Honest Question for Ploot Advocates

so why do you join them to spam even more troll posts and disinformation rather than either ignoring it or posting something worth while. you don’t need to add to the anti-ploot troll/disnformation spam just because you don’t think personal loot will be added.

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ploot isn’t happening, sorry!

I mean yeah, I agree.

If the main concern is that poeple are going to leech then take it upon yourself to not support those kind of players. Call them out, leave the game or do anything you think is necessary, so you don’t have to play with them.
I am reading all those comments and scenarios about leechers, bots and cheaters in an effort to make an argument when there is none. You are taking the worse kind of people in order to get a point across which you can easily solve on your own, regardless of the loot system(s) in place.
No loot system in the world will change the mind set of people in terms of leeching. If the community does not tolerate this kind of players then they’ll leave or play solo. The same goes for cheaters or bots, more for cheaters than for bots but again you have it in your hand to NOT play with those people or bots.
Yes for cheaters and bots there should be systems in place to assist the community’s effort and to maintain the integrity of the game.

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a disinformation troll spam it’s a trifecta.

You’re right - the disinformation in my post is this part:


The best lies contain mostly the truth, right? The truth being this part:

ploot isn’t happening

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but this has all been proven false by 21 years of evidence no matter how much you call people out to this day you have ninja looting leachers bots and cheaters in d2lod.

one of the many points of ploot is help resolve this as obviously the current methods available to the playerbase have not worked for the entirety of d2’s lifetime.

by making a post opposing an optional change that would help reduce the impact of these players you are in fact proving the community does tolerate them.

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This is not a critism on ploot or FFA but to the people complaining about leechers, bots and cheaters. And YES Blizzard is also at fault for not assisting the past years.

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If only there was a mode that would limit leechers to get a maximum amount of the loot to disincentivize leeching in public games. If only.


Yawn, another day, another ploot topic. People need to chill out for awhile on this. However, I will give my honest answer. Personally, I would have rather of had instanced loot. Originally, I thought the single player variables would have been a rewarding, but not too rewarding experience. I had revisited that internal thought awhile ago, and it would be too much. It would be hard to come up with a rewarding experience drop wise and economy wise (for the economy simulator lovers that will inevitably just be using the pricing tiers decided by D2JSP). It can be done, but would have to be tested to ensure.

I personally feel that D2 was never meant to be competitive in the loot department. It was meant to be more like a tabletop rpg party, splitting loot When D2 first released, there were no other games like it on the market. PC gaming was primarily dominated by FPS and RTS style games. While random pubs were a part of the game, I feel the original idea was meant to be more towards irl friends playing, or like college dorm teams. The idea of trade was meant to be a “I need this item, you need that item, let’s trade” kind of deal, and not a system of currency that D2 developed.

Until 1.10, I didn’t give the loot system much thought. However, afterwards, I was also older than originally when the game launched, and the greater emphasis placed upon runes, with the unique and set items taking more of a backseat in usefulness, along with Baal being the main party XP grind spot rather than having a more open choice, like with cows, the loot system began to feel really off to me. After D3 launched, it was a great feeling to play the game, and not worry about some dudebro cheater with scripts or some thug grabbing something that their character had no immediate use for, then demanding a HR to trade it. I feel instanced loot as opposed to FFA loot, would drive more cooperative party play in a public setting. D2 is no longer the only game in town, and most irl friends jump from game to game. It would open up more than just XP runs and would vary the “grouping meta.”

In any case, I do support the choice of optional personal loot, though I don’t feel it would be to promote party play as much as people think. Your not going to be doing MF runs with it, however those like me, that typically run questing solo, and only group for leveling/play with friends, it would open up an avenue for more coop play to push through the story quests faster to get to end game solo MFing and group XPing. I do think the end result, would be that players that play solo anyways, would band together to tackle the quests together, then like FFA, would split back into their solo MFing routes.

Anyways, my thoughts. Moot for launch though.


It’s the victimhood-esque attempt to “own the discussion”. Even more pathetic than the method is the result: nada.

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Apparently, the game is “toxic and selfish” so it needs to be changed.

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I don’t think the original game itself promotes toxicity and selfishness, but I do believe a segment of players made it that way, which in turn, 1.10 was the devs answer in attempt to force players to play together and make the game less able to be exploited (it had the opposite effect). However, I do know this:
It is a big gamble on the part of the devs to try and keep the loot system true to the original, knowing how exploited it is, and knowing that newer players to the game would expect a modernized system to combat this. I don’t necessarily disagree with the devs decision to keep it the same, but I still see it as a risk. There is a difference in keeping to original mechanics because they are the authentic feel vs changing them because you know it needs monitored closely to not repeat the issues of the original game (massive botting/cheating scripts from a segment of players that will stop at nothing to break the game whether it be for the lulz or for personal profit/gain).

Quoted for posterity

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But you didn’t quote it fully. It’s not my words.

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Wasn’t supposed to. See we can both troll.

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It’s not trolling it just looks like you’re stupid.

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Looks at rest of thread…

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A loud minority here (and elsewhere) bray the “community is toxic” mantra. A litmus test being the simple “if someone clicked faster than me in a pub game that person must have used pickit” toxicity.

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It’ll quieten down once they realise they are never getting infi or eni and move on for other games.