Moved this reply here, since it’s the proper home for it…
Hmm, not sure what you mean by this bit here. All the damage you do with Frenzy, whether via direct hit or by Bastion’s chain, is eligible to proc AD, at whatever % of AD you have on paragon and gear. The amount of AD dealt to enemies around you is relatively constant, since with each added enemy, the damage of the Bastion’s chain gets split up more and more. What this means is that in high density, most of your damage to the mobs around you comes from AD and from Bloodshed. I should remind you, too, that Bloodshed doesn’t proc AD.
So, here’s an example: Let’s say you’re fighting 30 mobs, all packed into the 10 yard AD radius (this is near the max for monster density on most mob types). And let’s say 1x Frenzy does 100 damage, so the Bastion’s chain does 1000 damage. That’s 1100 damage total, split up among those 30 mobs.
When you hit Mob 1, he’ll take 100 damage from Frenzy, plus 1000/30 = 33.33 damage from the chain, for 133.33 total. Mobs 2-30 will also take 33.33 damage from the chain.
With good rolls of CHC and CHD, 91.4% of your damage comes from critical hits. So Bloodshed will do 1100 (base dmg) * 0.914 (crit damage share) * 0.75 (Frenzy proc rate) * 0.40 (Bloodshed proc rate, doubled by H90 2 piece) = 301.62 damage to each of those 30 mobs.
And I still think 114% is a good amount of AD to aim for, so, in this case, Mob 1 will deal an average of 133.33 (Frenzy / Chain damage dealt) * 0.2 (AD proc rate) * 1.14 (AD%) = 30.40 damage to Mobs 2-30, while all Mobs, 1-30, will take 33.33 * 0.2 * 1.14 * 28 (# of mobs dealing AD) = 212.78 damage.
So damage dealt to enemies is:
Mob 1: 133.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 212.78 from AD.
So that’s 647.73 total, 20.6% from Frenzy, 46.6% from Bloodshed, 32.8% from AD.
Mobs 2 - 30: 33.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 243.18 from AD.
So that’s 578.13 total, 5.8% from Frenzy, 52.2% from Bloodshed, 42.0% from AD.
And note that that damage to Mobs 2-30 is really the most important number, since that’s really what’s filling your progression bar during most of a rift.
So: for solo pushing, you really want both Bloodshed and a good amount of AD. There really isn’t a reasonable way to collect a whole bunch of Attack Speed on your gear without surrendering a ton of damage.