Guess which item was last in line?

This is your first comment in this thread.

To me, this sounds like you are defending.


This comes to mind:
In slang, a troll is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum, a chat room, an online video game) or who performs similar behaviors in real life. The methods and motivations of trolls can range from benign to sadistic. These messages can be inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic, and may have the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur. The behavior is typically for the troll’s amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival’s online activities or purposefully causing confusion or harm to other people.

From Wikipedia.


Sweet, nothing in there about “A person who says something that someone disagrees with”. Thanks a lot for that!

The wikipedia definition is clear. Dependent on the nature of the disagreement, one can troll in a disagreement.

Forum member X: The earth is flat.
Forum member Y: The earth is not flat. Here are multiple links, photos, and videos that prove the earth is not flat with scientific evidence.
Forum poster X: I disagree the earth is flat. There is no scientific evidence that shows tbe earth is not flat.
Forum poster Y: I provided links with the scientific evidence.
Forum poster X: The earth is flat and there is no proof that the earth is not flat.

In this disagreement, I would suggest that poster X is trolling.


You, however, cared enough to suggest that some people were frauds, and not very smart, for pointing out that his feelings don’t match reality.


Because some people are, that’s a fact. He’s not talking about his feelings, he’s talking about observations. In fact, if you search for “feeling” in this thread, you’ll only find posts of yours and mine. Your personal feelings however, are unimportant.

I roll a 20-sided dice 10 times. It is far more likely to observe that the first roll is not higher than the highest roll among rolls 2-10.

From this observation, I would conclude that this is expected based on probability. I would not argue that the 20 sided dice was rigged.

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Who is the “fraud” here? And I’m not referring to Stone or any of his other accounts. Because he’s an honest guy.


There are a few, they know exactly who they are. If people would bother checking some people’s math before obliviously agreeing with it, they would see it too, unless they’re a flunky. The point being made to the OP was, do not get hung up on people who try to play forum mathematician. Sometimes they can be right, many times, they’re not.

Did anyone find any math mistakes in any response to the OP? I did not see any. In fact, many replies were broadly discussing probability in general terms.


That sure sounds like he’s talking about his feelings.

He has a multi-year history of doing this…


Then you clearly didn’t understand what he said. And why are you bringing up a thread from that many years ago? Man, you really struggle to let things go.

So do you have a question or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?

I have a question. Could you point out the math mistake that you claim was made in a reply to the OP? I do not see any math mistakes that were made.

I concur with Meteorblade’s assessment and understanding. When someone says “I react to how it feels”, I think that they are reacting to their feelings.


To demonstrate that the OP has a multi-year history of making threads exactly like this, about how they feel things work, and not once has how they feel matched the reality of how things actually work.

Why are you suggesting other people are frauds and/or not smart when people point out that the OP’s claims are not true?


Someone trying to fan the flames? Don’t mind if I just sit here then. :popcorn:


Sounds like a you problem, not being able to let things go. I’m noticing a trend.

If I had a nickel for each time someone claimed they “pointed out someone was wrong” but were completely wrong themselves, I could buy you lunch.

Now, are you done with your awkward escapade?

We’re all noticing a trend here.


The major premise of the OP is this. Do you agree that this is true?

Or do you agree with the fact that ancient items roll with the same RNG relative to affix ranges as non-ancient legendaries? In the OP case, the affix range being primarily discussed is the 150%-200% multishot shot damage roll on Dead Mans Legacy quiver.

P.S. You have not answered the question that I posed earlier.

What was the supposed math error made in reply to the OP? No one has been able to identify this math error that you claimed.


You do realize pretty much everyone in this thread have playtime in the thousands of hours?

Which is the entire issue.


The trend where you insult people, you mean? Or the trend where you strawman their position so you can argue against things they never said?

Did you bother to read any of that previous thread? The one where the OP claimed a 1:8 ratio of main stat to vitality on crafted items. The actual result was extremely close to 1:1 and the OP even accepted this, i.e. he was completely wrong, and I proved it to the point where he accepted he was wrong.

Again, he has a multi-year history of making claims like this and has never been able to substantiate these claims but there have been a large number of times where his claims have been easily disproved. That ratio thread was just the best example.

I’d ask you to say what percentage of the lunch money my posts would have contributed but wouldn’t that be plagiarising maths formulae? You know, (X/Y) * 100

I pointed out that the OP has a multi-year history of making claims based on his feelings despite the fact that every single time the claims have been investigated they’ve shown that the reality doesn’t match his feelings, i.e. his claims have been disproved. Every single time. Every time!

And what did you do? You said people were frauds and were pretending to be smart.