[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Excellent, very well done!

So, your goal is now met, and you’ve got about 2 weeks till D2R drops. What’s next?

Cheers… yeah not sure might just sort the stash a little and take it easy.
Probably also try refresh my memory a bit on D2 builds and classes.

You tempted to touch Frenzy again this season Rage?

Always tempted!

I may be a bit less busy in October. After I take a crack at getting to 139 with MOTE, maybe I’ll dust off the Frenzy gear again.

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You hanging out with your buddy Sailor Jerry again, BA? :wink:


Na, that Bud Weiser guy this time…

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엔류 is up to 148 this season, with about 7k paragon. Looks like he’s shooting for 150… and I’m certainly not betting against him!


Hi Rage, I was able to solo’d 127 non-season. I want to know what I need for improvement? I’m not sure what my breakpoint/frame is. I also recently got this glove but not ancient(I have str/vit/chc/chd ancient if is any better?), do I need cdr or should I reroll to AD instead? Thanks!


Hi Frozen,

Gratz on 127, that’s a pretty solid clear for your paragon.

So, for improvement, there’s not a whole lot of low-hanging fruit, as your gear already looks pretty good. If you have a good Azurewrath, you could try running that instead of EF. Most of the highest clears use Azurewrath, and I prefer it myself. That said, EF is still very good.

You should also be on the lookout for a good BoM, as this ring can get better damage rolls than RoRG (CHC/CHD/DmgRange is usually optimal). But, that’s quite hard to do, as you need both those good damage rolls, and a near-max roll on the affix. Even getting a roll of 75% there rather than 80% means you are taking 25% more damage, which is obviously not ideal.

Your Frenzy breakpoint varies between 8.5f (without WOTB, and no EF stacks) and 5f (WOTB, and 5 EF stacks). I’m also not sure if the link is correct and you are using Templar, or if you are using Enchantress. If you’re not using Enchantress, you can pick up a bit of extra damage by switching to her and using the “Amplification” ability, which for you will add 7.25% damage. Her “Focused Mind” ability will also gain you a little bit of damage: it would take your no WOTB / no EF frame rate from 8.5 down to 8, which is a 6.25% gain of damage. At max speed, though, there’s no gain- you’re still at 5f.

As for the gloves, I would personally just stick with the CDR. AD can definitely help you out a little, but having WOTB available more often is very nice. If you’d just like to try something different, AD is certainly not a bad option, though. I’m not sure what might have already been rerolled on the ancient gloves you mention. If they are untouched, you could roll Vit → AS. Picking up extra strength from the glove itself plus an aug would net you ~7% extra damage at your current Str, plus some extra defense. This would cost you the roll of CDR you have on your current gloves, but IMO that would be a better way to pick up some extra damage than rolling CDR → AD on your current glove.

Bottom line, you’ve probably reached the point where there are no more big, quick gains to make. But, incremental improvements in your gear, plus continuing to improve your play, will definitely get at least 3 or 4 more GR levels under your belt.

I hope that helps!


Frozen do you only play solo? Or is you playing a zbarb a possibility? It is a great way for you get higher gems. I notice you have 133 main gems and 120 augments. There is lots of room to grow on those. Even just getting them to 130 augs would be a good chunk of damage.

Finally got GR150 down with the build.
7.8k paragon, almost 50k str, and 200 to 300ish keys for fishing.

It’s been a long journey for me. After clearing GR145, I decided to go up to the top with this build in the season. I don’t remember exactly, but the paragon levels I had at the time of each GR level down were as follows. Refer if you’re going to try.

  • GR145 4.3k / GR147 5.8k / GR148 6.9k / GR149 7.3k

Unlike the levels below, GR150 was quite challenging. So, I dropped “Superstition” that I used until 149 clear, added “Brawler” and made it in the end.

It feels like I finished the work that I have to do. I just wanted to show that my favorite build is quite strong, even though it’s weaker than Rend(-2 or 3 GRs), my least favorite one.
Now It’s time to think about what to do for the rest of the season, and maybe MOTE earthquake will be the next.


Outstanding work! I’ve been tracking your progress, and now you’ve reached the highest peak!

I’ll look forward to seeing your further clears with Leapquake- maybe you can get a 150 in the books there too!

Is there a video of the clear? I’m sure I can’t be the only one that’d love to see it.

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Season 25 is starting soon and ptr is on. Looks very interesting with the shard buffs. I was experimenting with the blue helm shard and with the yellow worm weapon shard. In addition to all the normal gem buffs in helmet+weapon, these gave me up to +150% damage if I have more than 3 enemies closeby, guaranteed crit hit if enemy is frozen/stunned/feared, and up to +50% attack speed.
I cleared GR109 in 7 minutes solo, with 700 paragon, 9k strength, level 25 gems, basic gear, templar, hardcore.
This setup kind of evens out the elite-mob discrepency for the savage. I was a little weaker with isolated elites, but much stronger in density. I feel the setup cured the density problem for my savage.
What do you guys think?

Hi Bihary,

Regarding the Helm gem, I think the Hatred (blue) shard that you are using will generally work pretty well, though I am not sure it will be better than the Terror (red) shard. Let’s take a look:

Terror gives +25% damage per active cooldown, and with Frenzy, this is generally going to be at most 4 cooldowns (WOTB, Charge, War Cry, Threatening Shout). The other two slots must be filled with BR: Bloodshed and Frenzy, neither of which has a real cooldown… though BR does have a very short cooldown after cast, so maybe you could num-lock it and just spam the hell out of it? I dunno, the game might not recognize that, so we’ll put a pin in that possibility for now.

The specific Terror shard that most seem to be taking also gives 7% AS + 7% CHC per cooldown. That looks like it saves you a frame on Frenzy, for about 17% more damage, and the extra CHC gets you about 37% more damage, for about 60% extra damage total from that effect. 2x * 1.6x = 3.2x. That’s a little better than the 2.5x you get from Hatred.

Of course, if you are using the Pain shard in your weapon, this gives guaranteed Crit vs frozen enemies, so you would get less value out of that extra CHC from Terror shard, making the two closer in actual dps.

But, Terror also reduces the damage you take, by 12.5% per cooldown, while Hatred gives you no significant toughness boost. And, Hatred actually cuts your dps vs isolated targets by 15%. So as things stand now, I’d say Terror > Hatred, by a small margin.

Pain shard seems like a good bet. I don’t really see Anguish/Deathblow being as effective since your damage is not very high in density.

I tested the Terror (red) helm shard as well, and as you said, it seems to be a little better than the blue shard. I used the Pain shard in weapon. I could go up to GR114 with my 750 para, 8k strength savage (12 minutes).
Attack speed is very high, so stricken will be very powerful in pushes (I used power 25).
Cooldown is very low though with this setup. Perhaps we will need more CDR instead of some CHC? In a 20 second boss fight, for how long is the boss frozen/stunned?

Well, that’s a little complicated, especially with the Pain shard equipped. Off the top of my head, I’d estimate that in a 20 second fight, the boss will be frozen for about 8-10 seconds.

For a much more thorough answer, go read this and then this.

Since the PTR is still MIA, I decided to do a run with 2H Frenzy, this time a 131. It really is fun, chopping everything with a giant axe.


I have Primal Bastion and run 2H Frenzy just for fun sometimes. Its really fun. The main problem: i dont have life per hit on weapon. So surviving is not so good(


I downed GR 136, a new pb for me by 3 tiers, and, as far as I know, the highest clear under 5k paragon.

Just for kicks, I decided to try the “attack speed everywhere” setup used by 엔류, and got the clear after just 2 keys. This was, however, a really good rift, with a Festering level 1 containing a Power and Conduit, a mob type that I could burst down with Bloodshed and which kept up my Rampage stacks, elites that were not generally too dangerous (no spinners from pylons, except one I murdered with a Conduit), some killable trash on subsequent levels, and a single-target boss (killed in 52 seconds) who was no danger to me. I’d also had a few close calls before I rolled to AS (had damage range on rings instead), but could never seem to get both a Power and Conduit.

So: maybe I just got lucky in this clear.

If the “attack speed everywhere” setup does work, I still don’t really understand how it works. Ordinarily, you need to hit a breakpoint to actually pick up more damage with Frenzy. And, getting those two extra 7% rolls shouldn’t get you a new breakpoint: without them you are (according to D3planner) at 8/7, and with them you’re also at 8/7. And based on my tests vs single targets, I wasn’t actually seeing extra damage when I increased my speed.

The only thing I can think of that I’ve never really tested is that perhaps the Bastion’s chain scales with your attack speed differently than your direct Frenzy hits. For instance, maybe sheet attack speed acts as a direct multiplier to the chain damage.

I don’t know, and this stuff is really hard to test due to the high speeds and tiny increments of time involved.

But, one way or another… GR 136 down!