Hahahahaha Path of Exile 2 was Announced

Except for you no one has problems with loot boxes that give out cosmetics, because cosmetics have 0 effect on your character power

More like gives them a cash cow to milk, Blizzard has made more from profit out of subs than has gone into the game it’s not like that when blizzard adds an expansion you get it for free
And then there is the whole bringing back WoW Classic

Except for the PoE fanbois that come here to advertise because the game is so great there is no one there so they have to come here to try and get people to play


You say it’s the younger generation that defends the MTX, and that it’s a problem. You do realize the younger generation doesn’t spend the money like the older, working generation, that can afford to, does?

Even before video games even became a thing, people collected stuff. I’ve been playing video games since the Atari 2600, and I’ve seen gaming evolve over the years. Now a days, games are at an all time high, whether mobile, console, or PC. One of the biggest reasons is collections, you give a player something to collect, and they will jump leaps and bounds to get the whole thing. This goes for cosmetic items as well.

The MTX for Cosmetic items you see in games now, are this generations coins, playing cards, Hotwheel’s cars, buttons…the list goes on. Ever since they introduced this new way for gamers to collect items, it’s been a massive deal. It’s not going anywhere, in fact, it’s one of the greatest things that happened to the video game industry. MTX fund the games you love to play, whichever IP that might be. The greatest thing about them is, NO ONE is forced to buy them. They don’t give the player any benefits, but people spend a fortune on them, because it’s something to collect.

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Don’t get Microtransactions confused with Lootboxes. Huge difference! Overwatch uses lootboxes, and it’s terrible.

Games like POE, Fortnite, PUBG, and the likes, use MTX to fund their games, and they’ve all had huge success.

In my humble opinion, it would be silly not to bring them to Diablo IV

Most of you didn’t even play PoE enough to be commenting on PoE 2 aka 4.0. I know that from either you saying it or you saying stuff that doesn’t hold up to the facts.

Firstly, what they do it’s incredibly smart move. They will not split or separate community aka D2 vs D3 anyone? Everybody will play same game, and more over playing both storylines is beneficial for the player as half of the ascendency is done via old part (so one playthru with every class is recommended) and half of the ascendancy (new ones) will be done via new story line.

Secondly, moving 6 link to gems from items and all other systems that come with it (like support gems links etc) are insanely good for a lot of reasons. From making a gear even more important thru helping new players acclimate easier. If you would watched stream fully, you will know that they actually investigated characters of players that didn’t stick around and identified a lot of issues with skills/gems/sockets that were completely confusing to new players. And this is not “dumbing down” because overall this actually adds to complexity and choices. How many of you who actually played used Leap Slam or Dash or Whirling Blades as damage skills as oppose to only movement skills? With PoE 2 we will have opportunity to min/max those chars way further thanks to possibility of those extra 6-links. With revamp to the endgame and difficulty adjustment (it is going to be way more difficult to fight end game bosses) PoE 2 is actually bringing a lot more to the table.

Thirdly, doing it this way (second camping with shared endgame) assured that all content will be always equally updated, and allows developers to bring everything up to speed graphically and mechanically.

I can go on and on with this. I do not play PoE for long time, I started after the Immortal announcement fiasco, but I did my homework. Just like I know mechanics of Diablo in and out, I do mechanics of PoE.

I am quite positive that most of you who try to justify your dislike of that game and are so eager to comment on Exilecon never made it to red maps, never killed shaper/elder/Uber elder or leveled a char past 90. Never delved past 100, never placed shaper/elder orb on atlas and never heard about sustaining particular map. You never gave that game a proper chance to show you what it is capable of.

I was very opposed to trying it. Several friends kept asking me to come over and give it a try. They gave up on Diablo way sooner, and have been in PoE realm for months and years in some cases. I snapped after last years blizzcon and it was so far best decision I made in terms of online entertainment. I didn’t really play Diablo for almost a year before that, which makes it now about 2 years since I actually was really engaged in D3. I still have over 5000 hours here, well over 3000 legit paragon, and I was in top 10/20/50 solo/group season and non season for like a year straight, on multiple classes. This takes a bit of leg work. And so is proper playing in PoE. Don’t compare D3 to PoE, it makes no sense. These 2 games are completely different, as it is almost if they are from a different genres.


Yep, the socket change is, so far, by far the most positive change they are making. While the old system was interesting, it was also somewhat badly implemented, since the socket system kinda cannibalized the item system. Don’t do that in an A-RPG, seriously.

It looks exactly the same as today’s PoE. I don’t get the hype.


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If Blizzard’s history over the last 6 years of severe neglect of the community is any indication; they will retain too many qualities of D3 that we hated and they won’t win the hearts back of Diablo veterans.

They already indicated there won’t be free trade…very bad start already.

There can’t be free trade, the game becomes pay to win when there is. Bots will run rampant to buy and sell so the seller makes money. It happens in every game, and Blizzard won’t let it happen again because people make money off their product

This is only great news for Diablo fans.

The joke’s on YOU.

Remake of the same crap they’ve been putting out for 6 years…instead of making a BRAND NEW game. Then again considering POE is a copy/paste of D2 in different graphics, I’m not surprised in the least to see a complete lack of originality and innovation in GGG.

Neither Blizzard nor Diablo have anything to worry about from the minor leagues.

Two different games taking different tracks that don’t really deserve to be so well connected. I predict that there will be a lot of frivolous comparisons until both sides have something to show for their efforts, at which point it will merely be a passing amusement as the average populace sticks to whatever appeals or plays both.

I’ll also agree it’s positive, but my sarcastic jab earlier was that if D3 did similar (and to an extent they did with guaranteed sockets on sets), you’d have the usual PoE fanboys ripping on Blizzard for dumbing down the game, taking away choice, etc…

Not that it solves my overall issues with PoE, but I’m also finding it pretty smug for them to also be calling 4.0 a sequel they’re being oh so kind to link into the old game when it’s just a freakin’ expansion.

lolllllllllllll :rofl:

i think you did miss what the director chris wilson said about 4.0 but whatever…

i think all those guys talking smack about the other game “that is not related to constructive feedback to improve the game” are little kids who do not know what they are talking about…

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Had to dig through 80 crap posts to find this gem. I salute you for understanding just how big PoE 2.0 changes are. It remains to be seen whether D4 can live up to the expectations because right now GGG are doing a great job fixing some of the major flaws with their game.

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They are. But they are then also adding “ancient” versions of the skills. Sometimes it looks like one step forward and one back.

Will be PoE for me, at least it has trading… New campaign will keep me occupied. New skill systems is a great change that opens a whole lot of new possibilities. 18 or 19 new ascendance. C’mon… D4 is the same thing as D3, Graphics grey scaled a little to try to bring back those who preferred tho old gritty style, but it is still cartoony. “dungeons” are the same thing as rifts, except the tile sets are separated from each other. The runewords are the most garbage part of D4 i saw. Condition and effect runewords? comeon. They slapping old time diablo players in the face with that one… Also, now that GGG removed gem sockets from the items, they can now have something else to put into the gear to modify the stats (as was hinted in the deep dive). Blizzard failed IMO. Biggest factor for me is trade though. If trade is limited, no thanks. I’ll only play it if it is gifted to me.

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Agreed, let’s hope this time around the devs will listen to The feedback.

At this early stages they can make an overhaul to the game to make it look like a true Diablo game.

I’d rather lock myself in a room with wild ferrets than play past lvl30 of that brain-rot.

And 4.0 looks like the exact same old trash it’s always been. Pig with a lipstick is still a pig.