[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

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You let me know when you clear 138 with WW, and I’ll let you know how ashamed I feel.

Is that Jack Black??

I’m legitimately confused by this given how prominent you are in the Rend thread.

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Well, I did a lot of the testing on WW/Rend when the set got changed. So, despite not really playing it, I am kind of the go-to guy for a lot of the mechanics questions.


Sometimes it’s more fun to test and theorycraft a build than actually play it!

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Fixed that for you buddy.


Seasonal loot report:

Primal BoM: cdr/chc/chd (rolled)/socket, cc resist

Primal H90 gloves: str, chd, chc, cdr, resist, pickup radius.

I’m actually really torn what to do about the gloves. Rolling str to AS is better when the season ends, but I’ve already got ancient 7/9.5/50/8 gloves NS. Maybe I should roll the pickup radius to stun, so I can proc 2 piece. I just can’t stomach ruining primal quadfecta gloves, even if it’s only a .5 chc upgrade from what I’ve got. Kind of a short-term/long-term benefit mismatch.

Oh, and Rage, I snooped on your S24 H90 clear, congrats on the clear, and also that oathkeeper. I’ve been looking for something that good for awhile, lol.

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Congrats on the great finds! For the gloves, I personally would not ruin what could be a pair of great quads in non-season by rolling secondary. That said, I play mostly non-season, so that’s the major concern for me. If you forsee them just languishing in your stash after the season ends, but are eager to get good use out of them now, perhaps a “non-ideal” roll is fine for you. And, as you mention, you already have a pair of near-primal quads, just 0.5% CHC off of perfect.

So, I guess this is one of those “good problems” to have!

Regarding my Oathkeeper, yep, I was very happy to find that. I’ve found several upgrades for my NS Frenzy gear this season, but sadly nothing for my NS Leap kit, which would come in really handy… with some upgrades there I could pick up 20% AD and 7% flat dps from the Enchantress elemental%, which is a whole GR worth of extra damage…

Anyway, you going to make a push with Frenzy in season? I don’t remember seeing you on the board yet.

Yeah I’m getting to the point where there’s nothing left but to push. I got distracted with all the ethereals, ending up gearing 5 different classes, way more than my normal. I’m finally getting around to getting gems for augments, but I’m not entirely sure if I want to push HotA or frenzy yet.

Hmm, you planning on going Grandfather or dual-wield, in either case?

With Frenzy, I’ve definitely found it easier to stay alive with DW. Probably a similar story with LOD HOTA.

I don’t have a good grand father for hota, so I can only report the DW setup, and even with Doombringer, it feels extra squishy this season. My gear would be ok with lots of paragon, since a few pieces have AR instead of vit, but with only 1700para I just get wrecked. My savages gear is definitely better, so I’m thinking I might switch it up and go that route, since that’s what rnjesus seems to want me to do lol.

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Congrats on the primal loot there Poconut, I wouldn’t mind those rolls! Also found some primal gloves and primal BoM this season but less lucky on the rolls, stuck with Vit on the gloves as had to roll CHD.

Got a 137 down this season, finding 138 a struggle though at ~1900 paragon.

Rage you smashed that 136 must have been a decent GR roll… didn’t try pushing further?


I’d swipe that belt and grandfather in a jiffy, though! I was also planning on 120 augs, so your clear gives me a good goal.

I don’t think I’ve ever broken gr130 in a season. I typically play this game more with the spirit of a car collector rather than racecar driver, lol. Maybe this will be the season where I push my gear to it’s actual potential.


Yeah, let’s see what you got!

Congrats on 137!

My 136 went down fairly easy… fished 20 keys and played maybe 4 or 5 of them before I bagged the clear. Maps and mobs were decent, I remember, though I can’t recall exactly what they were. Got great pylons though: a good conduit, shield, speed, and a power at the end that let me pick up the last 5% or so progression, and that had maybe 30 seconds left for the boss, which was plenty of time to kill him.

After that I switched over to a little no-augs pushing with MOTE, and since then I’ve been quite busy IRL, so haven’t had a chance to get back to it. I’m just happy to have had a (very short lived) rank 1!

How about you? You going to keep pushing Frenzy for the rest of the season?

Certainly sounds like you had another GR or two in you…

I will keep pushing, goal is a 138.

Was contemplating trying two single hand weapons vs. the 2h set up but my gear just isnt as good, have an ok Doombringer but my Oathkeeper is average. Definitely noticed the better survivability with Doombringer, but the damage just didn’t feel as good.

Not to impose on the other side of barb territory but you guys realize season is not even half way over. Plenty of fishing and thousands of paragon still to farm. Before long you guys will be flirting with 140 and forget about this 138 stuff.

Yeah, DW setup only comes close for damage vs mob types with tons of small, easy to kill mobs (like swarms) because that keeps your EF stacks up a lot of the time. Oh, and you probably kill bosses just as fast since you stack Stricken quicker.

Lol, I’ll be lucky if I hit 2k this season… it would be really nice to bag a 139 this season though, so I can go directly to trying Leap 140 later this year… maybe I’ll have to aug my MOTE gear after all…

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True there is plenty of time left this season, but I am probably going to play a bit of D2R on launch. Frenzy super fun build to play though, this is the first time trying it.

GR138 down, took ~200 keys had a really solid battlefields with condi, shield and power followed up with a channelling on next level.

Missed rank 2 by 1 second, mind you top two have 1000+ more paragon.