GoD6 Buff Feedback after Patch 2

If what you say is true then the build now is perfect lol.
Devs said that they want every build to pass gr135 at 5k paragons and you just said it does. they may buff it little more but seems they are in range of what they intended.
Don’t get me wrong, i liked the old build a lot. It was so easy casual but it was too overpowered it seems and they still trying to find the right nerf for it.

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Don’t know jack about DH, but as a Wizard on a long hiatus I feel your pain. Upvoted for whatever good it might do.


First time I played in PTR, because I was kinda pissed about the nerf (GOD is the more interesting build I’v played since a while, and managing missile dampening elites is really fun).

So I went in PTR after the fix, and it is incredibly frustrating to play. I tried 131, thinking it should be doable, after all, I did 138 in season with 2k paragons and no missile dampening. Damn, I could’t kill anything in a 131 with 3,6k paragons!! What!!

I thought I needed a reason to stop playing this game…

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I have seen your name posting in DH part of the forum for as long as I can remember. So if you say something is wrong here I have no doubt it is true :confused:

Please @Blizzard listen to the things mentioned in the OP…


First let me say that I do agree that the change nerfed GoD heavily, but I’m wondering where did you come up with this:

Weren’t they crystal clear with the para 5000 → GR130 objective?
If now the GoD set is just at that point, I expect them to eventually nerf all other sets to the same parameters.


I invented this tier list. It is not the same as what you see on websites like MaxRoll or Rhykker’s videos, which are moreso useful for representing large power swings from Season bonuses.

In a more perfect D3, every build should be A-Tier or S-Tier. That is a window of 2x power, a high S-Tier is 2x more powerful than a low A-Tier.

I believe my tier list represents the mainstream community’s perception of what is played and ignored.

The tiers are based on 5k paragon push clears with 200-300 keys.

I have been in MANY public games, I have never once encountered Uliana’s, Helltooth, Seekers, Rolands, Inna’s, etc. These sets were freshly buffed, ranked by streamers, but never mained — they are F and D-Tier by power and proven unsatisfactory from a usage standpoint.

Nobody wanted to sacrifice their productivity for those play styles.

That is why I put together my own build ranking guidelines, with tighter tiers, to hold these builds to a higher standard, a more realistic perspective on which builds players are actually willing to main and augment.


Simply put God is still nerfed 10+ levels from original and in a season with no seasonal bonus = Skip season unless this is buffed to either 10 cap or 30000 6 pc min

Their balancing goal was GR130 at 5k, but they went ahead and produced builds that do GR145 at 5k paragon. They still have many in the game that can do GR140+ at 5k paragon.

The discrepancy is still far too large between the other classes. That obsolete guideline is null and void.

If I were to pickup the game today and ask a simple question: ‘I want to play next season with my friends in a group and do a little pushing, what build should I play?’

Could you recommend GoD6, let alone DH, without giving some long explanation about zDH?

Think about it, you’d be telling them to play a build 5x weaker than the current best one. That’d be bad advice.

You are right other builds need a buff, I’ve asked many times: stop with the gimmicky seasons and buff 100+ items like in patch 2.6.4.

It just isn’t happening fast enough and now with upcoming Diablo releases in the close future, there is 1 more patch left to enjoy that type of buff before this whole place becomes a ghost town.


Point is though…GoD DH now aligns to their goal…it doesn’t need anymore work…all the other over performing sets for all classes do need more work.


The point you are missing is that they are not following their own rules. Stop pretending GR140+ solo builds don’t exist.


This is important. They’ve taken away a lot of the ‘fun factor’ of playing GoD.

Getting rewarded for massive pulls was fun. Pulling a map full of elites to a conduit pylon, killing off the trash then letting the conduit wipe the elites was fun. And yes, finding the rare MD and kiting it around to other elite packs and trying to kill them off before the MD was fun.

The way the current iteration of GoD runs in the PTR is just not much in the way of fun, and having fun is kind of an important part of playing a game.


They exist, but why do you think they won’t be nerfed at some point?

That’s the “dev’s way” oops “devil’s way” of killing builds on the game. Nerf to the ground something that wasn’t even that OP then give us to test for them for free. Then they see the feedback and because they forgot there’s more items that they could nerf well let’s go there and do that this time around. They will never learn. I wonder from where they hire these people… seriously.


I confirm, dh class is dead.
I did 133 with god dh @3500para. now I am @4100 and in updated PTR can not do 127, not even tried below cause is embarising.


It’s way to low still they will never balance all classes and all sets because there is more too the game then just damage there’s a lot of rng to greater rifts so just buff it more so we have a fun build or everyone will just play bone spear again there’s a way overpowered set but hey if they nerf the bracer from 400 to 100 on bone spear that would work too

No, I do not they will address the ones at GR139-140.

I think they are done with WW/Rend, Bone Spear, Twister (sorta), and Tempest Rush.

Bombardment and Heaven’s Fury (IT) are still in Nerf-tier.

The less obvious balancing factors being considered is the impact of the Follower. The above builds will get further boosted, and new ones will break into GR140 territory: Chantodo, Fist of the Heaven’s, etc. I’m sure others who main those builds can predict which will emerge.

GoD6 is already testing @ GR134-135 with the upgraded buffs from the Follower. So the situation is a little worse than explained.


So basically we need 7000+ para and all is well, yep scrap this game it’s only good for botting I guess if that’s what it takes I want to compete at 130 with follower buffs and 2k para like thanks for the nerfs please nerf other builds down to this so it’s fair plz

They seem to just have a completely mistaken idea about how many pierces you actually see in different situations when playing the build. My impression was that with high density of good mob types, and without Missile Dampening, you might see around 50 pierces from an arrow. And that MD then increased that to a possibility of something like 200+ pierces.

So if they wanted to add a pierce cap, maybe 50 or 60 or 70 would make sense. But the fact that they choose 2 or 3 is just baffling.

Seems like the ideal solution, one that would actually improve the set rather than setting it on fire, would be:

  • Pierce cap of 60
  • Reduce the + damage per pierce of Devouring Arrow (maybe +35% per pierce?)
  • GoD 6 up to 20,000 - 30,000%

You or Iria or Die or somebody has probably already suggested exactly this (it may have been on Iria’s list, in pieces or as a whole).


Did a 125 in PTR-1, and today 128 after some trys with old standard build.
(Para 4900, GR 140 non-season).
Was it fun: no!. Spinner-Ads of a Power-Pylon kill me several times.
You can’t realy kill Yellow’s. No sense for massive trash pulls.
Tryed with squirt and Fortress but this is only to “avoid damage” - boring and unsatisfying. I want to rotate threw the pulls an fight near to the Elite.

At least give us 4 pearces and +25.000 %, so that the old greatful gameplay (at Para 5000) can manage GR130 in most normal solo runs and not only in godly open fields with good Pylons.

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Please, first, return everything as it was, and then get up from a chair and fix this over-damage inside the dome if you consider this to be erroneous behavior. And by the way, it’s still a question whether this is a bug, because the official guide says:

So it works as you intended, doesn’t it? If I were a genius like you, then I would add a little AI for such elites so that they, while the projectiles are slowed down, do dodge an attack.