning more about this issue. If nothing else, to better understand certain changes in the future.

Yeah, I hate the term “personal loot” as there are so many examples running the entire gamut, it’s almost meaningless to use the term at all - especially if you have to describe which version you’re referring to all the time.

Personally, I vote for the 2 second delay to FFA, then call it a good compromise, then call it a day on this feature forever… :smiley:


Who said we were asking for a fast or efficient way? We were asking for an option to play in an enjoyable way. Ploot is just that.
Not fast. Not efficient. Enjoyable.

It is alot more cumbersome. It shouldnt be. We have a huge community of people who prefer to play that way. So why not give us an option for it?

It was not designed that way. It was maybe balanced that way. But we are not asking to change the balance.
We are not asking for a way to get loot or experience efficiently. We are asking for a way to get a good compromise and have an enjoyable game.

You are just trying to twist this into your min-max-mindset. That is not what it is.


(1) Many players will not want a 2 second delay to FFA in their games

(2) Many players will not want to be forced into an economy affected by such a delay in some games on the same server

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Aaand now the same 8 players play in their private games, they get their 8x loots and sync every hour. OMG OP nerf pls!!! Don’t you see that it’s quite doesn’t change anything? As I say, ploot only gives a reason to play multiplayer for loot, well actualy to play multiplayer at all, because the loot is only that matters in this game.

Forgive me pls, but LOL. Competitive in what? What kind of achievment is even that? Thousands of players and you are 1st, but another 1k people are next to you, what does it do for you? Pointless. This is not a competitive game, at least I play ladder for fresh experience and don’t care who does what.

By that logic HC and classic would also be removed. I dont think that argument is getting sharper the longer you look at it.

Exactly. No difference, just another option to play with people.
As a matter of fact people might even get less loot (compared to solo MF) and still be ok with it.


#1 Since we are discussing an optional system where FFA is default and the alternate opt in, there would be no delay unless players selected that option for their own enjoyment of the game.

#2 Given what you know, could you estimate how many players will pick FFA loot versus timed loot, given that timed loot as you claim is slower and will take longer to gear up?


Ummmm… you do realize that drop rates in 8 player games exceed the drop rates in a solo mf game right? So if they increase the drop rate by a factor of 8, it will lead to massive inflation, right? The total number of drops would exceed 8 solo mf runs significantly…

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