The PTR went live around 10:00 (Pacific) on Friday 7th and the patch notes indicated that it would last two weeks. So, I was somewhat surprised when the PTR was shut down at 17:30 (Pacific) on Thursday 20th, as it meant I couldn’t try my final pushes I had planned for it today. The PTR Feedback forum’s been made read-only too. Oh, well…
My highest push was a GR120 solo, made with around 1300 paragon, and 7 or 8 of my items augmented with 500 STR Caldesann’s Despair. I suspect with all 13 slots augmented at that level, and around 2000 paragon, I’d have probably been able to fish a GR125. I know the seasonal rank 1 on the PTR was a GR130 but I’m talking about what I think I could manage personally, not what the build’s ultimately capable of.
Basic feedback is that the set doesn’t seem to be particularly focused. It’s not a speed-farmer. It doesn’t fit as a RGK. It’s very squishy for a solo GR push. Having the damage bonus tied to hard CC, which mobs become immune to (and some mobs are permanently immune to), means at higher levels where mobs have significant health pools, you will progressively lose the damage to kill them, as the mobs become immune to the double damage. The mitigation is also poor, as it’s tied to the stacks built up from Frenzy, which drop off too quickly, and mean you’re most vulnerable whilst travelling between packs, i.e. just when you need the mitigation the most. Mechanically, it’s extremely similar to IK/HOTA, but without the mitigation that the Ancients give you.
Overall, I love the idea of a Frenzy based build, but this implementation is awful.