Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

There is no misunderstanding, we get it, you want personal loot in D2R, we get it, what more is there to say? We don’t need to hear it anymore. Can’t you just get a sense of perspective on it? Imagine if someone spammed in this forum constantly about how they want, lets say, an act six, and Rod confirmed there would be no act six, then this person keeps starting constant threads, posts and replies about wanting act six, wouldn’t you say to that person “yes yes, you want act six, we know”? It’s like a child demanding candy all the time, personal candy, all the candy, all for him.

If they kept discussing what an act 6 could be, and how to do it, while clearing up other posters misconceptions, I’d be fine with it.
I would very much disagree with them, but they are more than welcome to want an act 6.


But we know how you want ploot, we know it, and we have seen what ploot does to other games and how the next demand is increased loot drop rates. What is more, Rod has confirmed that there will be no ploot, this line here… “Rod has confirmed that there will be no ploot”, is a line ploot advocates seem programmed to ignore, it’s just the same comment over and over again, i’ve already got the other two ploot advocates on mute and ignore precisely for this reason, it’s just like reading the same habitual demands from the same people over again.

The other day you were saying you wanted a whole server for yourself and the other two ploot advocates, we all said we were fine with that, you guys could go onto your own server but still the demands come.

This is exactly how it should be done.
Another thing I keep explaining.

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We know.

12 characters.

I think all ploot advocates want to have p8 drops and p8 exp without sharing the loot. they’re just greedy and should play single player.

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This is what I am talking about.


Now here is a man who understands it, i’ve seen more than one say how they hate it when people in public games that they hosted pick items up and how they should have first dibbs on all unique items that drop in games they host, it gives the game away when they say things like that,

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Shadout, I am sorry if I came across as brash, maybe abit of an A-hole, as I know we found an understanding yesterday, and its not entirely your fault, it’s just after months of ploot threads from the same people, the patience sometimes runs thin is all.

Ploot is simply superior. Do not worry, in the end everyone will use that private loot and nobody FFA. Let me explain. FFA loot is favouring people who can pick more items than their share in group and unfavouring people who can not, so the second part of players will move to ploot instantly for this reason leaving you and other who pretend to like it with each other, so if you are good at picking others loot or use scripts for it, you all will stuck in the same game and start picking up only your share of items on average. In the end all of you will move to ploot as well because now you won’t have any advantage over other FFA looter and ploot will only remove that worry for you and keep you getting your share of items. At least for what you think what ploot is.

In my opinion it will be done as completely private loot like in d3, otherwise multiplayer will still have disadvantage at farming items. Well you only farm items and exp in this game and exp is not important at all. So, I doubt many people want wasting their time playing in parties sacrificing their loots and will just play solo instead. Soon, multiplayer will die.

See this is what I mean, if you honestly believe this, which I guess you do, then there is just no way anybody can reach you, as it is just so far removed from reality. Rod himself confirmed that core mechanisms of the game will not be changed, one of those in a looter is, surprisingly enough, the loot system, yet you are now trying to convince us that not only will Ploot be implements, but apparently we will ALL be playing it, nobody shared loot.

How do you come to this conclusion?

I already stated it. If you are not out of your mind and do not like suffering, it is natural that you and everyone else will finaly get that ploot is better and start using it.


p-loot will not come to D2R. so cry all you want… we like you :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:


So the ploot demands have finally become a religion then? You sound like you are trying to convert me to a religion.

Listen, it has been confirmed, it will NOT be happening, just accept it and get with the program.

Did I miss something? The last news I heard about ploot is that they are discussing it. So it might happen in one of the next updates.

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Yes you missed something, the confirmation from Rod, you can still find it on his twitter feed. The comment you mention, them “discussing” it, is from before that.

Then you don’t mind to post the link? The search for anything about “loot” seems to find nothing on his twitter page.

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There were 4 relevant tweets from Rod that occurred from August 30-31. Quoting "we’re not doing it "lacks context. We’re not doing what? Ordering fried chicken? Doing something at launch? Altering the old loot system?

Here is everything in context and the tweet of Rod and the tweet he directly responded to. I think there is a reason that some won’y quote things in their entirety since it does not fit a specific disinfromation narrative.


I’m always amazed how often Rod’s tweets are selectively referenced to create a point of view that is exactly the opposite of what he said.