Frenzy Barb! Patch Notes!

Now that stun is in the mix, we no longer need Azurewrath or freeze on belt/Oathkeeper?

I was expecting more traffic on the change to H90. I know that many were saying that it was too squishy. Maybe that Devs can increase the DR to 8% before Season 21 goes live.

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I’ve done a GR120 on live with H90/Frenzy and I still think the limitation is going to be the mitigation rather than the damage.


Guys, not very experienced player here on regard to fine details.

Reading your concerns about the mecchanic of the new set, made me wonder IF it would be possible for the devs to change the fear into a soft CC. Even if it can be done whith some workaround.

As I understand it fear, frozen and stun are all hard cc’s so instead of making the players life easier it actually works the opposite way.

I would be tempted to work in all three in my build which would make the mobs immune even faster. Correct if I am wrong.

So if the set allowed fear to “[a soft cc] the target” as an example however poor.

They could have used taunt (which we have a shout for, helps grouping mobs and fits the set theme much more).

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Moved this reply here, since it’s the proper home for it…

Hmm, not sure what you mean by this bit here. All the damage you do with Frenzy, whether via direct hit or by Bastion’s chain, is eligible to proc AD, at whatever % of AD you have on paragon and gear. The amount of AD dealt to enemies around you is relatively constant, since with each added enemy, the damage of the Bastion’s chain gets split up more and more. What this means is that in high density, most of your damage to the mobs around you comes from AD and from Bloodshed. I should remind you, too, that Bloodshed doesn’t proc AD.

So, here’s an example: Let’s say you’re fighting 30 mobs, all packed into the 10 yard AD radius (this is near the max for monster density on most mob types). And let’s say 1x Frenzy does 100 damage, so the Bastion’s chain does 1000 damage. That’s 1100 damage total, split up among those 30 mobs.

When you hit Mob 1, he’ll take 100 damage from Frenzy, plus 1000/30 = 33.33 damage from the chain, for 133.33 total. Mobs 2-30 will also take 33.33 damage from the chain.

With good rolls of CHC and CHD, 91.4% of your damage comes from critical hits. So Bloodshed will do 1100 (base dmg) * 0.914 (crit damage share) * 0.75 (Frenzy proc rate) * 0.40 (Bloodshed proc rate, doubled by H90 2 piece) = 301.62 damage to each of those 30 mobs.

And I still think 114% is a good amount of AD to aim for, so, in this case, Mob 1 will deal an average of 133.33 (Frenzy / Chain damage dealt) * 0.2 (AD proc rate) * 1.14 (AD%) = 30.40 damage to Mobs 2-30, while all Mobs, 1-30, will take 33.33 * 0.2 * 1.14 * 28 (# of mobs dealing AD) = 212.78 damage.

So damage dealt to enemies is:

Mob 1: 133.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 212.78 from AD.
So that’s 647.73 total, 20.6% from Frenzy, 46.6% from Bloodshed, 32.8% from AD.

Mobs 2 - 30: 33.33 from “Frenzy Effects”, 301.62 from Bloodshed, 243.18 from AD.
So that’s 578.13 total, 5.8% from Frenzy, 52.2% from Bloodshed, 42.0% from AD.

And note that that damage to Mobs 2-30 is really the most important number, since that’s really what’s filling your progression bar during most of a rift.

So: for solo pushing, you really want both Bloodshed and a good amount of AD. There really isn’t a reasonable way to collect a whole bunch of Attack Speed on your gear without surrendering a ton of damage.

I’d say Sankis is maybe 1-2 GRs worse than EF in terms of “maximum potential”. That said, the IP it throws up periodically can save your bacon once in a while, so if you like using it and aren’t too worried about pushing everything to the max, then I say go for it.

You may want to consider using Azurewrath, though. If you wear APD’s you’ll get a bunch of toughness, and in terms of damage AZ is better than Sankis since frozen enemies will take extra due to H90 2-piece.

I say JustinFan is way more qualified than me, since he both understands the mechanics very well and also actually pushed the set quite far in the PTR. I barely played the build beyond smacking skeletons…

What do you say, JF?

Oy. I’d love to do that, but I’m really bad at guide writing. Maybe someday!

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If Smite already stuns to proc 2pc, why do we want Azurewarth/freeze since they’re both hard cc’s ? Wouldn’t that be redundant and even a waste?

Good question.

The reason is that Smite only procs on the target directly hit by Frenzy, whereas Azurewrath can freeze targets hit by the chain. All those extra frozen guys = extra damage from Frenzy, AD, and Bloodshed, and considerable extra toughness, if you are wearing APDs.

Note: I haven’t double checked on Live to be sure that Smite only hits your main target. On PTR, it definitely did not hit any target beyond the first. But I know that Svr and some others had reported this as a bug and asked that it be fixed. I don’t know if Blizz intended this or not, but they certainly didn’t say anything about it in the patch notes (as opposed to the Bastion’s CoE element bug, which they both mentioned and fixed). So I’m guessing it’s still the same.

Edit: just confirmed. Azurewrath still freezes multiple targets, Smite still just works on the first enemy hit.


I’m more of the stand in ground effects type of guy than the nimble dodger, so I’m considering a more defensive option for the off-hand.

My main question now is if Wrath of the Berserker is worth it. With AZ, you don’t have Morticks (which would be more for defense/life regeneration than anything else I think). So my question is: WotB for the 20 second damage boost or IP for more regular increased defense?

Both Sankis and AZ have a defensive components, since the former sometimes procs ignore pain, and the latter can freeze enemies, which procs APDs.

If you really want a bunch of defense you could use a shield in your offhand. This isn’t going to be the ideal option for pushing, to be sure, but a Lidless Wall will give you a bit of damage and some toughness, and a Stormshield will give a whole lot of toughness.

You could also drop CoE for RoRG and then either wear Aquilla, which doubles your toughness, or wear 2 pieces (bracer and one other) of the Aughild’s set, which gives you both some damage and toughness. You could also drop an offensive passive to take Superstition, Relentless, or Nerves of Steel.

There are lots of options to mix it up a bit if you’re looking for defense. All of them will be inferior for pushing, I think, to an “all-damage” setup using either EF or AZ in the offhand, and damage items everywhere else you can get them. But nobody’s saying you need to set a record on the leaderboard, so I suggest you try out a few things and see how you like them.


I am not good at English writing…

But I do have a guide (in Chinese, you can google translate)
[remove " " before .com]
bbs.d.163 .com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=173824409

Well as I am not even 2K non-seasonal and do not play that often anymore. I can say this “build” does not interest me at all. I personally think this was just tossed together as a way of saying “we are trying”. Frenzy? Really? This is the focus of the build? You should have focused on balancing the current sets so one never dominates the others. Instead of throwing in this in.

“its not a fun set”
“its not the best performing set”

Well what is it then? A waste of development time, and more importantly player time.

Test it yourself

It’s not that bad actually. It just needs some tweaking. More DR would be a great start. Changing Fear, Stun, and Freeze from hard cc to soft cc. These two changes could really make this set a winner.

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It’s not all that bad. I did 127 with 23k main-stats with 25 sec left. Leader board is mess up show it didn’t show my clear, but it does show my 126 clear. For comparison I did 128 with rend with just over 25k main-stats. Paragon is just over 3000. It’s squishy as heck, I’m still trying to find the right combo of dps vs damage reduction. So from my perspective its not all doom and gloom.

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A lot of Barbs really like the idea of a ravening Barb hitting mobs crazy fast.
The issue isn’t the concept, it’s the poor implementation.


132 is the highest I’ve seen at 9k+ para.
It needs to have the damage increased and the DR increased to compete with WW/rend for a 5k para player…

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Well, there could have been higher clears, but the leaderboards are broken right now so they may not have been recorded…

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Ya, I got that but it is still way under WW/rend.
Fun, yes, memories of Thornzy, but still under-performing because of flawed design…

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Here’s an ideas. Add to the set: Fearing, Stunning, and Freezing an enemy reduces WotB cooldown by 1 second.