Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

No I don’t? It’s not about it being hard or easy. It’s never hard.
It’s easy to get gold but it’s also easy to run out of gold. Using charges can make you run out of gold very fast. Anyone hardly used it.
The different is that with auto gold pickup, it’s not that easy to run out of gold. This will make it that you cap much faster and dump it by gambling for items.
I don’t mind this. I do think it’s a QoL change. I don’t like clicking on gold when I’m doing my runs. It’s just an example that a “small” change can be bigger than some might think.

It is the classic “group think” + “control the dialogue” tactic. Why else would they dedicate many thousands of posts to the same issue?


I love what you did there bro!

Leeching in any shape or form is bad behaviour, unless you asked beforehand, and it should be punished more strictly by the community. A change or adding another loot system will not change those people minds and they will continue doing it. We do agree on that part. I also agree that ploot will make Ninjalooting impossible and that is a good thing.
However i still prefer FFA over Ploot because i think i can handle the one game that i like where fairness is not on top of the priority list. It’s a preference i have, just like others have different ones.

This would be my suggested version of Ploot 1.0:

For normal monsters, items are allocated to whoever deals the killing blow.
Leeching is discouraged while contributing to the party is rewarded. Normal monsters die quickly in big party games and drops are usually not that significant, so kill stealing should not become a real issue.

For boss monsters, including champions, uniques and super uniques, items are allocated to players in the area where the monster is killed. The radius of this area would be the maximum distance from which a monster can be seen/attacked by a player, including 10% extra to account for potential inaccuracies.
Characters that are clearly too low level for the area would be excluded from item allocation (unless playing solo), let’s say a 25 level difference (up for debate). So if Baal’s throne room is level 85, you’d need to be level 60 before you have to chance to get loot from any of the bosses there. If a high level character rushes/carries a group of low levels through a high level area, the high level player would get all the loot.

I don’t like the idea of timers or being able to see other players drops. D2 is a fast paced game: you kill, you loot, you move on. Timers will encourage players to linger and wait, which only takes away from a well paced party game. Items ignored by other players are generally not that great anyway. So you either get the drop or you do not. You only see your own drops. No waiting or backtracking to see if someone else missed something.

No changes to MF are needed, as MF would be applied before item allocation. A high MF no damage leech build would give no benefits.

Point is to have a different game experience. One where players dont go Hug and Click monsters, but actually fight monsters instead.

Less problems than in FFA tbh.

Maybe not 10 sec. But yes.
That offers players a hard choice. Wait for an item, and lose out on other items + XP? Something that can differentiate players of different skill levels.

Those who dont want to, can simply play FFA however.
FFA and Ploot would have different pros and cons, making both of them very viable choices to play.
The entire point is that Ploot should never be better than FFA.

Solo and MP also split the community. And so what.

Point would be slightly different play experiences, getting rid of the silly “Hug and Click” gameplay in FFA. Players working together to kill stuff, instead of trying to click text on the ground the fastest.

There isn’t really any ways that it could affect the game negatively.
It only alters one very specific thing about the game, and leave everything else unchanged. And then makes it optional, as well as ensuring it is not better than the original way to play.

That is such an obvious way to go forward with this.
Would remove a lot of guessing and theories.



In WoW it sure happened a lot.
Like those ~40+ Onyxia raids my guild had in Original WoW, before a mage helm dropped :smiley: An item with like 20% droprate. <3 RNG.

But that is not bad, well, it might feel bad, but it is worth it in the end. Items being kinda rare makes it that much better when you do get them.
That holds true in both FFA and Ploot.

Definitely not Hence why FFA very much should be an option. I bet it would continue to be a very popular option.


But they arent garbage. They are the exact same as in FFA.


If your theory is true, then droprates will go up regardless of Ploot. Since people will play FFA with those same droprates.
I strongly hope droprates wont go up, but the question is completely irrelevant for and disconnected from the ploot discussion.

Like in FFA.

This thread is making it more and more clear you are not reading anything people write to you, and are just trolling.
Stacking MF while not killing anything would do literally nothing for you.

A different play experience.
if you read peoples posts, you would already know.
FFA will likely result in better XP (zero risk of downtime). And it can result in more loot (but also in less loot). Both FFA and Ploot would have their pros and cons.

If it became bosses + super uniques, this could be a good way to implement Ploot and see how people receive it.

Sadly yeah.
Too common around here.

Indeed, since ploot would not ruin the game. At all.

He is not reading your posts. I mean, he might read the words. But not trying to understand what the words say.

Seriously? That must just be horrible for you. Having to spend 2 seconds after installing the game, to set a filter, and never touch it again. I truly sympathize. Game ruined!

If anything, the Hug and Click gameplay in FFA breaks immersion.

“Sure, we are fighting the most evil guy in the universe, but you know what, instead of trying to finish him off and save humanity, I will just go stand on top of him and spam click the ground!”

The anti-plooters keep refusing to answer this :thinking:

Which would be quite fine from a ploot point of view :slight_smile: You can keep all the leechers in FFA.

100% this. The disinformation from anti-plooyers is mindblowing. Simply systems are explained to them. Then they go make a new thread and repeat their lies, going against what they were just told.

MF find item barb would work the exact same in both FFA and Ploot, and be equally efficient/inefficient in both.

Just dont let people leech? I sure wouldnt carry a lvl 20 character around in a ploot game. Why would you?

Ploot is just a convenient way to do the same.
Aka. Quality of Life change.

They really should be. Blizzard seem to be sleeping sadly.

Yeah, auto gold poickup is probably a bigger change to the game than ploot would be. But people somehow accept the auto gold pick up change.

That would be quite bad imo. Better to just leave normal monsters as FFA then.


Not a bad idea.
It complicates the system, which I am against. But, the added complexity could be worth it here.



Ploot will not be coming to D2, please create whiny annoying spam on some other game forum.

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I believe it will be. Rod already said “if” they impliment it, it would be optional. No reason to point that out if they didn’t already have plans. It’s just PR right now, saying otherwise, to avoid review sabatoge from the vocal minority.

If a pig flies out of my butt it will be colored blue and his name will be Sir Azule Bodachi Jr


I mean, that’s a solid name


I appreciate your willingness to share, but honestly, we do not need so much detail on what gives you pleasure in life.


The only honest question for ploot advocates should be “why did you pre-order the game just to spam change demands in the forums?”. :joy: exactly like the guys posting “D2R is going to die without changes!”… after pre-ordering it. lolwut

And honestly, we don’t need to hear your constant and habitual demands for ploot, every, single, day, without a doubt and without a break in the flow. What is more is that Rod confirmed that there would be no ploot, and many other announcements stating that D2R is to be a faithful remaster with some small QoL improvements.

The best you can come up with now is a news article which asks what additions will be made in the coming months and years, things that are mentioned are new items, monsters Ect, nothing about changing core mechanics but still, bizarrely, this is used by you ploot advocates to try to pass off the idea that ploot will be introduced, which it will not.

You cannot NOT be aware of how divisive these habitual demands are, so why do you do it?

Same reason most of us are here. He’s bored and has no life so he spends it trolling about ploot. At least he could switch it up and attempt to try anything else. But him and Micro keep bashing their heads against the walls of logic to try and make ploot make sense. Funny thing is, even Micro has agreed that ploot isn’t happening, but he still won’t admit its “100%” . Him and blash have to hold onto that .0001% chance. 10 years post-launch they’ll still be bangin away, telling us theres STILL a chance. :joy:

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One of the ploot advocates said that he’d petition for ploot even after he stopped playing, the only reason someone would do that is out of spite.

or because they would start playing again after it is added.


What can’t find players that will play with you that will actually share the loot. Where all of you play in password protected games.

Where you find each other in public games with FFA loot. Where you take the hit as far as gear goes just to find those that would be willing to play with you.

What can’t bother about setting up threads and other ways of finding those types of people.

You already know it is there for the experience instead of getting gear. So why bother asking for it when you know the options that exists to get geared up. I don’t think it is because you are wanting multiplayer public games to be the most efficient way of getting gear. Or you have some other motive for wanting ploot.

Oh so it is not a handicap system. Well if you can’t compete or won’t compete then use the tools that is way more efficient for getting gear. Instead of complaining for a handicap to be added. Ploot already exists and you know it does.

So we can’t discuss changes because it hurts your feelings?

Ploot is a small QoL change that would make D2R better, and not really affect anyone outside of those choosing to use it. That is all there is to it.


Oh your habitual demands for ploot don’t hurt my feelings, why would they? We won the battle, what I am saying is, this grinding obsession you have with ploot is something we all know about, you tell us every day. If you have told you that you demand ploot 50 times, do we need to hear it the 51st time?

Considering all the misunderstanding of the concept on the forum, it seems like it, unfortunately.