Why? It wouldn’t be the first time they have removed an elite affix.
Extra Health, Vampiric and Invulnerable Minions were all affixes which have been removed previously.
Why? It wouldn’t be the first time they have removed an elite affix.
Extra Health, Vampiric and Invulnerable Minions were all affixes which have been removed previously.
I kind of chuckled at this part:
“Gears of Dreadlands’ power has been adjusted to compensate and also encourage other primary abilities.”
Yes, now Hungering Arrow is weak like the other primary builds.
that was like 10 years ago
did you understand wht I said? I said I did 133, if my build has probelmns does not matter, I did 133. Now I can not do 127 with THE SAME.
for some reasons wudikjo act very strange here. he actually back-up devs to delete this build. he did not said why, but we can understand why… he tested the update @max grift 120… what’s this? so now this build should be 120 capable and that’s all. and wudijo, who normally try to push 130-140+, and did this for Firebird update, now is happy that this build is 120 capable… just pathetic.
133 should be really easy with 2.6 GoD and 4k paragon, as evidenced by the hundreds of players ahead of you on the leaderboard. Not sure what you’re attempting to argue here. With 2.7 GoD hitting about 130-133 paragon, maybe you need to set your sights a little lower like a 115 or 120, especially with your non-optimised gear. Good luck!
it was much improved since first patch at least GoD is playable now
As a longtime casual player who has at least two characters of every class with significant playtime, DH being one of my favorites, I gotta say, I empathize with you all.
However, I also feel like, cry me a river? I feel like y’all are like the 1% crying about how they got taxed more and now only have 9billion dollars instead of 10billion.
Do y’all even realize all of the other sets and builds out there who can’t even come close to a GR120, or GR1xwhatever? It’s like, 75% of the sets/builds, or more. Y’all are getting nerfed and are still going to be super strong, just not GoD awful brokenly strong AND FAST like it has been for a couple seasons now. Boo freakin hoo?
Like, again, I get it. Hell, I even leveled a new DH this season to experience the GoD set. And you know what? Sad as it is for me to say, I found it to be pretty dang broken. And I’ve played, quite literally, every single build ever. The sheer power and speed you could so easily obtain with that build, was without equal. It wasn’t even really close.
Now, maybe the story is different at GR1xwhatever you all care about so deeply. But for 80%+ of the playerbase, the build/set was disgusting. 99% of the time, I would never advocate for nerfing anything. But I totally understand them adjusting this one. And hell, it looks like they’re even buffing the other variants of the build now…
Anyway, long story short, forgive me for not crying too much over this nerf/buff/adjustment/whatever. It doesn’t kill the class. It doesn’t do anything else over-exaggerated. Just brings it more in line with everyone else. Boo hoo.
OMG… with 133 I am in EU leaderbaords in NS around 700 position. yes, there are at least 500 botters above me, but the fact that I am in leaderboards that means 133 is not very easy like you say, actually is hard at <4000 praragon.
it is not important how perfect is my build, the fact that I did 133 with that build and now WITH THE SAME BUILD I can not do 127 that means the nerf to GOD DH is HUGE. do you undersatnd? I am comparing SAME BUILD that did 133 and with nerf not able to do 127, SAME BUILD, read again, SAME build, does not matter how optimzed it is.
Do y’all even realize all of the other sets and builds out there who can’t even come close to a GR120, or GR1xwhatever?
This would honestly have been much less of a waste of your time if people were crying about those builds getting buffs, but they aren’t because that isn’t happening.
As a casual player who is actually reading the discussions, I can see a few things
If anything, people have repeatedly chanted “buff the weaker classes, don’t nerf the ones that are doing fine” so this stirring of the pot was completely unwarranted.
Bottom line, if you look here:
[D3] Developer Insights: Balancing & Class Set Design - Diablo III
the dh was NOT overperforming and could have stayed the same or higher not lower, as others classes could have been buffed and some toned down a bit. Dh and sader have 13 Gr levels difference, no small gap there. Wd could use some loving too. They know the numbers, they posted these, and how is this even justified? Wasn’t needed.
“…The above method is meant to serve as an example of our general approach and informs us which classes most likely need more attention first.” (They state)
Is that so?
FYI, that article was published 4 months before the 2.6.9 PTR where Gears of Dreadlands was introduced so the data does not include the GoD set.
Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended! - Diablo III
Your point about the classes that need attention first is taken though. Good spot! It may be that the excessive number of GoD 140+ clears meant it bumped itself up the list as per the following:
- +/- 5 or more Greater Rift Levels: Warrants significant change. At this range, it’s clear that something is over (or under) performing and needs to be addressed.
Edit: The data they have doesn’t include the new barb, witch doctor, or wizard sets either.
Patch 2.6.8 Now Live - Diablo III
wudijo, who normally try to push 130-140+
In the GoD DH video, he clearly states that he does the testing with just 1000 paragon points applied, no Caldesann’s augments applied and with legendary gems at no higher than Rank 100. This is so he can simulate early season / low paragon conditions which a lot of players don’t actually get past.
You post the link to the Blizzard design philosophy where it states GR130 at P5000 is the goal then you state GoD DH was not over performing where it can easily do GR140.
Your logic does not make sense. In the article you link it states that if a build goes 5 GR’s over GR130 then they are concerned and warrants change.
Which is exactly what has happened with GoD DH and PTR.
It really is simple. I understand many players do not like the nerf but it is line with what they have previously stated as to their baseline and all expectation must be take that baseline into consideration.
In a perfect world after Blizzard have finished balancing in D3 all builds for all class will align themselves to the baseline. They are working on doing so.
Trust me, if the devs were giving a poo about the other DH sets, we would’ve already suggested ways in improving them.
Prior adjusting myself to the GoD6 HA gameplay, my main playstyle for DH was UE6 MS and I loved how that set is a trash killer. Yes, I am one of those players that actually clears every inch of the map of monsters, so GoD6 HA was one of the playstyles when doing speed runs that I ignore smaller clusters of monsters, or let the infinite piercing do its job (be it killing them or not) whenever I casually strafe by them.
But getting back on point, don’t you think we would’ve rallied behind the other suggestions on how to improve the other sets if there was a way to do so?
If you haven’t seen how developers provide any semblance of ‘balance’, they usually focus on one or two sets; and in 2.7.0 PTR, it was clear that the devs want to focus on GoD and thus us giving our feedback pertaining to it.
They are working on doing so.
The only thing you have to back that up in this game’s entire history is some PR from the devs. Old devs, new devs, doesn’t really matter. It’s a pattern of ever-changing but ever-present imbalances being tolerated well outside of their stated tolerances.
I get that you need to believe that sometime in 2027 the game will be balanced but the truth is the majority of builds in the game have always been inert and that’s not going to change by swinging sticks haphazardly at the low-hanging fruit.
The only thing you have to back that up in this game’s entire history is som
The balances of the last few patches back up the statement they made in the linked blog post which is fairly recent.
Uliana for example got buffed and can do GR130 at P5000…tick…job done…Monk player still upset it is not near PoJ TR Monk but if you take the context of the design then PoJ TR will get nerfed to be near Uliana.
Whether it is a new design philosophy that they are working to is irrelevant…it is what they are working towards and everyone must take that into context when whining about the nerfbat.
I’m not sure which is more disconcerting, the fact that you accept “x can be done by someone at y paragon means all these builds are balanced” or the fact that really detailed constructive discussion on the nature of the changes is something you felt the need to disrupt to quote from a brochure.
You should probably just get a t-shirt that says “130 at 5000” and stop droning on about it since you’re clearly only involving yourself to be disruptive.
You post the link to the Blizzard design philosophy where it states GR130 at P5000 is the goal then you state GoD DH was not over performing where it can easily do GR140.
They’re using data that predates the release of the GoD set. I think they are just a bit confused.
You should probably just get a t-shirt that says “130 at 5000” and stop droning on about it since you’re clearly only involving yourself to be disruptive.
Meanwhile you’ve done very little but attack people and the nerf without giving a single constructive idea on how you would have implemented it.
You’re making a lot of noise trying to shut people down for merely having a differing opinion.
I actually already did. That is entirely false.
“lol stop whining Blizz said” is not having an opinion, it’s being disruptive. Making snide remarks to other players about their performance, calling their intelligence into question, etc is also needlessly disruptive.