Hit Recovery Removed - D4

I dont know about it, so far I remember condor games had a justice league fighting game so it could take influence from there.

Also, this OP claims it already at point 5:

Totally agreed here, thats why im totally against what D4 devs said at blizzcon or D4 Q&A that if you get hit, your attack animation will still trigger.

I dont know if thats hard to programm which effect it will else take (mid or non-mid swing) and guess it correctly when a blow will be already in mid swing unless you have super good eyesight and good reflexes.

Either that and for “not so weighted blows” hit recovery could still take place like it always has been in previous diablos.
Lets not forget that since D3 the size of monsters increased abysmally, “cough”, siegebreaker, “cough”, belial, “cough”.