[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Congratulations. I’m a mixture of being tempted to re-try playing my Frenzy barb and seeing what I can do with her and knowing I won’t match your clearance.

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Thanks MB!

If you don’t want to actually “push to your utmost”, try my favorite thing to do with this build: “10-in-a-row”. i.e, see how high you can clear 10 rifts of the same tier. It’s a very consistent build, so it’s really built to do stuff like this.

I’ve done 130 this way… maybe I’ll try 131.

Just finished watching the video and now I can’t see you as anything else than a 1930s silent movie villain twirling the ends of his moustache as he ties the good guy’s wife to the train tracks due to the piano track.

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…did I ever tell you I was anything else?

Nice clear buddy, Frenzy is a fun build but I get hand cramps after a few runs forcing the stand still attacks for too long haha.



How are you doing? You been playing much lately? Any plans to make a Rend 150 push?

I ran a test on Stricken stacking vs a single target with 4 different situations:

  • One with two “extra” AS rolls, on my rings.
  • One with those AS rolls removed.
  • One without the AS, and stacking with WW: Dust Devils, but keeping Frenzy at full stacks by hitting just before the buff expired.
  • One without AS, and stacking with WW: Dust Devils, and no Frenzy at all.

The results? I got the most stacks using just Frenzy, and with the two extra AS rolls. With those two extra AS rolls, I got 6.28% more stacks than I did without them. That’s actually a pretty weird result. If the breakpoint table / D3planner is wrong, and I gained a breakpoint by adding those rolls, you’d expect to see (1/7) / (1/8) = 14.29% more stacks. And my sheet attack speed increased by about 10% from those rolls, so if it was scaling with that, you’d expect to see about 10% more stacks. ¯\(ツ)

And with “no extra AS Frenzy”, I got 18.24% more stacks than I did using “WW + Frenzy”. And “WW alone” did worse still, about 14% less stacks.

So: based on these results-

A) Stacking Stricken with WW is no longer a thing for this build, if it ever was (I relied on the testing of others when I put that element into this guide, never tested myself ).

B) It more or less looks like adding some additional AS is doing something, but it’s hard to say exactly how this works.


Very interesting results! Does the 6.28% stricken stacks result is more dmg compared with losing the dmg rolls on the rings?

I also plan to close 150 when the new patch hits. Going to save my fishing sanity for Orek Dreams. So far I’m 2/3 for my Barb clear goals - maintain #1 spot for NA Rend, Quake and Frenzy.

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Nope, “by the numbers” the damage range rolls should still be better.

Quake should be pretty easy, all you need right now is a 138 (or a modestly quick 137).

You going to try new Raekor? How about LOD HOTA? Both might be stronger than Rend!

Welp, did 12 131’s with no failures. 132 will be tough… we’ll see.

Edit: ok, just managed to do 10 132s with no fails.

That’s definitely as far as I can go- a few of these 132s were real nail-biters, especially the last one, where I spawned a bad boss- Eskandiel- with exactly 60 seconds left. Luckily, I remembered that once he’s spawned 10 adds, he won’t summon any more. So I let him kill me, respawned at the level entrance, and then had a single target fight against him once he teleported to me, finishing with 7 seconds left.

This build still astounds me sometimes. Unlike basically all of our other builds- Leapquake and Rend especially- which are so, so fishy and volatile, Frenzy is super consistent. For me, anyway, there’s just a 4 tier spread between “a hard push” (136) and “can do 10 in a row, no fishing, no failures” (132).

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When top baby barbs turn into 10k+ barbs everyone else goes into retirement. What do we do next? Attack the world boards my brudda!!!

Bunny mode done. Will try higher on next patch for both Frenzy and Leap Quake. I tried HOTA way back in the day and it really wasn’t my jam so I haven’t thought much of it since. Maybe I’ll try it with the rework.

Raekor maybe as well. I remember the first iteration of the build where you charged and dragged mobs along, it was kind of funny. I’d have a big ball of mobs dragged from entry to exit haha.


Well done… you wascally wabbit!

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Here’s some Frenzy lovin’ for the community :slight_smile:


They should bring back the drag for gits and shiggles. Imagine boulder bombing that density.

Standoff is basically dead, put it there

Got these on my seasonal Barb…

…and will be taking them back to my non-seasonal Frenzy Barb at the end of the season.
So, presumably, re-roll STR to AS then?

–=[ EDIT ]=–

Thanks for the confirmation. Here they are now, Mystic’d and Caldesann’d…


Yessir, Str to AS and you’re golden!

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Hi Barbs and Rage!
I have a question about helm slot. As guide recommends, we need 2 pieces of Aughild set (bracers + chest or gloves). In the same time helm slot must have str, vit, chc, phis or arcane res and reduced cc time.
BUT Aughild set has also helm peace with guaranteed all res roll on it. So we have all res roll and 5 random rolls. In my opinion all res roll is much better then vita, cuz obviously we cant get all res from paragon.
Right now i have crafted Primal Aughild Helm with Str, all res, chc (rerolled from vita), reduced cc time and pick up radius.
This way i have a bit less phis/arcane resist, but much better all res. I guess its pure Win in the end.
What do u think about adding this helm option in guide? Also i think its much easier to get such helm then chest with 7/7 melee/ranged damage reduction.
And btw i also use pants with str, all res and 15% frenzy with life on kill and pick up radius for the same reason.

Hey Yzer,

Well, AllRes and Vit are both important, and important in varied proportions based on your paragon.

An example:

First, let’s say you had 20000 paragon. In this case, you would be absolutely right about the helm, since making up 1000 Vit with paragon would cost you virtually nothing, dropping you from perhaps 110000 Str to 109000, costing you less than 1% damage. And in fact at that paragon you would probably have so much toughness from extra armor that you would not even need to make up the Vit at all.

But, let’s say you had only 1000 paragon, and 15000 Str. Here, making up 1k Vit with paragon will cost you more than 7% damage. And you would almost certainly need to make it up, because if your life pool is too low, you will simply die, even if you have a bit of extra AllRes to protect that life pool.

So, somewhere between 1k and 20k paragon there’s a point where 130 AllRes could sensibly replace 1000 Vit. Where, exactly that spot is of course depends on your particular gear, your current levels of Vit and resists, and your preferences. But my guess is that this point would generally be between 5k and 10k paragon for most players- a level where you could make up little or none of the Vit and still stay alive comfortably, and where if you did have to make up a bit of Vit with Paragon, it would not impact your damage too much.


Great answer as always, Rage!
Im close to 2900 paragon and about 25k str. GR 129 done and im preparing for 130 push. Many tries before failed… And i think main reason is too many deaths. I guess i can finish 130 and mb 131 if i can survive better. I stay at 700k hp pool atm. This is hp where i can overheal incoming damage with simplicity gem and LpH from weapon. My non-season barb awaits some upgrades from season (primal crafted helm and primal Azurewrath).
I always thought barb wants all res from any item possible as str class. And btw, what do u think about all res at bracer slot? My WW got 20%Phis, 6CHC, 130 all res, 650 str, 7% melee reduction - and it feels so good! Can we use the similar one for Frenzy? I mean do we really need that much this LpH roll on bracers, if we can avoid 1-shots?