[Barb 2.6.8] Bastion - CoE Bug

Test location:
T4 corrupted growth.

Test gear:
Weapon — Axe 131-132 dmg (Physical). No other gear, cube COE, Bastion.
Skill ---- Cold Frenzy berserker.

Two numbers will appear during each attack, bastion chain and original Frenzy hit.

  1. During cold circle, base dmg * 3; Bastion dmg remain the same;
  2. During physical circle, base dmg same; Bastion dmg * 3;

Test 2:

Change weapon to cold dmg: Azurewrath.

Then, both bastion and original hit *3 during cold circle.

Conclusion(Updated Result, based on more weapon tests):

Bastion should inherit the Frenzy Skill element NOT weapon element. But:

  • For single-handed legendary (tested weapon includes, Cold Azurewrath, Cold Oath, Arcane Doom):
    Bastion *10 dmg inherit the weapon element. If the weapon element is Arcane, poison, holy, it simply loses tons of dmg.

  • For double-handed, single-handed-non-legendary: CoE buff appears in physical circle

Please fix ASAP (This bug is similar to previous vile ward bug, the vile ward code may help). I have a test video. I will share the link once it is uploaded.

Video link: (Please remove " ")
www.bilibili. com/video/av89367939/

Also please double 6 pc bonus and make 4pc 7-8%.

---------------------------This is my experience about Crafting an Cold Oath--------------------------------

Based on the test result: the best OathKeeper is 10CDR/7aps/LoH + >190%. + Ice/Physical element weapon dmg.

It is impossible to get this weapon. My current Oath is 7aps + 10cdr +193, + 900+str. I’ve already spent 4000 bounty materials on this. Nearly 1000 reforge…

Besides Oath, you also have to reforge belt, (around 500 material for an acceptable one).

Helm with LoH (you can hardly survive without enough LoH)…

More tests about Bastion - Elemental Affix on gear. (2/19 updated)

The elemental affix (20% on brace 20% on amulet 20% on Azurewrath) works properly. In other words, e.g. even if the dmg weapon is physical, Frenzy skill dmg type is cold, 20 % elemental dmg increase on gear also increases the bastion chain dmg by 20%.

Axe ---- Cube Frostburn / Not Cube Frostburn,
Frenzy — berserker,

Dmg increased by 20% regardless of which circle.


I believe the Skular’s Salvation bracers also had this same weapon element damage bug and was fixed in the past. Weird that 3 Barb items do this, how many others are there?

Yeah. I think it is actually a fundamental issue how element% are calculated. I remember when they introduced CoE with a ton of bugs. They spent a long time on fixing those bugs.

Well that intrigue me and i make my own test base on what you say/show and i don’t have the same result/conclusion.

I figure out how he make the test in the video this is illisible because the damage is way to high.

So i make my test with no force for better clarity with number.
I make several test and the only thing i can confirm is COE proc only with physical for bastion proc what ever you get in your item.

I test with a cold damage weapon nothing change bastion proc was on physical COE.
I test with elemental damage nothing change bastion proc was on physical COE

So no bastion proc doesn’t care about ALL you stuff ( joking ) but yes you can have what you want on your weapon wont change anything and it seem that having physical elementale increase damage don’t increase his damage but i’m not sure their is so many different value with different number this is hard to see if it really increase or not but i’m pretty sure about 90%.

We have two more ppl did their test separately and shows the same results.

Try use single handed weapon.

Check my previous post i was editing it when you answer me , i record myself testing it.


My result works for all single handed legendary weapon.

For all double handed weapon, non-legendary weapon, they all are on physical circle.

Actually, this is … a weird result…

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Hum ok i will test with a legendary cold weapon and will edit this post when i have my test done.

Well i confirm this is a weird bug legendary cold damage bastion proc was on cold COE when i use fire rune.
I try with dual wielding ( legendary weapon ) cold and physical and i got both proc on COE every other time because of alternate using weapon.

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Sure. More ppl verify the result more clear the bug is.

Justin, thank you for bringing this bug to everyone’s attention. And everyone who has helped test and confirm it: Thank you. This is excellent work and we need to have this fixed ASAP.


I’ve just looked into this with Rob, since the bug seemed fairly atypical.

The Weapon Element doesn’t matter. The Weapon Proc only scales with CoE-Physical, regardless what Weapon Element is rolled and regardless what %Element is rolled as primary affixes.

The %Element on primary affixes always scales Frenzy (and the proc correctly) as long as the selected rune element is NOT mismatched. The Weapon Element once again doesn’t matter here.

This only means that you’d want to prefer %Physical as your selected rune and as your gear. There is no “damage” loss per se; worst case scenario is that you split your damage across two CoE-Cycles (your physical-CoE-Weapon-Proc and the equipped non-physical Frenzy rune). If you care for WotB uptime or any dynamic buffs (such as CCR on the boss via the 2-PC), %Phyiscal is the way to go.

Otherwise there is no issue here.

Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/TangentialAnnoyingAnacondaDxCat

Edit: retracted as for now - I’ll retest tomorrow and post in here. Ty DutchFreak.


Sure. This is a weird bug. If you have time try as many different weapons as possible.

My findings are as follows:

Fire frenzy rune. Cold Oathkeeper(1h). ==> Coe procs on Cold.
Fire frenzy rune. Arcane Oathkeeper(1h). ==> Coe does not proc (barbs no arcane)
Fire frenzy rune. Physical (black) Oathkeeper(1h). ==> Coe procs on physical.

Same results for solanium(1h). So should be consistant with all 1 handed weapons.

When doing the test with Fire frenzy rune. Echoing fury (phys) & Otahkeeper (cold) dual wielding. It seems to proc half the time on phys and halve the time on cold. Since frenzy is alternating weapons when attacking.

Fire frenzy rune. Cold Messersmith (2h) ==> Coe procs on Cold.
Fire frenzy rune. Cold Bastion’s Revered (2h). ==> Coe can proc on Both Phys and cold. wtf?! But not all the time. I’m so clueless about this result. It feels like it procs 80% of the time on physical, and 40% of the time on cold. I give up on what the ruleset is here… I rewatched it so many times on slowmotion. Have a look for yourself:

clips.twitch. tv/PlacidTangibleDogKippa (remove the space)

Procs around 1050k on non convention hits, and around 3200k on COE hits. Just play 0.25 speed.

Same results with bastion equipped, AND cubed.

But let’s not kid ourselves. Non of this actually matters untill they fix the build in general.


Man…I was…lol…

My guess this may related to the vile charge/ vile ward fix. They may did something special to 2-handed mighty weapon.

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Oh wow. Thanks, Dutchfreak.

The more we learn about this bug, the worse it gets. Sheesh.

Yes i test myself with 2H their is no logic about how bastion proc in COE.

1H seem to be clear coe depend 100% of your weapon damage but 2H … i have stop trying to understand this bullsh*t bug xD

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Alright, took me a couple of hours, but here are the results:

  • Frenzy:Sidearms is cold and scales with %Cold from Gear. If all runes are granted via the belt, then the Sidearm Projectile scales with %Element from the selected Frenzy rune on skill bar. (same with Bastion’s Revered in cube)
  • Bastion’s Revered hits for 10 times Frenzy-Hit additionally.
  • Bastions’s Revered addtional hit scales with CoE-Physical only if the weapon used for that specific hit is rolled as “Physical Damage”. Funny enough this differs for low level weapons (no clue why). But for any high-average legendary Level 70 weapon I tested with, this was the case.
  • Frenzy:Sidearms proc scales with CoE-Cold (and %Element from gear if correct rune is selected - doesn’t have to be %cold. It can be any element as long as it’s not mismatched). Frenzy:Sidearms proc doesn’t scale with any other CoE-Element (regardless what rune is selected).

This also means that in our GR150 clear with Spirit Barrage Witch Doctor + Frenzy Barb RGK Rob was missing out on a 33/13 ~= 2.53 multiplier in CoE-Physical.

Once this anomaly fixed, Barb RGK should be in acceptable and does not need any further buffs whatsoever. Unfortunately we don’t have the time to reroll and retest with Physical Weapon unless Rob is up for it (he is busy with work till PTR end as it seems).


I think that We should also consider average dps loss and how much it would affect the time.

If they fix the bug, based on my personal experience, I guess it may shorten the time by around 20%. If they can make 2pc buff last 6s, then it may be acceptable, but still not close to crus in season. I will take a look at your team’s clear and check how much the bug will affect the time.

The goal is to make Frenzy Barb a competitive RGK option.

That’s correct. However, one should never balance a set around any seasonal themes. If Barb is beaten by specfic S20 builds, than that’s fine.

Seasons are temporary, sets are persistent.


Just checked Rob gear. Fire Pig / Arcane Oath.

Generally CoE is a 1.5 multiplier. If we don’t consider the APS difference between offhand and main hand. CoE still provide 1.5 multiplier on Fire circle for Pig Bastion chain (This number is also * (1 + 20 physical element + 20% physical element)). In a simplified model, if they fix the bug,

Rob’s RGK build dps should increased by around 1.5 / (1.5*.5+0.5) = 20% increase.

And shorten the time by around sqrt(1/ (1.2)) - 1= 8.7%.

Actually rob missed that circle, so the bug fix can at most shorten the time by sqrt(2/3) -1 = 18 %.

That won’t affect the truth: Frenzy Barb fails to be an RGK.

If they only fix this elemental bug, don’t buff 2pc or buff 6pc, then I don’t think barb has a chance in even non-season. I mean actually ppl can give it a try, but it is far behind the optimal crus RGK.