Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

Rune drops have been raised twice since the last time I played

In actuality, some of the plooters assume: (i) that there will be lots of bots; so (ii) they will fill pub games; therefore (iii) we need to implement ploot so I can follow bots in pub games and still get my fair share.

It might sound absurd, but you can see this plain as day in D3 with people absolutely unprepared for T16 bounties jumping from game to game hoping bots simply do all the bounties for them. It’s quite sad, lol.

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Yeah would be nice if they reset that given it was done due to the decrease in playerbase over time.

proplooter in school. hey somone is better then me. Can you add the hard answers to my test plz… because i think its unfair.

same person, at sports. uhhhhh the other team is much better. can we get 5 goals up front.

same person, world championship in tetris. hey can i only get the squars and the long ones plz …


I don’t play D3 personally, even though I own it. I just don’t find it fun. The loot system especially I think is terrible. Personal loot sucks, and the stat system is terrible in my view.

What I don’t do is go on the forums there causing toxic debates by calling for unnecessary changes because it’s not 100% what I want. I just accept that enough other people like it that way to sustain it and move on to something I do like instead.

I am just here to enjoy the pickit and bot users try to defend their stupid FFA anti social encouraging cheating loot table.

“Insert MJ popcorn gif.”


So everyone who likes D2 the way it is is a bot user? nice trolling…

Also got a few questions.

  1. What needs to happen to drop rates to make it fair and on par with they way it is now?
  2. What needs to happen to counter bots? Ploot makes it easy for bots. Instead of bots that kill stuff and loot items, you only need a bot that loots stuff that got killed be actual players. Even script kiddies will create bots.
  3. How will you counter leechers? In D3 you need to solo a Grift in order to play on a higher difficulty. Still, there are a lot of leechers. How will D2R combat this?

Just accept this is a remaster of a 20 year old game warts and all.

make loot password protected, with (anti-bot) captcha holes to jump through.


remember…there are professionals

except that FFA incentivize you to not engage with combat and wait for loot to drop, stealing others work while Ploot encourages you to actually combat since there is no reason to ninja

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How does ploot encourage you to do anything? You get loot if someone else kills stuff. So what is stopping you from playing a zero dps MF find item barb and just run around looting stuff that can only be picked up by you?
The way it is now, lets those grab stuff that are in the fight. Some lvl 20 leeching on hell will leech exp but not loot. Which is fair.
If you don’t MF and you need all of your loot from open rooms. What is stopping you from grouping up with friends or people from Discord and share all the loot? You don’t need to change and destroy a game for that, just go on Discord and make some friends.

You can’t ask intellectually inconsistent and dishonest people an honest question and expect to get honest answers from them. Unfortunately, that’s the way it is with those who “ploot” the forum space with their absurdities.


These Ploot advocates are flagging everybody who questions their point of view. Pathetic.

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zero dps MF barbs with find item. Have Bo. And CTA is connected to legit play. And the Future of D2

Yeah had a few of those myself that have come to nothing. Wonder if they will get banned for report trolling?

ok let me explain something simple in the simplest words since it seems its too difficult for your brain to comprehend

Ploot doesnt directly pushes you to kill stuff, but it removes the perk of Ninjalooting. There is no point anymore in just walking around not killing anything waiting for loot to drop and quickly pick it while others are busy fighting. It incentives a positive behavior by removing a bad one

Ofc there still could be people doing nothing and picking up their 1/8th share, but there would be not incentivization to “not participate”, leeches would be capped at 1/8th of the loot while in FFA it could be 8/8

Not killing monsters and running around with find item is actually… PARTICIPATION, you would make stuff drop for you and your team mates as well, its a secondary kill

are you implying that you are fine with making the Bnet random stranger groups a bad experience?

I honestly personally dont care about Ploot, but i can understand that it would be a good and healthy mechanic for the game, preventing people from quitting the game because their hard work is constantly stolen by other people


It would not be a healthy mechanic. People don’t understand that a very small change can totally change the whole experience of a game.
For example, auto gold pickup is a QoL change but this will also change a lot. Where gold was used for repairs in D2, it will now be rewarding to play a gold find character instead of MF. Items with charges (high repairs costs) will be more valuable (Oak Sage on HOTO for example). It’s also usefull for gambling to get those valuable rare items.

Thinking Pleech is a small and good change is wrong.

Lol you talk like gold isn’t easy to access in original D2

Like if charges are a factor in items price

Man, remove your hate goggles and see the situation objectively

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