[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Hello there,

where can I find these? The links to the threads do not work.

Correct Meteorblade. 6k looks to be about the minnimum it takes to achieve 140 with wwrend with great gear. I do suspect and immense amount of fishing was done on NA rank #4 clear. Now I don’t have access to EU or any other server not NA. I’m curious to now if there are any sub 6k 140 clears?

Edit: I reread your post it said another 6k paragon. That would put you at almost 10k. I would say a140 clear would require minimal fishing with that amount a paragon. Once you hit 6k with great gear you will at least have a chance with great spear work.

GR125 non-seasonal - https://i.imgur.com/TLkBzRP.jpg
Will be doing some runs with spear today.


Congrats MB! Awesome effort!

Those links point to the old forums, which have been shut down.


Stealing Perusoe’s gif:


thank you for the explanation.

Does anyone remember the builds?

Apologies for the delayed response, but what about something like this?


All of your points were spot on; as we’re aiming to keep CC & with RoRG needed it puts you in a pickle as far as prioritizing cube slots go. However, with 66.37% CDR (all typically possible minus belt/Leoric’s/gogok) with Boon of BK passive, your CD for Wotb becomes 30.27 seconds.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you start a fight with an elite pack and down them before your WotB duration is up, then you could use your CD almost immediately when it comes off, put it back on CD (before IG runs out) and have it ready to pop again when WotB (2nd cast’s) duration expires.

Even w/ out IG, you can rotate F&R with WS. You’d be rotating Hardened Wrath & by chance if IG fails to renew before another elite pack it down, you still have the armor DR to rotate in between stuns; a 1.73 second window without it.

The idea was to replace IPB with a larger modifier (2.25 vs 1.3; if wrath was not up it would technically be 1.5 vs 1.3 for one multiplier to compensate for the loss.) It was also to increase armor buff (60 vs.30) without the need for IAS from IPB as it does not do rend any good. WW returns to BF & into the fray comes out to increase numbers in density.

The only downside I see is the lack of spear. You could do a ‘caterpillar’ pull, where you pull a side passage closer to your ‘ground zero’ point of density, least close enough to keep them in range to follow you once the stun runs off. From there you hit up another corner or two and repeat then go to town at ground zero; bringing it all in the center with some to filter in from the last side pull.

From fiddling with Hurricane I see what you mean however that is if you are constantly dancing. In route to move forward it does pull some back from where I want to be, yes. If I had a good deal of movespeed to get out of aggro range too quickly that would certainly be an issue. Yet if I fall out of pull range, the cc immunity immediately starts ticking down (vs WS) If I go into the heart of a dense area with mobs aggro-ed from 2-4 side passages, I WS the center of density & the HC rune seems to target further mobs versus the ones within 15 yards or so. New adds fill in the those that are killed without having to stop ww/rend-ing. If this crazy path was chosen, StP would be the backup heals.

The setup displayed is definitely perfect roll conditions (a FoT to cream over) but given the gems/augments all being rank 100 with only 1200 para I felt that was leaning more towards a realistic goal for the season.

IG can be tricky for sure, but if WotB was to fall off, relative to the traditional zodiac setup you are about the same damage. A little more on the main modifiers, a little less on dibs and AD; though if willing to sacrifice a CHD ring roll, you can bring AD to 138% and CHD down to 560%.

So I ask you…what’s the word, thunderbird? (what’s the price, 69 twice!)

Side note, wrong thread: Has anyone tinkered with IPB for H90? You’d only have to cast battle rage once every 4 seconds to proc it if I am not mistaken & the IAS could definitely benefit you there. https://ptr.d3planner.com/773724786

Hi everyone! First post here so please be kind! I’m trying to start pushing GRs a bit (never really looked into it, never did anything higher than 105). Yesterday I tried 120 and failed by maybe 1 minute (I didn’t do a very good job in terms of density, my bad).

I’m paragon 1850, with most items with augments (let’s consider 480 str on every item but amulet) and I’m running the crimson variant but with BoM ( I know this is not ideal with that paragon level).

So here’s the question. I’m currently using IB, and wanted to try Ambo + doombringer. But got a question about runes. I’m currently using brawler + rampage + Berserker’s rage and ruthless. By switching to ambo and doombringer I should switch the runes on battle rage and WW and swap in weapon master to ensure decent fury generation. I was wondering if that’s a good solution (removing e.g. berserker rage and say good bye to the damage bonus) or if it is better to keep the bad runes on WW/ battle rage and just take advantage of the extra elite damage.

And sorry if this has been discussed before, I might have missed something in 1000+ messages.

You’d lose Oathkeeper (primary attacks 50% faster and 200% more damage) and Azurewrath (25% chance to freeze, proc’ing the 2-piece armour double damage).

If you’re failing to clear a GR using IPBs, changing to Ambo’s + Doom isn’t going to help, as it’s less damage and mitigation.

Since I’m using BoM I didn’t really notice the need of extra mitigation but this might be because I also have IPB, of course. And with furnace cubed, you say that I won’t gain any help by using ambo + doombringer, but worse performance?

It’s in the cube.

With stun being added to the 2 piece, you’re not as reliant on ‘on Proc’ hits (which you have less control over, like smite), so the options expand past azure.

Reason Azure is a great pick is it’s 1.4 base speed, on Proc freeze that bastion can proc & it’s + 20%cold dmg. I was fiddling on the PTR with azure & EF in the cube reaching a 4F frenzy and could definitely see the advantage, but if the fight went on for too long anyone left alive was immune to hard cc.

With picking IPB, you cube oath, both weapons are 1.4 with 30 ias, dmg & armor. Any on Proc rolls still apply; this includes 5.1% stun on gloves, 10.3 %freeze on belt & weapons, but the big difference is using wrenching smash for grouping and mass stun (like eq in that prior build I mentioned during the ptr) or cold rush. Both are less mobile than MA, but you don’t Proc your hard cc on the crowd to immunity.

Furthermore in a group setting where you have another mass freeze/stunning your on procs are moot. The main idea behind IPB was to increase damage on two fronts (IAS & 1.3*1.4 (ele dmg) = 1.82 vs 1.6 ele dmg), decrease squishiness with more armor and pick another route to hard cc-ing the crowd with a little more control.

So, which of these do you lose from the Cube to take Oathkeeper…

Bastion’s Revered (10 stacks of Frenzy instead of 5)
Depth Diggers (100% extra damage to primary attacks)
CoE or BoM (damage or mitigation)

You are talking about season 20, right?

If not, then when you put Oath in the cube you lose Bastion’s: not good.

For season 20, carrying IB and using Oath , Bastion’s, DD in the cube could work ok, though still probably less good than a standard setup, since you will be dropping CoE, plus ele% and freeze chance on Azurewrath.


Yep. BoM is worn with endless. I have made it clear more than once I have a bias against CoE. I hate the window. I would rather aim for a 50% damage output elsewhere. And as awesome as EF is, it’s moot on the RG unless you fish for one that spawns adds.

With Oath/Azure and CoE or EF cubed, you are still at 10 frames; 6.32aps, 12.64 including bastion procs. This is based off not stacking IAS whatsoever & WotB down as it would not be 100% up or you’re using IP.
1EF stack 7.06 aps
2EF stack 8aps
3 EF 8.57aps
4 EF 9.23aps
5 EF stacks 10 aps.

So with still having the +20% cold dmg & freeze chance being ridiculously high given your aps & proc coefficient, you can muster a 58.2% increase in damage simply by swinging at 10 aps; if you have the 5 stacks. For reference, if you’re going CoE over EF, you are at 7.5 aps while WotB is running.

With the original above listed setup, you do have IAS prioritization over AD or overclocking CDR (for one skill you cannot retain 100% without it being tricky and sacrificing a lot). You would have IAS on weapons, gloves and rings. You could lose one IAS roll and retain a 6F frenzy, but when you pop WOTB, you stay at 6F. With the given rolls, you break the 5F breakpoint by 0.5% IAS.

The difference is with this setup, you retain the 10 aps all the time and 12 aps with wrath running; compared to the 7.5aps with the Oath/Az/CoE setup (just swing speed) you are doing 60% more dps.

Then there is the cold modifier. With azure, you’re at 1.6 + cold damage. With IPB you retain your 40% element rolls, but you also have the 1.3 buff. 1.4*1.3 = 1.82.

Lastly there is the freeze. Now, if you are swing at 6.32 or 7.5 aps with a 25-35.3 (max with belt weapons proc rolls) to freeze, what are the chances you are over proccing with the .75 coefficient? For a 25% chance to proc, you’re looking at 18.75% on hit. So with bastion hits, you have 6.32-7.5 chances of proccing freeze via aoe.

With the alternate setup, if you rely on gloves, belt, weapon secondary rolls you’re looking at a 10.2-15.4 chance to either freeze or stun your target. with the coefficient in mind, that’s 7.65%-11.55% with 10-12 chances a second.

You guys are saying the build is too squishy with not enough DR, but there are viable alternatives, like gasp choosing impunity over dodge. I would rather be able to take a hit with the fastest healing than to miss 5 and be one shot or almost one shot with sub par healing. The heals are directly tied to your aps. 8046 LoH * 6.32aps = 50,850. With 750k life, SS heals 30k per hit, or 189,600; totaling out at 240,450 LPS, about 1/3rd of your life a second. 10 aps: 80,460 + 300,000 = 380,460 LPS, about half your life per second.

Now the only reason I opt for IAS over AD is the relevance to your damage output. If Bastion’s can only proc about 39% AD, would you stack it for the one target hit by frenzy? Or is bloodshed capable of large procs? Even if so, you’re stacking a stat that helps only your bloodshed when frenzy and Bastion still makes up a good portion of your damage.

If you’re looking for the on proc effect of the 2pc bonus, yes it will be harder rolls, or you opt to using a skill for AoE cc.

Edit: forgot to mention healing from bastions, but am unsure of the mechanics. Mainly added the edit to apologize for derailing the thread.

So I ended up doing no idea what but managed to clear GR 123 with almost 2 minutes left after dying 3 times because I’m half stupid, so I’m sure there’s room for more with the current gear.


I’ve been trying GR126s a lot today. Had absolutely no luck in getting good maps / pylons, so the closest I’ve managed was around 16 minutes. Still, Patch 2.6.8 goes live today, and there’s an associated end of current era which means I might be able to sneak in a GR125 in the early hours of Wednesday morning (EU) for some sneaky high-ranking screenshots until the big boys wake up and knock me off by the weekend. :wink:


As promised…

EU, Solo Barb, Era 2020-1, Patch 2.6.8, GR125, Rank 4…


Haha nice work.

Now leave it a few hours and see how far that rank drops :rofl: