Frenzy Barb! Patch Notes!

Fairly certain he means using Swords to Ploughshares instead of Bloodshed for the greatly increased sustain granted, and using various damage rings instead of toughness rings.

Dear Blizzard Team,
what about just remove fear and freeze on the 2 pc set and add: When enemies get hit by revenge or overpower they get 3x times more damage for 5 secs to the 4pc set. Revenge and overpower have the same AOE range as frenzy AOE. It will add a great mechanic and forgotten spells and will push the damage.
Thx in advance


Make the set create a blowup on range of borh skill, up the AOE after 3rd use, 300 instead of 15, aggro for a team play.

honestly, yuck, i’d rather just play IK HOTA.

So what’s everyones overall PTR thoughts on the new set?

Yep, I did see that. Was seeing if the conversation was still worth having now those forums are closed.

For me the set felt a bit…lacking…while I didn’t get a lot of testing in, only getting a few runs up to around the low 90’s, it seemed like it’s not the set people are going to be using next season.

Yeah, it’s just so mediocre.

Want to speed run T16, Bounties, or low GRs? You’re better off with Vile Charge, Zodiac Rend, Fire EQ, or R6 HOTA.

Want to push solo GRs? Pro-Slam is about as strong with the same stringent gear requirements, and Zodiac Rend is stronger. Vile Charge is only a few tiers lower.

Want to play something other support in groups? Well, there are far better RGK options, and even in off-meta comps, other classes and builds bring more to the table.

I mean, it’s a Frenzy set. Frenzy is a single-target build. It needs to really shine at that, but right now, it’s just a different version of HOTA with better Stricken stacking. Pretty meh.


Yeah, that was what I thought.

It’s like the set doesn’t know what it’s supposed to be, so it aimed for…nothing.

I think the original intent was pretty clear: Frighten enemies, chase them down, and shred them in isolation. But that premise didn’t take CC mechanics into consideration. That and how frustrating it is to chase down fleeing mobs when your build has terrible mobility.

It also seems weirdly at odds with the Bastion’s chains and their emphasis on splitting damage to nearby enemies. I mean, that’s cool, but what’s the point of splitting up damage when you’re scaring the crap out of mobs and scattering them? Why bother splitting up the damage at all? If the 2-piece bonus offered a beefy damage buff to mobs when they were alone (no nearby mobs), I could see the thematic design and set mechanics working in harmony. But that’s not what we got, and adding Frozen to the set was a real head scratcher.

Won’t Frozen mobs build up CC resistance just as fast as if they were Feared? Of course they will! And once they’re immune, the 2-piece damage bonus is kaput.

And how are we supposed to freeze them? Cold Rush? That makes our mobility even worse!

Freeze rolls on items? Great. The build already juggles AD and CDR, and now we also need fussy secondary rolls that can only come on a few certain items, and can only be rolled if the item is otherwise perfect. Oh good. What fun.

I don’t want to sound bitter or unappreciative–I really don’t. I love that we have a set for Frenzy (though why it couldn’t apply to all Primaries is another good question), and I love the creativity present in the design. I would love nothing more than to see the Fear effect put to good use but it simply doesn’t work in its present state, and the buffs on PTR were far too conservative.


Yep, that one was a bit strange. But on an already strange set, why not make it a little more confusing

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At this point, I’m just baffled why someone on the dev team thought tying a multiplier to hard CC on a build that rapid fires stun was a functional mechanic.


I like the concept that H90 could be used as an elite killer somewhat like the DH Shadow build would be excellent. BUT if the set has a problem with Cool Downs, not so great Mobility, limited Damage, plus a need for more Damage Mitigation, it is very frustrating to play. Like I said before, I seem to be fighting the Set more than I am fighting the Monsters! No smooth flow in the progression of fighting the battles.

It comes down to, if the Dev’s want this set to be anywhere close to being a Elite Killer, they got a long ways to go to get there.
Spin to Win


That’s why I feel like the set isn’t sure what it’s supposed to be, so it ultimately becomes…nothing.

I can’t see it being a much played set next season in it’s current form.

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Stupid question. But what if Fear would only fear small mobs away and no Elites, etc.? Or if your enemies are feared so hard at the look of the Barb in front of them, that they can’t run away. So feared that they only can p*** their pants.

My first stupid question couple with a new 2pc bonus two examples:

  1. For every feared enemy Frenzy deals xx% more damage.
  2. After enemy was feared Frenzy deals xxx% more damage for 5 seconds.

My 2 cents.

Kind of like turning the Fear into a Stun.

But I think you still have the CC immunity problem.

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That’s what I said. But instead of a stun, make it 99% slow.

Every time I think about it, my brain starts to hurt, and I fall over.

I actually proposed that in the PTR thread. Not a bad idea. Your other ideas are solid, too, though as Phoenix pointed out, it wouldn’t solve the hard CC problem.

I think the easiest thing to do is change the hard CC to crowd control, periods, which means both hard and soft, or to simply make the bonus apply to “enemies affected by your shouts.”

Of course, even if they did that, we still have the following problems:

  1. Not enough DR
  2. Not enough damage
  3. Bastion’s suffers from two separate bugs

Ugh. I have a sinking feeling none of this will get addressed before it goes live.

P.S. Shoutout to Meteor and Justin for dunking on Tables McGee over in GD.


This build will be put in the every build but wwrend pile. wwrend does everything better except do more damage to solo targets. Once there are 2-3 enemies it does less then wwrend. It will only be somewhat viable as an RGK.IT will be similar to impale DH and very much behind and a sader build nerfed for the second time and possible a third nerf coming.

Just thinking out loud here, but I think a fun mechanic for this set would be:
“Feared and Frozen Enemies are Pulled Towards you while Attacking with Frenzy”

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