[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

I’m already down to 11th. :wink:
Bigger boys with 5K, 6K, 9K paragon turned up. Oh well, was fun whilst it lasted.

You’ll always have that screen shot though :muscle: :rofl:

You’ll always have Rome…by the way, can you tell if the bastion’s bug where it inherits the weapon dmg vs the skill ele made it into the patch?

Yes they fixed it. Its at the bottom of the patch notes.

“Fixed a bug with Bastion’s Revered where it would not properly benefit from Convention of Elements”

That’s Nice! I tried GR 124 but failed twice, was soooo unlucky with the rift config… but given the amount of time left with my ride at gr123 I’m sure I can do it even with low paragons.

Hi guys, can I get some help with an item re-roll? My CoE current has the damage roll. I’m almost keeping WOTB up full time on single target (RG) without boon passive. Should I re-roll the damage to 8 cdr?


^fix the dot, I can’t post links for some reason.

When you say your CoE has “the damage roll”, which do you mean? Added damage? Crit Damage?

Anyway, I would generally advise against rerolling more damage stats to CDR. The 62.65% you have should be enough, I think. If you need a couple extra zodiac procs against a RG, try occasionally throwing in one or two hard-casts of Rend and see if that helps.

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Hi Rage, thanks for your reply. My CoE has CHC + CHD already with socket. The third re-roll is the xx - xx damage modifier. I was under the impression that against RG single target that I shouldn’t be casting anything to build stricken faster. I’ll throw a HC in every now and then, thank you!

Thank you Meteorblade for the tip!

Is hard casting rend such a bad thing? I actually do that a lot to get a better reload time on wotb and I’m around 58% CDR.

No, I don’t think so. If you’re needing to hard cast rend to burn zodiac cycles for wotb then keep on doing it. It wasn’t working out too well for me with zero casts so I’m going to pop a few during RG fights from now on.

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Hard casting Rend is useful for the Zodiac procs, but also Hard Cast rends can proc Area Damage.

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GR125 down on NS, I took Rage’s advice and started spamming HC Rends at RG fight and was able to keep my WOTB up full time. Time to grind some more gem ups and re-augment with higher gems to push further! Thank goodness for the OP S19, made getting 150 gems way easier and was the first time playing seasons regularly.


Well done!

Just a note: I’m guessing you already know this / are already doing this, but you don’t want to really spam Rend during the RG fight, as this will slow down your Stricken stacking and also may let Taeguk drop. Just throw in a few HC here and there.

Again, I imagine that’s probably what you’re doing, but wanted to clarify. Good job, again!



Hot Magma and Windsh1tter.

Correct! Poor choice of words from my previous comment. I changed my game play to occasionally casting rend. Not to “spam” every few seconds!

I’ve been lurking since start of S19 after getting back to D3 after a 7 year hiatus!

I’m not understanding how HC Rend is dropping Taeguk etc. I have WW on left mouse click and Rend on right mouse click. I hold down WW and can spam right click rend all day long and Tauguk never drops and the WW “channeling” never drops off ever because I never stop holding WW. Am I missing something?

I’m not sure how that mechanic affects Stricken, but it seems to definitely make a difference when in large packs etc while constant spamming Rend.

Plethora you are correct that Teaguk will not drop by spamming rend as long as you keep ww ability pressed down the entire time. You will get ww casts in between your HC rends. Now there are other issues to worry about that will effect the build during a HC. Neither bloodfunnel or STPS will proc. Also for non crimson builds mantle will be down for a full second now instead of instantly turning back on.

Hey Plethora. This is covered in the OP. Hard-cast Rends proc AD, which is a major source of damage in density. Against RGs, a few hard-cast Rends can help with Zodiac procs, but they don’t do damage unless there are adds.

Both those builds are horrifically outdated and not good for doing anything above T13. I’ll be removing the links from the OP in the near future.

Alas, Barbs have no viable LON/LOD options aside from LOD HOTA.

The other night I cleared 140 in 12:49 , 6016 paragons . First floor fester was pretty good but not godly , I give it a 7.5/10 . I’m sure i can do 142 . I used the core build . In my opinion it’s probably stronger than people think .
I accidentally used mantle in the cube . I forgot about the changes with the patch , or I would have thought about trying something else . But It got me thinking . So , my question is this : Is anyone aware of any testing on the new mechanics of Mantle of Channeling ? I’m curious to know when the buff actually falls off .