No, not a dig. Emotion is an important part sometimes but I’m not good at capturing it in writing. I will shoutout your post in my thread. And yes, I will have fewer solutions but I will also highlight the issues separately this time.
Edit: I removed the mention of emotion in my earlier post because upon rereading it, it wasn’t quite what I wanted to say. I mean we need some emotion, some number crunching (which you did as well), and some other solution angles (which I aim to provide).
As I said before, a single solution won’t generally best if we don’t know exactly what the developers have in mind. If we had the exact objectives they want, we could provide a solid solution.
your problem is that you expect the developers to pick the best solution from all your proposals, however their lack of knowledge of how the game actually works does not put them in the position to make the best choice on their own.
don’t get me wrong, I don’t really enjoy bashing the developers. D3 is probably being managed by contingent workers and there is a good chance that the guy who developed the GoD set in the first place is not even working on D3 anymore
Yeah, no problem. Again, I didn’t mean to offend, my wording wasn’t accurate.
Well proposing a few solutions is more likely to work if we don’t know their full intentions. And I do think the developers know some of how the game works but obviously not everything (else they wouldn’t need a PTR).
That’s a good point and could very well be true with how many projects are going on at the moment.
their (or probably “his” because I don’t believe multiple people being involved) intention is to adjust GoD HA in a way that it doesn’t clear 150 solo anymore. and it’s obvious that they have (he has) absolutely no clue how to do it
Mate, I have nothing but respect for you and the work you do for our class, but seriously I think that you are over complicating things this time around.
It’s true that we aren’t privy to the internal discussions the devs have had which have ultimately brought about their decision to make this nerf. There may very well be other issues which they haven’t revealed. However when providing our feedback, I don’t think we should be trying to second guess them either. What we do know is that they had concerns regarding the interaction between Hungering Arrow and Missile Dampening. They stated that in their patch notes. So that’s where I feel we should direct our feedback.
If their concern is about that interaction then clearly the simplest solution was to remove it. Get rid of MD and the interaction no longer occurs. It’s a rare affix and also contributes to lag so I doubt anyone would miss it. If they have other issues with the set then the onus is on them to tell the community about them. Afterall they frequently tell us how they are trying to improve communication, this would be the time for them to demonstrate that.
I think like most other people in this thread, I just want to have the GoD set continue to shine. It’s been by far the biggest shot in the arm our class has had in a long, long time. It’s fun, it’s versatile and it’s engaging. I just hope they don’t take that away from us now that we are all hooked on it!
Prohibiting any class to clear 150 GR SOLO is the dumbest logic ever if groups do it in 3-4 minutes…
Instead of this STUPID, ridiculous and pointless nerf to the DH GoD set, why the H3ll don’t you FOCUS on making the other 3 sets (Marauder, UE, Natalya’s) as STRONG as GoD was or at least make them good enough to clear max 145 GR SOLO, but nah too much work, let’s just RUIN the one thing that works, cause oh noes someone cleared 150 GR with it after grinding 1000s of paragons in Meta Groups…
With the first attempt to fix MD, the devs proved that they don’t understand the DH. I mean, the way they tried to fix it was obviously faulty. It should have been clear to them that we started to play HA with UE and/or M6.
With the current attempt, they also proved (once again), that they don’t listen to the community. Or don’t want to, I don’t know.
It isn’t even an honest attempt to fix the MD issue. It’s more like “Oh, your windows are broken, and it’s getting cold inside during winter? Well, let’s try to break the walls as well, that should fix it. Now you have more different ways to freeze. Aren’t you thankful?”
“Hey dmkt, I’m posting on this topic to let you and others in here know that we’re reading feedback on these forums and other channels where our community is active. At this time, we have no comments to make. However, please keep sharing your experiences and constructive feedback on all things relevant to the PTR; this assists us in understanding your point-of-view greatly.” - CM Hooley
DH was amazing for exactly 2 seasons in the last 5 years. Thanks for killing it.
My only guess is that we were the easiest to hit with the Nerf bat to achieve that GR130 @ 5k “balance” number that was tossed around, even though we were last to get a set that was able to perform at much higher tiers.
OH, but then there was Necro which also just got a new set recently, that is pretty near OP…and they got buffed old set and new items instead.
If you’re gonna call out “but x class got” at least know what they got - which was literally shafted, with their meta set destroyed in a “redesign” that was as much about promoting “themes” and “gameplay options” as DH fix was about MD.